Libertarian Party of California Affiliate Support Committee

Revision as of 19:09, 15 September 2023 by AdrianFMalagon (talk | contribs) (→‎Current Committee Members)
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According to the Bylaws of the Libertarian Party of California:

The Affiliate Support Committee shall consist of the three Area Coordinators and up to four members elected by the Executive Committee within the first three months after the Annual Convention. The Affiliate Support Committee members shall elect the Committee Chair. The Affiliate Support Committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. Responsibilities Include:

  1. Providing affiliate growth strategy and support.
  2. Providing assistance drafting and amending affiliate bylaws.
  3. Teaching affiliate Executive Committees Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (RONR).
  4. Providing assistance with resources, including but not limited to promotional flyer/pamphlet templates, website templates and/or website design.
  5. Providing assistance with basic marketing and public relations instruction. Updating and promoting the Affiliate Support Handbook (ASH) as necessary.


Current Committee Members

Matthew Butts, LPCA Central Area Coordinator
Garrison Ham, LPCA Southern Area Coordinator
Elizabeth Stump, LPCA Northern Area Coordinator
Adrian F Malagon, LPCA Chair and Committee Chair

Past Committee Members

Affiliate Support Handbook

The ASC publishes and regularly updates the LPCA Affiliate Support Handbook (ASH) for use by county organizations in the state.