Document:California Press Release 5 October 2000 Libertarian Voter Registrations Surge

14547 Titus Street, Suite 214
Panorama City, CA 91402
For immediate release: October 5, 2000
For additional information:
Juan Ros, Executive Director
Phone: (818) 782-8400

Libertarian voter registrations surge to all-time high

PANORAMA CITY -- Libertarian voter registrations in California have reached an all-time high since the party obtained ballot status in 1980 according to the latest figures released by the Secretary of State -- an indication that the party's message is resonating with voters, the state party announced today.

"We have reached yet another important milestone this year," proclaimed Libertarian state chairman Mark Hinkle. "First we were able to run 305 candidates in California this year for federal, state, and local office. Now we surpass our previous high for voter registrations without the benefit of any paid voter registration drive. Voters are clearly responding to the Libertarian message of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and limited government."

As of the 60-day close of registration on September 8, 91,472 voters chose to affiliate with the Libertarian Party, an increase of 5% since the previous report released on February 7 and a stunning 16% increase compared to the same period two years ago.

The new figure surpasses the party's previous high of 87,460 registered voters in January, 1980, shortly after the party first achieved ballot status in California, and represents a doubling in voter registration since the party's low in the late 1980s.

"There is no question that the hard work of our Libertarian candidates, supporters, and activists is paying off," Hinkle added. "This is an achievement to be proud of."

Among California's ballot-qualified parties, the Natural Law and Reform Parties continued a downward trend in voter registration. Natural Law fell 5% over the last seven months while Reform dropped 6%. According to Libertarians, both parties are in danger of losing ballot access in California come 2002, when party ballot status is next decided.

"While Libertarians share a distrust of the two-party system with other third parties, the voters have made their decision and they have decided they don't want what those parties have to offer."

With 20% of voters registering with other parties or with no party at all, Hinkle concluded, Democrats and Republicans have reason to worry. "When 20% of registered voters reject your ideas, you can be sure they are looking for alternatives -- and that's what the Libertarian Party provides. A true alternative."