MediaWiki:Vector.css: Difference between revisions

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Setting sans serif
(updating and improving documentation)
(Setting sans serif)
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/* Normal, extant, unvisited links */
/* Normal, extant, unvisited links */
A     { color: #002D72 }
A { color: #002D72 }

/* Unvisited non-extant links */
/* Unvisited non-extant links */
Line 21: Line 21:

/* Unvisited menu tabs */
/* Unvisited menu tabs */
DIV.vectorTabs LI A                     { color: #002D72 }
DIV.vectorTabs LI A { color: #002D72 }
Attempting a font stack.
Normal sans serif: Roboto 2014 preferred (but has a name collission with Roboto 2011).  Most edge cuts should be horizontal, thus Helvetica-style typefaces are preferred to vertical cut like Segoe, Frutiger, DejaVu Sans, or Open Sans.
We probably want to install an @font-face for Roboto 2014.
/* This seems to be where the default sans serif is specified, and vector, left to its own devices, will go with just whatever the user's default is */
BODY { font-family: Roboto, Univers, "Helvetica Std", HelveticaStd, Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", NimbusSansL, "Nimbus Sans", NimbusSans, "Helvetica Neue", HelveticaNeue, "Helvetica Neue Std", HelveticaNeueStd, Arial, "Liberation Sans", LiberationSans, Arimo, Lato, sans-serif }

Navigation menu