Document:California Press Release 13 November 1998 Two More Libertarians Elected

Office of the Executive Director
11956 Riverside Dr., #206
Valley Village, CA 91607-3772
For immediate release: November 13, 1998
For additional information:
Juan Ros, Executive Director
Phone: (818) 506-0200
Fax: (818) 506-0212

Two more Libertarians elected to office in California

LOS ANGELES - Two more Libertarians have won election to public office in California, doubling the number of victorious Libertarians in last week's elections and bringing the number of California Libertarians in office to 21.

In Riverside County, Bonnie Flickinger emerged the winner against Jim Anderson in a nail-biting race for the 4th District seat of the Moreno Valley City Council. On Election Day, Flickinger trailed Anderson by a mere 7 votes. But once absentee and provisional ballot counting began, Flickinger took the lead and maintained it.

Flickinger, winning her third election to the City Council, received 1,964 votes (48.2%) to Anderson's 1,927 votes (47.3%). There is no word yet on whether Anderson will ask for a recount.

"We are extremely pleased that Bonnie was able to pull through," said Gene Trosper, Riverside County Libertarian Party Chairman. "Bonnie was the victim of very negative attacks, but in the end the voters of Moreno Valley rejected her opponent's smear tactics and embraced Bonnie's understanding of the issues important to them. We look forward to what she will accomplish in her next term."

Moreno Valley has a population of 137,221.

In Santa Clara County, Libertarian John Mehaffey has won a seat on the Saratoga City Council, placing first in a field of five candidates. Three Council seats were up for grabs in this city of 28,390.

Mehaffey received 6,373 votes (24.2%). His nearest opponent, Nick Streit, won a Council seat with 5,248 votes (19.9%). The third seat went to Evan Baker, with 5,229 votes (19.9%). One of the two losers in the race was incumbent Gillian Moran, with 4,974 votes (18.9%).

"It is another triumph for limited government," declared Santa Clara County Libertarian Party Chairman Marvin Rudin. "John Mehaffey will do his utmost to protect the lives, liberties, and properties of his constituents, and we wish him the best of luck."

In addition to Flickinger and Mehaffey, Libertarian Norman Vroman was elected District Attorney of Mendocino County and Robert Noble was elected to the Arcata City Council last week, giving Libertarians victory in four local races this November.