Libertarian Party of New Mexico: Difference between revisions

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Updating Founding with information from newspaper articles and Diana Amsden.
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(Updating Founding with information from newspaper articles and Diana Amsden.)
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"The [[Libertarian Party of New  Mexico]] was founded in 1972. The convention took place in Albuquerque, NM on July 22, 1972. [[Diana Amsden, PhD]] was the chairman at the meeting. "
"The [[Libertarian Party of New  Mexico]] articles of incorporation were filed with the State of New Mexico on June 27, 1972 with [[Diana Amsden, PhD]], [[Maurice McDonald]] and [[Sidney Light]] listed as incorporators and original directors. The first convention of the [[Libertarian Party of New Mexico]] took place in Albuquerque, NM on July 22, 1972 at the Western Skies Hotel. [[Diana Amsden, PhD]] was interim chairman at the convention, but [[Gail Tawney]] presided. The convention elected [[Maurice McDonald]] as Chair, [[Diana Amsden, PhD]] as Vice-Chair for Administration, [[Edward Carlson]] as Vice-Chair for Platform, [[Robert White]] as Treasurer, [[Gail Tawney]] as Secretary. [[Robin Tawney]] as Publicity Committee Chair, and [[Rick Talley]] as Membership Committee Chair."

[[File:Nmlibertariansmeet1972.png|200px|"NM Libertarians Meet" Gallup Independent, July 22 1972]]
[[File:Nmlibertariansmeet1972.png|200px|"NM Libertarians Meet" Gallup Independent, July 22 1972]]


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