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[ '''<big>VIEW ENTIRE ISSUE</big>''']
[ '''<big>VIEW ENTIRE ISSUE</big>''']

Formula for success: “a member a month”
=Formula for success: “a member a month”=

Encouraging as our progress to date has been, there are some cold, hard facts we must face.  And primary among these is that if the Libertarian Party is to become a factor to be reckoned with in American politics, we must multiply our strength by approximately 100 in the next seven months.
Encouraging as our progress to date has been, there are some cold, hard facts we must face.  And primary among these is that if the Libertarian Party is to become a factor to be reckoned with in American politics, we must multiply our strength by approximately 100 in the next seven months.
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Some of you may feel that we at National HQ are becoming “pushy.”  Perhaps so, and if this offends you, we apologize, for no offense is intended.  But the future success of this party depends on you.  We hope you will accept this responsibility as a challenge and an opportunity.
Some of you may feel that we at National HQ are becoming “pushy.”  Perhaps so, and if this offends you, we apologize, for no offense is intended.  But the future success of this party depends on you.  We hope you will accept this responsibility as a challenge and an opportunity.


Despite carping comments from a few libertarians of the “neutralizer” and “too pure to participate” schools, the Libertarian Party has continued to move steadily forward during the last 30 days.  Total party membership, in national and state organizations, is now over 300 — which makes us (in terms of active, dues-paying members) the fourth-largest of the numerous “movement” organizations which have sprung up in the last five years.
Despite carping comments from a few libertarians of the “neutralizer” and “too pure to participate” schools, the Libertarian Party has continued to move steadily forward during the last 30 days.  Total party membership, in national and state organizations, is now over 300 — which makes us (in terms of active, dues-paying members) the fourth-largest of the numerous “movement” organizations which have sprung up in the last five years.
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Many others have also done an outstanding job, but space limitations prevent a complete listing.  So, to all of you who have done so much, many thanks — and keep up the good work.
Many others have also done an outstanding job, but space limitations prevent a complete listing.  So, to all of you who have done so much, many thanks — and keep up the good work.

“They say the best things in life are free; Well, you can give them to the birds and the bees; I need money, that’s what I want.” — Barrett Strong
''“They say the best things in life are free; Well, you can give them to the birds and the bees; I need money, that’s what I want.” — Barrett Strong''

It has been observed that an army travels on its stomach; in the same sense, it can be said that a political organization travels on its wallet.  And, at the moment, our wallet would be good for a trip around the block.
It has been observed that an army travels on its stomach; in the same sense, it can be said that a political organization travels on its wallet.  And, at the moment, our wallet would be good for a trip around the block.
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We hope that all of you will try to contact wealthy people of libertarian inclination, and get them to agree to underwrite all or part of the following funds; if you can’t get a substantial amount from any one individual, try a group.
We hope that all of you will try to contact wealthy people of libertarian inclination, and get them to agree to underwrite all or part of the following funds; if you can’t get a substantial amount from any one individual, try a group.

CONVENTION FUND.  $1,000 to cover some of the costs of our June get-together.  The more we raise, the lower we can keep the cost to participants — and the more people who will therefore be able to attend.
<u>CONVENTION FUND.</u> $1,000 to cover some of the costs of our June get-together.  The more we raise, the lower we can keep the cost to participants — and the more people who will therefore be able to attend.

OFFICE EXPENSES.  $2,500 to pay for a real, fully-equipped office (including the huge phone bills that are inevitable) for five months, early June thru early November.
<u>OFFICE EXPENSES.</u> $2,500 to pay for a real, fully-equipped office (including the huge phone bills that are inevitable) for five months, early June thru early November.

SALARIES.  $5,000 to pay two people to work full-time for that same five-month period.  Volunteers can do a lot, but two full-timers is a must.
<u>SALARIES.</u> $5,000 to pay two people to work full-time for that same five-month period.  Volunteers can do a lot, but two full-timers is a must.

TRAVEL EXPENSES.  $5,000 to send our candidate and/or other spokesmen around the country, spreading the good word.
<u>TRAVEL EXPENSES.</u> $5,000 to send our candidate and/or other spokesmen around the country, spreading the good word.

ADVERTISING.  $10,000 to pay for a few ads in large-circulation publications.  Once we get the first few placed, our advertising should be self-sustaining —  i.e. the ads will bring in enough new members and contributions to pay for more ads.  But we have to have “seed money” to get started.
<u>ADVERTISING.</u> $10,000 to pay for a few ads in large-circulation publications.  Once we get the first few placed, our advertising should be self-sustaining —  i.e. the ads will bring in enough new members and contributions to pay for more ads.  But we have to have “seed money” to get started.

$23,500 may sound like an immense amount — but its only about 1/1,000th of the amount the major parties will be spending, and any less than that will have no effect.  So, please — wrack your brains a bit, and go hit up some potential contributors, even if all you got is $50 or $100.  We’ll report on the progress of each of these five funds, in future issues.
$23,500 may sound like an immense amount — but its only about 1/1,000th of the amount the major parties will be spending, and any less than that will have no effect.  So, please — wrack your brains a bit, and go hit up some potential contributors, even if all you got is $50 or $100.  We’ll report on the progress of each of these five funds, in future issues.


We now have State LP Chairmen in five states, rarin’ to go, with several other states on the verge of organizing.  Contact your state chairman, if you live in one of these states, for plans on activity.  And if you know someone in one of these sales who might be interested in joining the LP, send they name to the state chairman, and write to your friend tell him how he can get active in he party.
We now have State LP Chairmen in five states, rarin’ to go, with several other states on the verge of organizing.  Contact your state chairman, if you live in one of these states, for plans on activity.  And if you know someone in one of these sales who might be interested in joining the LP, send they name to the state chairman, and write to your friend tell him how he can get active in he party.
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WYOMING — [[Bruce Jones]], 168 N. 9th, Apt. #1, Laramie, Wyoming 82063
WYOMING — [[Bruce Jones]], 168 N. 9th, Apt. #1, Laramie, Wyoming 82063

1,000 by Convention Time
1,000 by Convention Time
10,000 by Election Day
10,000 by Election Day
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  The Libertarian Party Newsletter is published on the 15th of each month, by the national office of the Libertarian Party.  Items of interest to political activist in the libertarian movement are welcome.  Editor: [[David F Nolan]].
  The Libertarian Party Newsletter is published on the 15th of each month, by the national office of the Libertarian Party.  Items of interest to political activist in the libertarian movement are welcome.  Editor: [[David F Nolan]].


After only two primaries (New Hampshire and Florida), several facts are already evident.  First, and least surprising, is the fact that Dastardly Dick will have no difficulty in obtaining re-nomination as the GOP’s candidate for President.  McCloskey has already withdrawn from contention (as we predicted in our last issue), while Ashbrook has failed utterly in his attempt to challenge Nixon from the right. For better or for worse (mostly for worse), Nixon’s the one for the GOP — and the GOP can now be crossed off the list of vehicles which offer some hope for libertarians — probably forever.
After only two primaries (New Hampshire and Florida), several facts are already evident.  First, and least surprising, is the fact that Dastardly Dick will have no difficulty in obtaining re-nomination as the GOP’s candidate for President.  McCloskey has already withdrawn from contention (as we predicted in our last issue), while Ashbrook has failed utterly in his attempt to challenge Nixon from the right. For better or for worse (mostly for worse), Nixon’s the one for the GOP — and the GOP can now be crossed off the list of vehicles which offer some hope for libertarians — probably forever.
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So there you have it.  Barring a coalition of Muskie, Lindsay, and Jackson against Hubert, it seems that the coldwar liberal has the best chance… and that we face of replay of 1968.  Dick & Spiro versus Hubie and Ted; it’s sort of like “Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster.”  Does anyone now doubt that we must run  a candidate of our own, if for no other reason than to offer a stand to which wise and honest men may repair?
So there you have it.  Barring a coalition of Muskie, Lindsay, and Jackson against Hubert, it seems that the coldwar liberal has the best chance… and that we face of replay of 1968.  Dick & Spiro versus Hubie and Ted; it’s sort of like “Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster.”  Does anyone now doubt that we must run  a candidate of our own, if for no other reason than to offer a stand to which wise and honest men may repair?



[[Vivien Kellems]], the tax crusader, has asked for our help in her current project to remove the unfair tax burden (is there any other kind?) on singles and childless marrieds.  To help, she asks you to urge your Congressman to support HR 850, and your Senators to support S869.  Wilbur Mills also needs a push to get him to hold Ways and Means hearings on HR 850.
[[Vivien Kellems]], the tax crusader, has asked for our help in her current project to remove the unfair tax burden (is there any other kind?) on singles and childless marrieds.  To help, she asks you to urge your Congressman to support HR 850, and your Senators to support S869.  Wilbur Mills also needs a push to get him to hold Ways and Means hearings on HR 850.


OUTLOOK, The Libertarian Monthly (formerly The Abolitionist) began publication this month.  Regular columnists for this journal of political commentary and satire will include Rothbard, Childs, Greenberg, Hess, Tuccille, and Baker.  Subscriptions are $5/yr; $9/2  yrs; $13/3 yrs; trial 3-issue sub, $1.  Write to OUTLOOK, Box 1027, Newark, N.J. 07101.
OUTLOOK, The Libertarian Monthly (formerly The Abolitionist) began publication this month.  Regular columnists for this journal of political commentary and satire will include Rothbard, Childs, Greenberg, Hess, Tuccille, and Baker.  Subscriptions are $5/yr; $9/2  yrs; $13/3 yrs; trial 3-issue sub, $1.  Write to OUTLOOK, Box 1027, Newark, N.J. 07101.


[[Dennis Hollenbeck]] has provided us with the following info concerning Idaho’s ballot requirements: 1,500 petition signatures are required; legislation is still pending to determine the deadline.
[[Dennis Hollenbeck]] has provided us with the following info concerning Idaho’s ballot requirements: 1,500 petition signatures are required; legislation is still pending to determine the deadline.


Many of you are undoubtedly receiving appeals for support from various power seekers.  And often, these mailings contain postpaid return envelopes, for you to use in mailing bak a check. Why not use these to send the politico in question a piece of LP literature?  It just might have an effect, and, at worse,  you’ve caused the pig to waste it.
Many of you are undoubtedly receiving appeals for support from various power seekers.  And often, these mailings contain postpaid return envelopes, for you to use in mailing bak a check. Why not use these to send the politico in question a piece of LP literature?  It just might have an effect, and, at worse,  you’ve caused the pig to waste it.


The 1972 edition of the Key Influences in the American Right (us?!) contains a writeup on the Committee to Organize a Libertarian Party.  Also items on several other libertarian groups and publications, as well as many conservative groups.  Copies are available from the publisher, Polifax Press (PO Box 20067, Denver 80020) for $2.50.  Or try one of the libertarian booksellers.
The 1972 edition of the Key Influences in the American Right (us?!) contains a writeup on the Committee to Organize a Libertarian Party.  Also items on several other libertarian groups and publications, as well as many conservative groups.  Copies are available from the publisher, Polifax Press (PO Box 20067, Denver 80020) for $2.50.  Or try one of the libertarian booksellers.


The deadline for the Membership Recruiting Contest announced in January, whereby LP members can win cash prizes up to $100, has been extended one month, to May 30th.
The deadline for the Membership Recruiting Contest announced in January, whereby LP members can win cash prizes up to $100, has been extended one month, to May 30th.


[[Bill Danks]] (1645 Dole Street, Apt. 402, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822) has accepted a position as a TEC rep from Region 1.  Bill, as you may recall, was a leading figure in the [[Census Resistance]] two years ago.
[[Bill Danks]] (1645 Dole Street, Apt. 402, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822) has accepted a position as a TEC rep from Region 1.  Bill, as you may recall, was a leading figure in the [[Census Resistance]] two years ago.


Steven D. Symms, Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s 1st District.  Steve is a fruit grower in Caldwell, Idaho (home of Caxton Press), and, judging from his campaign literature, is “our kind of man.”  He believe that “Waht this country needs is to respect property and human rights (which, common sense tells us, are one and the same), and to strive for maintaing (sp?) free entry into the market for everyone.  No favorites, no free lunches, and no exceptions.”  We understand that Steve has been using our Temporary Platform as a source of position statements.  We could certainly use Steve in Congress, so if you’d like to contribute to his campaign, write to him at Rout 6, Caldwell, Idaho 83605.
Steven D. Symms, Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s 1st District.  Steve is a fruit grower in Caldwell, Idaho (home of Caxton Press), and, judging from his campaign literature, is “our kind of man.”  He believe that “Waht this country needs is to respect property and human rights (which, common sense tells us, are one and the same), and to strive for maintaing (sp?) free entry into the market for everyone.  No favorites, no free lunches, and no exceptions.”  We understand that Steve has been using our Temporary Platform as a source of position statements.  We could certainly use Steve in Congress, so if you’d like to contribute to his campaign, write to him at Rout 6, Caldwell, Idaho 83605.
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If there are candidates like these in your state (you, for instance), let us know, so we can publicize their efforts.
If there are candidates like these in your state (you, for instance), let us know, so we can publicize their efforts.

3 Ways to get an attractive Libersign Pin
=3 Ways to get an attractive Libersign Pin=

Display your commitment to libertarianism; set yourself apart from the collectivist herd by wearing a solid 14K gold Libersign pin!  You can get one by any of the three following methods…
Display your commitment to libertarianism; set yourself apart from the collectivist herd by wearing a solid 14K gold Libersign pin!  You can get one by any of the three following methods…
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Act today; supply is unlimited!  No well-dressed libertarian should be without on of these attractive 3/8” doohickies; may be used as a tie-tac, lapel pin, scarf pin, thumbtack, or secret weapon (supply your own curare)!  Such a deal!
Act today; supply is unlimited!  No well-dressed libertarian should be without on of these attractive 3/8” doohickies; may be used as a tie-tac, lapel pin, scarf pin, thumbtack, or secret weapon (supply your own curare)!  Such a deal!

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