National Convention 2022: Difference between revisions

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Business resumed Saturday at about 9:05am, with [[Ken Moellman]] chairing as [[Whitney Bilyeu]] was indisposed.
Business resumed Saturday at about 9:05am, with [[Ken Moellman]] chairing as [[Whitney Bilyeu]] was indisposed.

[[Angela McArdle]], [[Steve Dasbach]], and [[Tony D'Orazio]] were nominated for Chair.
[[Angela McArdle]], [[Steve Dasbach]], and [[Tony D'Orazio]] were nominated for Chair.<ref>[[Angela McArdle]] submitted a {{MediaNewTab|LP National Strategic Plan-2022.pdf|Strategic Vision for her Chair run}}

Updated credential counts of 1129 total delegates and alternates registered, with 1005 eligible votes, were announced at about 9:30am.
Updated credential counts of 1129 total delegates and alternates registered, with 1005 eligible votes, were announced at about 9:30am.

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