MediaWiki:Vector.css: Difference between revisions

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updating and improving documentation
(Applying to menus and tabs)
(updating and improving documentation)
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Changing link colors by brute force (in browsers more recent than MSIE 6)
Changing link colors to match site branding standards circa April 2017

Unvisited extant: #002D72 (288C, LPTexas specification for dark blue, as the LNC doesn't presently have a specified dark blue; also used on main page)
Unvisited extant: #002D72 (288C, LPTexas specification for dark blue, as the LNC doesn't presently have a specified dark blue; also used on main page)
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/* Normal, extant, unvisited links */
A    { color: #002D72 }

A    { color: #002D72 }
/* Unvisited non-extant links */ { color: #97272C } { color: #97272C }
/* Unvisited Menu items */
DIV#mw-panel DIV.portal DIV.body UL LI A { color: #002D72 }
DIV#mw-panel DIV.portal DIV.body UL LI A { color: #002D72 }
/* Unvisited menu tabs */
DIV.vectorTabs LI A                      { color: #002D72 }
DIV.vectorTabs LI A                      { color: #002D72 }

Navigation menu