Libertarian Roundabout Caucus

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The Libertarian Roundabout Caucus is a caucus of the Libertarian Party dedicated to the use of roundabouts rather than traffic lights on roadways. The Roundabout Caucus views roundabouts as the ultimate in libertarian traffic control - if traffic is clear, drivers may go, and if it isn't safe to proceed, drivers wait until it is. It is entirely self-regulating. Each driver makes this decision for themselves as they approach the roundabout, there is no traffic light telling people what to do. The Roundabout Caucus cites both government and private studies showing that roundabouts are safer, more efficient, and, in the case of taxpayer-funded roads, more cost-effective than traffic lights. Additionally, the Caucus views roundabouts as a microcosm of a self-regulating libertarian society and proof that people are indeed capable of regulating themselves without a government giving orders.