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{{Infobox State
| party_name    = Libertarian Party of New York  
|name = Libertarian Party of New York  
| party_logo    = [[Image:LPNY liberty.gif]] 
|logo = LPNY-logo-2021.png
| chairperson = [[Mark E. Glogowski]]  
|logo-size = 300px
| vicechair = [[Brian Waddell]]<br>[[Jim Rosenbeck]]  
|state = New York
| treasurer = [[Michael Dowden]]  
|founded = April 22, 1972
| secretary = [[Blay Tarnoff]]  
|chartered =
| executive_director = NA
|region = [[LNC Region 6|6]]  
| region = [[LNC Region 5|5 - North]]  
|chair = [[Duane Whitmer]]
| foundation    = 1971
|vice-chair = [[Daniel Castello]]
| address   = P.O. Box 728<br>Bellport, NY 11713
|secretary = [[Andrew Kolstee]]
| website =
|treasurer = [[Chance Haywood]]
|bylaws = {{MediaNewTab|LPNY RULES 2024-01-22.pdf|Adopted 1/11/2024}}
|platform = [[Document:New York State Party Platform 2019|Adopted 8/25/19]]
|phone = (866) 336-3120
|address = P.O. Box 13402<br/>Albany, NY 12212
|website =
|facebook =
|twitter =
|meetup =
The '''Libertarian Party of New York''' was one of the first Libertarian parties to organize and run candidates in the US. It was originally named the "[[Free Libertarian Party]]" to prevent confusion with New York's Liberal Party. Its first state chair was [[Ed Clark]].
The '''Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY)''' is an affiliate of the National Libertarian Party. The LPNY was one of the first state parties to organize and run candidates in the United States. It was originally known as the [[Free Libertarian Party]] (FLP) to prevent confusion with New York's Liberal Party and it was incorporated as a corporation under the name Free Libertarian Party, Inc. [[Ed Clark]] was the temporary chair, who led the the organization of the state affiliate and on April 1, 1973, during the first convention, [[Andrea Millen Rich]] was elected first chair. In 2018, [[Larry Sharpe]] received over 50,000 votes in his run for Governor, which secured automatic ballot access for the party in New York for the first time in its history.

You can now register to vote as a member of the Libertarian Party in New York. [ About enrolling as a Libertarian in NY]
{{main|History of the Libertarian Party of New York}}
The [[Libertarian Party of New York]] (LPNY) was founded in 1972, initially known as the "Free Libertarian Party." The party's early years were marked by the formation of local clubs and the organization of the first state conventions, where key figures like Ed Clark and Jerome Klasman played pivotal roles in establishing the party's structure and leadership. The party also made its first attempts at fielding candidates for public office, although these early campaigns faced significant challenges, such as difficulties in gathering enough petition signatures to get on the ballot.
The LPNY held its founding convention in March 1973, a significant event that drew around 95 attendees. This convention was notable for its adoption of bylaws and the election of state officers, including Andrea Millen as Chair. The party also selected candidates for various local offices in New York City for the 1973 elections. Despite the enthusiasm and energy at the convention, the party decided not to adopt a formal state platform at that time, reflecting the diverse views within its membership.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the LPNY continued to grow and evolve, with various leadership changes and internal disputes. The party became more organized, establishing a platform committee in the early 1980s and adopting a formal platform in 1983. During this period, the party also engaged in legal battles, such as a lawsuit against the Post Office, and focused on building its base rather than expending resources on statewide campaigns. Leadership during these years included figures like Carl Hastings, Thomas Frederick, and Gary Greenberg.
The 1990s and early 2000s saw the LPNY continuing its efforts to establish itself as a significant political force in New York. Notable events include Howard Stern's brief run for governor in 1994 and the party's increased efforts in organizing statewide campaigns. The party also focused on internal development, with frequent leadership changes and the establishment of new county chapters. The late 1990s and early 2000s were marked by efforts to expand the party's influence and membership across the state.

To find out about local meetings near you in NY, please see the [ LPNY Chapter Meetings page]
In more recent years, the LPNY has achieved significant milestones, such as gaining major party status after Larry Sharpe's 2018 gubernatorial campaign, which secured over 95,000 votes. This achievement led to the creation of new party rules and a restructuring of the party's leadership and organizational structure. The LPNY has continued to grow, with the formation of numerous Interim County Organizations and the election of several Libertarians to public office. The party's leadership has also continued to evolve, with new officers elected in 2020 and 2021, reflecting the ongoing efforts to strengthen the party's presence and impact in New York politics.

The Libertarian Party holds an [ annual convention], where its five officers and five At-Large board members are elected. Those 10 people, the immediate past chair (if any), plus one representative from each recognized affiliate, comprise the [ LPNY State Committee]. The LPNY State Committee conducts business on the [ lpny_committee mailing list], which every LPNY member is encouraged to join (read-only for non-committee members).
{{main|Organization of the Libertarian Party of New York}}
For the first 45 years of its history, the Libertarian Party of New York held an annual convention to elect five officers (Chair, two Vice Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer) and give At-Large members. These ten members, along with the Immediate Past Chair (if any), plus one representative from each recognized local affiliate, comprised the State Committee]. Business was conducted in quarterly meetings until the early 2000s, when monthly teleconferences became the norm. In years past, the State Committee conducted business through mail ballots, until the advent of the internet. In 1999, business started to be conducted online at Yahoo Groups, which was active for business until the Free Libertarian Party, Inc. corporation was voted to dissolve in November 2019.

The party was led by an Interim State Committee (ISC), which was formed in February 2019 and acknowledged as the successor to the corporation in May 2019. The ISC is made up of 21 appointed members, which are set to serve until the elected State Committee convenes on September 26, 2020.
The Libertarian Party of New York was established in 1971 as the Free Libertarian Party. In [[1973]], it ran a slate of candidates in the New York City municipal elections including [[Fran Youngstein]] for mayor and [[Gary Greenburg]] for Manhattan district attorney. The LPNY has run statewide candidates regularly since [[1974]] when its candidate for governor was [[Jerome Tuccille]].

The 1998 State Convention was held in Poughkeepsie, where Christopher Garvey and Donald Silberger were nominated to head the governor / lt. governor's ticket. Conti and Goodman also ran for statewide offices. Bill McMillen and Ambassador Alan Keyes are candidates for U.S. Senate, and McMillen is given the nomination. Among the noted speakers at the convention included Sharon Harris, Michael Cloud, John Cushman, Ron Crickenberger, and Muni Savynon. Jim Harris was voted as the new state chair.
{{main|Leadership of the Libertarian Party of New York}}

In July 1998, delegates from New York attended the national convention in Washington, D.C. David Bergland served as chair and Muni Savyon as Regional Representative. In August 1998, the LPNY handed over 27,862 signatures in Albany to get the statewide candidates on the ballot.
The current leadership of the LPNY consists of the Executive Committee as follows.

In 2015, there began a rapid growth of forming new county chapters.
*[[Duane Whitmer]], Chair (since September 21, 2024)
*[[Daniel Castello]], Vice-Chair (since September 21, 2024)
*[[Andrew Kolstee]], Secretary (since September 21, 2024)
*[[Chance Haywood]], Treasurer (since September 21, 2024)
*[[Christopher Skelly]], Communications Director (since September 21, 2024)
*[[Mark Axinn]], Fundraising Director (since September 21, 2024)
*[[Justin Carman]], IT Director (since September 21, 2024)
*[[Rich Purtell]], Legislative Affairs Director (since 2022)
*[[Pietro Geraci]], Outreach Director (since September 21, 2024)
*[[Paul Grindle]], Political Director (since September 21, 2024)
*[[Catrina Rocco]], Volunteer Director (since September 21, 2024)

*[[Mark E. Glogowski]], Chair
{{Main|List of Libertarian Party of New York State Conventions}}
*[[Jim Rosenbeck]], Vice Chair
*[[Brian Waddell]], Vice Chair
*[[Blay Tarnoff]], Secretary
*[[Michael Dowden]], Treasurer
*[[Christian Padgett]], At-Large Committee Member
*[[Mark Potwora]], At-Large Committee Member
*[[Christopher Edes]], At-Large Committee Member
*[[Michael McDermott]], At-Large Committee Member
*[[Aaron Commey]], At-Large Committee Member

===Appointed positions===
The Libertarian Party of New York State has held a convention every year since its founding in 1973. Typically, the host chapter would cover the costs and keep the proceeds as a fundraiser. The State Committee would choose the location. In gubernatorial years, conventions are typically held in Albany while in Presidential years, conventions are typically held in New York City. In 2018, the party won ballot access. The structure of the committee had to change, in which the business of the convention actually occurs at an organization meeting of the State Committee, which is to be held according to New York State Election Law.
*[[Christopher Edes]], Webmaster (August 2, 2009)
*[[Brian Waddell]], Political Director (February 12, 2017)
*[[M Carling]], Parliamentarian
*[[Gregg Fort]], Finance Director (February 12, 2017)

===Ballot Access===
*Chapter Development Committee (April 25, 2015)
:*[[Phil Ricci]], Chair (April 25, 2015—August 2015)
:*[[Jim Rosenbeck]], Chair (August 2015—present)
*Elections Campaign Committee (May 3, 2015)
:*[[Brian Waddell]], Chair (May 3, 2015—January 10, 2016)
:*[[Chris Padgett]], Chair (January 10, 2016—present)
*Communications Committee (December 4, 2016)
:*[[Andrew Martin Kolstee]], Chair (December 4, 2016—present)
*IT Committee (December 4, 2016)
:*[[Christopher Edes]], Chair (December 4, 2016—present)
*Budget Committee (February 12, 2017)
:*[[Jim Harris]], Chair (February 12, 2017—present)
*Strategic Planning Committee (February 12, 2017)
:*[[Andrew Martin Kolstee]], Chair (February 12, 2017—present)
*Fundraising Committee (February 12, 2017)
:*[[Gregg Fort]], Chair (February 12, 2017—present)

==Former appointed positions and committees==
The Party won ballot access in 2018 through the gubernatorial campaign of [[Larry Sharpe]], after which the legislature raised the requirements.  Several legal challenges were mounted which failed, and the {{MediaNewTab|NY Email 2023-10-17 Ballot-Access.pdf|US Supreme Court declined to hear the case}}.
See also: [[Libertarian Party of New York State Committee]]

===Former appointed positions===
==Addresses and Phone Numbers==
;Political Director
*1974: 15 West 38th Street, Room 201, New York, New York, 10018, (212)354-0292.
:*[[Gary Donoyan]] (April 2005)
*Bellport, New York
:*[[Warren Redlich]] (July 2005)
*c 2010: Bellport, New York
:*[[John Clifton]] (January 4, 2010—May 15, 2016)
*2015—2018: P.O. Box 98, Hamlin, NY 14464
*2018—2019: Batavia, New York
*2019—present: P.O. Box 13402, Albany, New York

;Newsletter Editor
==Logos and Images==
*Fran Poretto
*Fred Cookinham
LOGO 1974 Free-Libertarian Party.png|1974
*Rick Wolff
Button Free-Libertarian-Party.png|1970s
*Robert Goodman
Button Declare-Your-Independence.png
*Jeffrey Russell (June 1998—August 1998)
*Jeff Doty (September 1999—January 2002)
*Al Dedicke (March 2002—January 2003)
*Paul Hendricks (March 2003)
*[[Gary Triestman]] (April 2005—December 2006))

;Other positions
*[[Thomas Ruks]], Membership Committee Chair (January 2004)
;Governing Documents
*[[Tom Stevens]], College Outreach Coordinator (January 2004—August 2005)
* [[Index of New York Libertarian Party Bylaws]]
*[[Bonnie Scott]], Operations Director (January 2004)
* [[Index of New York Libertarian Party Platforms]]
*[[Blay Tarnoff]], Telecommunications Officer (August 2004—April 2007)
* [[Index of New York Libertarian Party Special Rules of Order and Standing Rules]]
*[[Bonnie Scott]], Webmaster (August 2004—April 25, 2009)
*[[Andrew Gardner]], College Outreach Coordinator (June 2005—January 2006)
*[[Gary Triestman]], Telecommunications Officer (June 2011—May 15, 2016)
*[[Audrey Capozzi]], Correspondence Secretary (June 2011—November 2014)
*[[Janet Hopf]], Media Director (October 2, 2011)

===Former committees===
*Statewide Candidate Search Committee
*[[Free Libertarian Party News]]
:*[[Werner Hetzner]], Chair (April 2005—January 2006)
*[[The Free Press of New York]]
*Membership Structure and Mailing Committee (August 27, 2005)
*[[Free New York]]
:*[[M Carling]],  Chair (August 27, 2005—April 2007)
*Eminent Domain Rally Organizing Committee Chair (November 19, 2005)
:*[[John Clifton]], Chair (November 19, 2005—April 2006)
*Convention Planning Committee (January 28, 2006)
:*[[Werner Hetzner]], Chair (January 28, 2006—April 2006)
*Outsourcing Agreement Committee Chair (January 28, 2006)
:*[[M Carling]], Chair (January 28, 2006—April 2007)
*Election Campaign Committee
:*[[Eric Sundwall]] (March 2009)
*Budget and Strategic Planning Committee (April 25, 2015)
:*[[Kevin Wilson]], Chair (April 25, 2015)
:*[[Jim Harris]], Chair (before September 11, 2016—February 12, 2017)
*Communications and Media Committee (June 7, 2015—December 4, 2016)
:*[[Phil Ricci]], Chair (June 7, 2015—January 10, 2016)
:*[[Christopher Edes]], Chair (January 10, 2016—December 4, 2016)

== National Convention Delegates ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! #
! Year
! Date
! City
! Venue
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2017|45th]]
|April 29
|Syracuse, New York
|Genesee Grand Hotel
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2016|44th]]
|April 30
|Manhattan, New York
|Ukrainian East Village Restaurant
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2015|43rd]]
|April 25
|Rochester, New York
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2014|42nd]]
|April 26
|Albany, New York
|Western Albany Airport Inn
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2013|41st]]
|April 27
|Rhinecliff, New York
|Rhinecliff Hotel
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2011|39th]]
|April 30
|Babylon, New York
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2010|38th]]
|April 24
|Albany, New York
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2009|37th]]
|April 25
|Rochester, New York
|Holiday Inn Airport
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2008|36th]]
|April 26
|Queens, New York
|The Reception House
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2007|35th]]
|April 28
|Holtsville, New York
|Radisson Hotel
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2006|34th]]
|April 29
|Albany, New York
|Best Western Albany Airport Inn
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2005|33rd]]
|April 23
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2004|32nd]]
|April 24
|Manhattan, New York
|Holiday Inn Martinique
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2002|30th]]
|April 12—14
|Rochester, New York
|Sheraton Four Points Hotel
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2001|29th]]
|April 28
|Manhattan, New York
|Holiday Inn-Midtown
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 2000|28th]]
|April 29
|Yonkers, New York
|Royal Regency Hotel
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 1998|26th]]
|March 14—15
|Poughkeepsie, New York
|Sheraton Civic Center Hotel
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 1994|22nd]]
|April 23
|Albany, New York
|Italian-American Community Center
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 1992|20th]]
|May 9
|White Plains, New York
|[[Libertarian Party of New York State Convention, 1982|10th]]
|May 1—2
|Binghamton, New York
|Holiday Inn Arena

===Special conventions===
* [[New York Delegation to 2022 National Convention]]
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! #
! Year
! Date
! City
! Venue
|Binghamton, New York
|Utica, New York
|Batavia, New York

''See: [[Libertarian Party of New York Historical Election Results]]''
''See: [[Libertarian Party of New York Historical Election Results]]''

==Party Registration==
==Size and Influence==
Voter registration statistics as reported by Ballot Access News.
{{Main|Size and Influence of the Libertarian Party of New York}}

{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
{{Main|List of Affiliates of the Libertarian Party of New York}}
! Year
In the beginning of its history, the Free Libertarian Party made provisions in its bylaws to form local/regional Libertarian clubs.
! Registered <br> Voters
| 2016
| align="right" |7,128
| 2015
| 2014
| align="right" |5,376
| 2013
| 2012
| align="right" |3,874
| 2011
| 2010
| align="right" |2,680
| 2009
| 2008
| align="right" |1,545
| 2007
| 2006
| align="right" |1,061
| 2005
| 2004
| align="right" |362
| 2003
| 2002
| 2001
| 2000
| 1999
| 1998
| 1997
| 1996
| 1995
| 1994
| 1993
| 1992
| 1991
| 1990
| 1989
| 1988
| 1987
| 1986
| 1985
| 1984
| 1983
| 1982
| 1981
| 1980

==Local chapters==
The Libertarian Party of New York currently has 29 local affiliates.
The Libertarian Party of New York contains 17 local chapters:
*[[Brooklyn Libertarian Party]] (May 17, 2009)
*[[Capital Region Libertarian Party]]
*[[Chautauqua County Libertarian Party]] (October 3, 2015)
*[[Erie County Libertarian Party]] (July 2015)
*[[Genesee County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Greater Rochester Libertarian Party]] (April 1, 2007)
*[[Hudson Valley Libertarian Party]]
*[[Livingston County Libertarian Party]] (2016)
*[[Manhattan Libertarian Party]]
*[[Nassau County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Niagara County Libertarian Party]] (August 2016)
*[[Onondaga County Libertarian Party]] (2016)
*[[Otsego County Libertarian Party]] (October 2016)
*[[Libertarian Party of Queens County]] (April 2, 2017)
*[[Staten Island Libertarian Party]]
*[[Suffolk County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Warren County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Westchester County Libertarian Party]] (2017)

{{:List of Affiliates of the Libertarian Party of New York}}
*[[Broome County Libertarian Party]] (c 1980—fl. 1985)
*[[Brooklyn-Queens Libertarian Party]] (February 4, 2007—?)
*[[Chemung County Libertarian Party]] (fl. 1989)
*[[Clinton County Libertarian Party]] (fl. 2005)
*[[Cortland County Libertarian Party]] (fl. 1982)
*[[Erie-Niagara Libertarian Party]] (December 2, 1999—?)
*[[Genesee Region Libertarian Party]] (fl. 1982—1994)
*[[Ithaca Libertarians]] (February 18, 2005—November 9, 2014)
*[[Mid Hudson Libertarian Club]] (established in September 1972; 1974)
*[[Monroe County Libertarian Party]] (fl. 2000)
*[[North County Libertarians]] (fl. 2005)
*[[Queens County Libertarian Party]] (founded in 1994, later decharted and merged with Brooklyn; decharted and reformed, decharted again in 2016)
*[[Rochester Libertarian Party]] (fl. 1984)
*[[Saratoga Libertarian Party]] (decharted 2016)
*[[Tompkins County Libertarian Party]] (fl. 1992–1994)
*[[Westchester-Putnam Libertarian Party]] (fl. 1981—1986)

<references />

==External Links==
==External Links==
*[ Official Libertarian Party of New York website]
*[ Official Libertarian Party of New York website]

{{New York}}
{{New York}}
{{United States}}
{{United States}}
{{Freshness | date=2012-06-29 | trust_this_date=N}}
[[Category:New York]]

Latest revision as of 17:40, 22 September 2024

The Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY) is an affiliate of the National Libertarian Party. The LPNY was one of the first state parties to organize and run candidates in the United States. It was originally known as the Free Libertarian Party (FLP) to prevent confusion with New York's Liberal Party and it was incorporated as a corporation under the name Free Libertarian Party, Inc. Ed Clark was the temporary chair, who led the the organization of the state affiliate and on April 1, 1973, during the first convention, Andrea Millen Rich was elected first chair. In 2018, Larry Sharpe received over 50,000 votes in his run for Governor, which secured automatic ballot access for the party in New York for the first time in its history.

Libertarian Party of New York
General Information
Founded: April 22, 1972
Region: 6
Chair: Duane Whitmer
Vice-Chair: Daniel Castello
Secretary: Andrew Kolstee
Treasurer: Chance Haywood
Governing Documents
Bylaws: Adopted 1/11/2024 (info)
Platform: Adopted 8/25/19
Phone: (866) 336-3120
Address: P.O. Box 13402
Albany, NY 12212
Website: Website
Social Media
Facebook: Facebook


The Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY) was founded in 1972, initially known as the "Free Libertarian Party." The party's early years were marked by the formation of local clubs and the organization of the first state conventions, where key figures like Ed Clark and Jerome Klasman played pivotal roles in establishing the party's structure and leadership. The party also made its first attempts at fielding candidates for public office, although these early campaigns faced significant challenges, such as difficulties in gathering enough petition signatures to get on the ballot.

The LPNY held its founding convention in March 1973, a significant event that drew around 95 attendees. This convention was notable for its adoption of bylaws and the election of state officers, including Andrea Millen as Chair. The party also selected candidates for various local offices in New York City for the 1973 elections. Despite the enthusiasm and energy at the convention, the party decided not to adopt a formal state platform at that time, reflecting the diverse views within its membership.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the LPNY continued to grow and evolve, with various leadership changes and internal disputes. The party became more organized, establishing a platform committee in the early 1980s and adopting a formal platform in 1983. During this period, the party also engaged in legal battles, such as a lawsuit against the Post Office, and focused on building its base rather than expending resources on statewide campaigns. Leadership during these years included figures like Carl Hastings, Thomas Frederick, and Gary Greenberg.

The 1990s and early 2000s saw the LPNY continuing its efforts to establish itself as a significant political force in New York. Notable events include Howard Stern's brief run for governor in 1994 and the party's increased efforts in organizing statewide campaigns. The party also focused on internal development, with frequent leadership changes and the establishment of new county chapters. The late 1990s and early 2000s were marked by efforts to expand the party's influence and membership across the state.

In more recent years, the LPNY has achieved significant milestones, such as gaining major party status after Larry Sharpe's 2018 gubernatorial campaign, which secured over 95,000 votes. This achievement led to the creation of new party rules and a restructuring of the party's leadership and organizational structure. The LPNY has continued to grow, with the formation of numerous Interim County Organizations and the election of several Libertarians to public office. The party's leadership has also continued to evolve, with new officers elected in 2020 and 2021, reflecting the ongoing efforts to strengthen the party's presence and impact in New York politics.


For the first 45 years of its history, the Libertarian Party of New York held an annual convention to elect five officers (Chair, two Vice Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer) and give At-Large members. These ten members, along with the Immediate Past Chair (if any), plus one representative from each recognized local affiliate, comprised the State Committee]. Business was conducted in quarterly meetings until the early 2000s, when monthly teleconferences became the norm. In years past, the State Committee conducted business through mail ballots, until the advent of the internet. In 1999, business started to be conducted online at Yahoo Groups, which was active for business until the Free Libertarian Party, Inc. corporation was voted to dissolve in November 2019.

The party was led by an Interim State Committee (ISC), which was formed in February 2019 and acknowledged as the successor to the corporation in May 2019. The ISC is made up of 21 appointed members, which are set to serve until the elected State Committee convenes on September 26, 2020.


The current leadership of the LPNY consists of the Executive Committee as follows.


The Libertarian Party of New York State has held a convention every year since its founding in 1973. Typically, the host chapter would cover the costs and keep the proceeds as a fundraiser. The State Committee would choose the location. In gubernatorial years, conventions are typically held in Albany while in Presidential years, conventions are typically held in New York City. In 2018, the party won ballot access. The structure of the committee had to change, in which the business of the convention actually occurs at an organization meeting of the State Committee, which is to be held according to New York State Election Law.

Ballot Access

The Party won ballot access in 2018 through the gubernatorial campaign of Larry Sharpe, after which the legislature raised the requirements. Several legal challenges were mounted which failed, and the US Supreme Court declined to hear the case (info) .

Addresses and Phone Numbers

  • 1974: 15 West 38th Street, Room 201, New York, New York, 10018, (212)354-0292.
  • Bellport, New York
  • c 2010: Bellport, New York
  • 2015—2018: P.O. Box 98, Hamlin, NY 14464
  • 2018—2019: Batavia, New York
  • 2019—present: P.O. Box 13402, Albany, New York

Logos and Images


Governing Documents

National Convention Delegates


See: Libertarian Party of New York Historical Election Results

Size and Influence


In the beginning of its history, the Free Libertarian Party made provisions in its bylaws to form local/regional Libertarian clubs.

The Libertarian Party of New York currently has 29 local affiliates.

Affiliate Established Current Chair Notes
Brooklyn Libertarian Party May 17, 2009 Christopher Skelly Previous: October 16, 1999—June 23, 2001
Chautauqua County Libertarian Party October 4, 2015 Len Morlock
Chemung County Libertarian Party October 10, 2019 Craig Colwell
Columbia County Libertarian Party December 4, 2019 Scott Hoskins
Dutchess County Libertarian Party March 14, 2021 Catrina Rocco
Erie County Libertarian Party September 13, 2015 Duane Whitmer
Madison County Libertarian Party January 11, 2020 Mark Braiman
Manhattan Libertarian Party August 31, 2000 Chance Haywood
Monroe County Libertarian Party April 1, 2007 Steve Becker Previous: April 29, 2000—May 7, 2006
Nassau County Libertarian Party Before 1999 Blay Tarnoff
Jonathan Gunther
Previously existed in the 1970s as Nassau Libertarian Club
Onondaga County Libertarian Party April 30, 2016 Rachel Becker
Orange County Libertarian Party July 21, 2019 Juan Ayala
Libertarian Party of Queens County April 2, 2017 John Clifton Previous: ?—November 3, 2006
Putnam County Libertarian Party March 27, 2021 Bill O'Connell
Saratoga County Libertarian Committee June 16, 2019 Previous interation: December 7, 2014—2016
Schoharie County Libertarian Party July 28, 2018 Lora Newell
Staten Island Libertarian Party April 4, 2010 Susan Overeem-Cummings
Suffolk County Libertarian Party Before 1999 George Ostrowski
Tioga County Libertarian Party May 9, 2017 Sara Price
Ulster County Libertarian Party July 21, 2019 Sam Kniffen
Wayne County Libertarian Party November 8, 2019 Jim Dayton
Yates County Libertarian Party October 3, 2021 Jeff Bradley

Acting County Chairs/County Liaisons

County Acting County Chair Appointed County Liaison Appointed Notes
Albany County Libertarian Party Vacant Justin Carman December 4, 2023
Allegany County Libertarian Party Jame VanDewalker July 1, 2023 Jame VanDewalker July 1, 2023
Chenango County Libertarian Party Vacant Thomas Quiter July 1, 2023
Clinton County Libertarian Party Vacant Zachary Remian July 1, 2023
Lewis County Libertarian Party Christopher Lyndaker July 1, 2023 Vacant
Niagara County Libertarian Party Adam Magoon December 4, 2023 Adam Magoon December 4, 2023
Rensselaer County Libertarian Party Jennifer O'Connor July 1, 2023 Jennifer O'Connor July 1, 2023
Washington County Libertarian Party Brian Wells July 1, 2023 Brian Wells July 1, 2023
Westchester County Libertarian Party Rajib Maitra July 1, 2023 Rajib Maitra July 1, 2023


External Links

Libertarian Party of New York
Affiliates: ChautauquaChemungColumbiaDutchessErieKings (Brooklyn)MadisonMonroeNassauNew York (Manhattan)OneidaOnondagaOrangeQueensPutnamRichmond (Staten Island)SaratogaSchoharieSuffolkTiogaUlsterWayneYates
Unorganized Affiliates: AlbanyAlleganyBronxBroomeCattaraugusCayugaChenangoClintonCortlandDelawareEssexFranklinFultonGeneseeGreeneHamiltonHerkimerLewisLivingstonMontgomeryJeffersonNiagaraOntarioOrleansOtsegoRensselaerRocklandSt. LawrenceSchenectadySteubenSullivanWarrenWashingtonWestchesterWyoming
Former Affiliates: Active: Capital DistrictHudson ValleyDefunct: Brooklyn-QueensBuffaloCentral New YorkErie-NiagaraGenesee RegionIthacaMid HudsonNew York CityNorth County LibertariansSouthern TierWestchester-PutnamWestern New York
Conventions: 1973197419751976197719781979198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202022 Nominating20222024 Nominating2024
Candidates: By year (196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025) • U.S. HouseState Assembly
State Committees: 1972-731973-741974-751975-761976-771977-781978-791979-801980-811981-821982-831983-841984-851985-861986-871987-881988-891989-901990-911991-921992-931993-941994-951995-961996-971997-981998-991999-20002000-012001-022002-032003-042004-052005-062006-072007-082008-092009-102010-112011-122012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-19Transition (2019)Interim State Committee (2019-20)2019-202020-222022-242024-26
Committees: CommunicationsDelegate SelectionFundraisingITLegislative AffairsLocal Affiliate DevelopmentPetitioningPlatformRules
Former Committees: Clipping ServiceConventionElection Law & ProceduresHistoricalJudiciaryLibrarianMedia RelationsMembershipOperations & ActivitiesOrganizational StructureParty CommunicationsPublicity & Editorial ReplySpeake's BureauStrategic PlanningVacancyVettingVolunteer
Documents: BylawsEmailsMeetingsFinancial ReportsNewslettersPlatformsPress Releases
Indexes/Categories: CampaignsCourt cases
Local Conventions: 2014201520162017201820192020-212022-232024-25
National Delegations: 197419761981198720162018202020222024
Electors: 1976198019841988199219962000200420082012201620202024
Positions: ChairsVice-ChairsSecretariesTreasurersCommunications DirectorsFundraising DirectorsIT DirectorsLegislative Affairs DirectorsOutreach DirectorsPolitical DirectorsVolunteer Directors
Other: Libertarian Advocates of New YorkLocal ChairsSize and Influence • State Committee Elections: 202020222024Organization

State Organizations of the National Libertarian Party
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Guam | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming