Document:LP News 1974 May-June Issue 20

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Front Page LPNews 1974-5 N20.PNG


Crane, Royce Seek LP Chairmanship

As of May 6th, when this issue of LP NEWS went to press, Ed Crane and Scott Royce were the only two declared candidates for the LP national chairmanship. Other candidates may well appear prior to or during the national convention, and our publication of these two campaign biographies does not constitute an endorsement of either candidate. We hope that every LP member--and convention delegates in particular--will study this information, however, in order to be able to make an informed choice for the national chairmanship.

Edward H. Crane III is 29 years old, and is employed as a portfolio manager by a major national investment counseling firm. He is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, and holds an MBA degree in finance from the University of Southern California. Ed's political experience began in 1962, when he campaigned for Joe Shell in the California gubernatorial primary against Richard Nixon.

He was a member of Youth for Goldwater, and worked as a precinct captain in Berkeley during the 1964 Presidential campaign. Ed was a delegate to the founding convention of the Libertarian Party in Denver in 1972; he also attended the 1973 convention in Cleveland, and every meeting of the national Executive Committee. From September of 1972 through March of 1974, he served as Vice-Chairman of the Libertarian Party of California. In that capacity, he attended dozens of local organizational meetings, and delivered five editorial responses on television, and seven editorials on radio. He was also campaign manager for LP Vice Presidential candidate Tonie Nathan in 1972, and is now an editorial assistant for Reason Magazine.

He is running for the LP national chairmanship on an eight-point platform, as follows: 1) Insure a continuation of the decentralized structure of national LP and affiliated state parties; 2) As a first order of business, encourage development of state LP organizations in states where none now exists, using mailing lists extensively; 3) Intensify fund-raising activities through personal mailings to selected prospects and individual meetings with potential large contributors; establish a permanent national LP fund-raising committee; 4) Send out written news releases to media continuously, to keep LP name in front of media, and make them aware of libertarian alternatives to contempory politics; 5) Seek funding for a full-time Executive Director who would implement decisions of the ExecComm; provide office facilities and paid secretarial staff; office to be located in same city as national chairman; 6) Assist state LP's in qualifying for ballot in 30 states for 176 elections, with goal of outpolling People's Party, and, hopefully, American Party; 7) Develop new literature aimed specifically at rational liberals and rational conservatives; 8) Co-operate with libertarian educational and non-political groups.

Eric Scott Royce, 22, is a researcher for a legal defense foundation in Washington, DC. He received his BA in government from the University of Virginia, where he was active in College Republican affairs, and editor of The Shadow, a libertarian-conservative student newspaper. Scott has been a political activist for seven years, starting as a Teen-Age Republican. He has worked with several Washington-based lobbying groups, and has had considerable experience in Capitol Hill affairs.

He has been a member of the Libertarian Party since 1972, and has served as Region VII Executive Committee Representative since the fall of that year. As Region VII ExecComm rep, he has been extremely active, helping to organize LP groups in Maryland, Virginia, and New Jersey. He is currently Executive Director of the Virginia LP, and editor of the Virginia LP newsletter. He is best kno1m to LP members around the country as editor of The Royce Report on Congress, a semi-annual evaluation of each Senator's and Congressman's voting record, as assessed from a libertarian viewpoint.

Scott believes that his location in the Washington, DC area and his relative proximity to the "media capital" of New York City make him an advantageous choice for National Chairman; one of the first things he would do is·seek funds to establish a permanent LP office in Washington, DC. Other top priorities, in Royce's view, are expansion into states where we as yet have no LP organization, and "intensive preparation for the 1976 Presidential election.11 He believes strongly that the LP should "encourage--or at least not disparage--the efforts of Congressmen and Senators who are in substantial agreement with the libertarian philosophy.

It is important," he states, "that we do not alienate potential allies by attacking those who are at least inclined in our direction, when there are so few men in government who are at all sympathetic to our viewpoint, and so many who are openly and totally hostile.11

Hospers, MacBride early favorites for ’76 nomination

If the LP1s 1976 Presidential nominee were being chosen in Dallas this June, the leading contenders would be the man who carried our banner in 1972, and the man who gave him an Electoral Vote. At least, that's what's indicated by the informal "straw poll" we took in last month's issue. 65 LP members--or about 2% of our total state and national membership--sent in ballots giving their first three preferences for 176. A total of 40 different individuals were named, but only four were named by more than 10% of the poll participants. In first place was Dr. John Hospers, our 1972 nominee, who was named by 33 respondents, or 51% of those answering. Running close behind was Roger MacBride, named by 29 respondents, or 45% of those participating. Running a distinct third was Murray Rothbard, mentioned by 22 respondents, or 34%, followed by Tonie Nathan, our 1972 VP candidate, who was named by 15.respondents, or 23%, From there to fifth place was a long drop; the nunber-five choice was Congressman Steve Symms, mentioned by 5 participants, or 8%. Ed Clark and Tony Sutton followed, with four mentions apiece (6%). Ed Crane, Milton Friedman, Congressman H.R. Gross, Jerry Tuccille and Fran Youngstein each garnered three votes; of this group, all but Tuccille are either too young to run, or most unlikely to accept our nomination. It must be borne in mind that there is still at least a year {and possibly two) until the nominating convention, and a lot can happen between now and then. A strong showing by one of our Senatorial or Congressional candidates this fall, for instance, could catapault a new contender into the front ranks. Nonetheless, at this stage, the four front-runners named above would seem to have a definite edge unless someone mounts a determined effort to challenge them for the nomination.

Very Important Notice

The LP National Office will be closed during the month of June, except for information by telephone, and emergency cases. Mail will not be processed; all new memberships, renewal and material orders will be held, and forwarded to the next party administration. In early July a bulletin will be sent to all National LP members and LP NEWS subscribers, giving the party's new address; mail sent to the Aurora PO Box will be forwarded. The next LP NEWS will be issued in early August. So, if you need anything from LP National, order it now or wait until July.

N.Y. party seeks 50,000 votes to gain ballot access

Starting next year, voters in New York State will have the opportunity to register as Libertarians, and the Libertarian Party line will appear permanently on the ballot in all future elections, if the Free Libertarian Party succeeds in its goal of getting 50,000 votes for Governor in this November's election. If this goal is achieved, the Libertarian Party will be the third national party to achieve permanent ballot status in New York; the Liberal and Conservative parties, which already have permanent ballot status, are not national parties. With this goal in mind, the FLP endorsed the largest slate of candidates in its three-year history, giving its backing to a total of eleven aspirants at the 1974 FLP convention, held March 29-31, Optimistic about the probability of success, the New York Libertarians point out that 50,000 votes is less than 1% of the usual vote for Governor and Lieutenant Governor--a realistic figure to attain, in view of Fran Youngstein1s success in her 1973 New York City mayoralty campaign. [Editor's note: Fran received almost 9,000 votes, or better than one-half of one percent.] Extensive media coverage and advertising, including heavy TV spot emphasis, is planned for the months ahead. Jerome Tuccille, the noted libertarian author whose works include several successful books and whose articles have been published in the N.Y. Times and elsewhere, received the FLP1s -­ endorsement for Governor. His campaign carries special importance, since the party's goal of achieving a permanent line on the ballot hinges on Tuccille1s receiving at least 50,000 votes.

For this reason, and because of Tuccille1s status as a nationally-known author, it is expected that local and even national news media will be following this race closely. Tuccille has already received publicity from several radio stations, the N.Y. Times, and the nationally distributed Gannett News chain. For U.S. Senate, the FLP endorsed Percy L. Greaves, Jr., close associate and disciple of the late Ludwig von Mises. Author of the bestselling book “Understanding the Dollar Crisis,” as well as many other well-known books, Greaves recently turned down the endorsement of the Courage Party {New York affiliate of the American Party) because of certain unlibertarian planks in their platform. Previously, he had resigned from the executive committee of the N.Y. Conservative Party when they endorsed Richard Nixon for President. Other candidates endorsed by the FLP were: Louis Sicilia for Lieutenant Governor. Sicilia ran for Manhattan Borough President last year, and was one of the party's strongest vote-getters. Leland Schubert for Attorney General. He is currently secretary of the FLP .

For Comptroller, the FLP endorsed Dr. Robert Flanzer, a Brooklyn dentist who formerly served as a captain in the Strategic Air Command.

For Congress in the 17th District, Ken Kalcheim, a leading figure in the tax strike movement.

For Congress in the 25th District, Sanford Cohen, who started his campaign 22 months before election time, and who has received much media attention already.

For State Assembly in the 1st Assembly District Virginia Shields Walker, head of the Committee for the Repeal of Condemnation Laws.

For State Assembly in the 21st A.D., Mary Jo Wanzer, organizer of the Nassau County Free Libertarian Party of New York.

For State Assembly in the 71st A.D., Alan LePage, another tax rebel.

For State Assembly in the 99th A.D., Guy Riggs, Guy ran for this same seat in 1972, as the Free Libertarian Party of New York’s first candidate for public office.

- John W. Doswell

EDITORS NOTE: More information on eachof these candidacies is available from the Free Libertarian Party of New York office, Room 201, 15 West 38th Street, New York, New York, 10018. The Free Libertarian Party of New York asks that anyone wishing to contribute to any of these campaigns send money directly to that campaign, and not to the Free Libertarian Party of New York office. Your editor suggests that the Tuccille and Greaves campaigns, in particular, merit special support from LP members around the country.

Other News of LP Candidates


As of May 6, there were 32 LP candidates running for public office in nine states around the country; the final total is expected to approach fifty. Of the 32 so far running, 11 are in New York, 11 in California, and the other ten are scattered in other states.

Three of the 32 are running for Governor (John Hospers in California, Jerry Tuccille in New York, and Charles Mayer in Wisconsin); three Three of the 32 are running for Governor (John Hospers in California, Jerry Tuccille in New York, and Charles Mayer in Wisconsin); three are running for U.S. Senate ([[Bill White in California, [[Percy Greaves in New York, and Kay Harroff in Ohio); and seven are running for the U.S. House of Representatives (Manny Klausner in California, John James in Colorado, Jerry Millett in Louisiana, Bob Steiner in New Jersey, Sandy Cohen and Ken Kalcheim in New York, Karl Bray in Utah). The remaining 19 are running for various state and local offices.

John Hospers, back in California, after a swing around the county, is average a speech every other day; on his recent tour, he gave talks in Michigan, New York and New Jersey. Bill White is running hard for Senate, and has produced an excellent campaign brochure explaining libertarian principles, and their applications to the issues today; contributions should be sent to White for Senate, 11811 Larnel Place, Los Alstos, CA 940222. Hal Jindrich, who is on the ballot for the June 4th election for California Superintendent of Public Instruction, is running on a “sell the schools” platform. Send contributions to Jindrick for Superintendent, 555W. Middlefield #S-201, Mtn. View, CA 94043; this is an important one , as early favorable publicity will help all our other candidates. Lloyd Taylor, the California LP’s candidate for State Treasurer, has announced that if elected, he will “refuse to collect taxes, refuse to spend money, and refuse sign payroll checks for 95% of the state employees.” Send contributions to Lloyd at 310 Sansome Street, Suite 909, San Francisco, CA 94104. Dave Merrick, running for County Supervisor in Santa Cruz County, has issued a campaign brochure that calls for abolition of zoning, repeal of laws that “legislate life style,” and a phaseout of welfare programs and taxes.

In Utah, Karl Bray polled 10% in a survey of voters asking their choice for the GOP nomination; Karl ahs dropped out of the GOP race, now that the LP is ballot-qualified in Utah, and will be running on the LP label. He was recently stopped by twelve armed police cars, and his car searched for a machine gun—which, needless to say, he didn’t have. Karl is currently suing eight IRS employees for $3,155,000 in connection with his being falsely arrested last year.

In New York, Ken Kalcheim is campaigning on a tax rebellion platform, and will seek the GOP and Conservative parties nominations in his district, as well as the FLP endorsement he has already received. Meanwhile, upstate, Sandy Cohen continues to make speeches nearly every day, and held an anti-inflation rally May 4th. His writeup in Playboy is now scheduled for June, he informs us.

And in New Jersey, Bob Steiner is building his campaign around the slogan “I’ve had it!” He reports a good response to his campaign so far.

In Oregon, Paul Pferdner is running for legislature on the platform that he is “a tax reducer, and not a tax user.” Contributions to: Citizens for Pferdner, PO Box 14901, Portland, OR 97214.

NOTE: Addresses of candidates not given here were published in previous issues.


On defining the “lunatic fringe”

In our last issue, we had an editorial entitled 110n falling off the edge," in which we discussed the bizarre behavior of the American and People's Parties, and pointed out that there is a lesson to be learned from their experiences. That lesson, we said, was that 11any third-party movement must always be on guard against becoming too narrow in its appeal...and must al1ways be wary of its own lunatic fringes."

And, apparently, most of our readers understood what we meant. A few, however, wrote in to ask if this was meant as an "attack on anarchists."

The answer is "No." It was not meant as an "attack" on any philosophical group. In fact, if you re-read the editorial, you will note that the word "anarchist" never appears.

Rather, the editorial was aimed at those so-called 11libertarians11--of whatever stripe-­ who see their viewpoint as the only valid one, and would gladly destroy any organization which does not promote their own views exclusively. And this includes the extreme ortho-Objectivists, the monomaniacs who want to turn the LP into a single-issue party, and the rabid atheists who call for a "removal from party office" of all religious libertarians. as well as some (but not most) anarchists.

If the LP is to succeed, we must seek to broaden our appeal, and not to narrow it. We should work to recruit all who are in fundamental agreement with our Statement of Principles ...whether they now consider themselves ACLU Liberals, Birchers, Miseans, Objectivists, Jeffersonians, or, yes, Anarchists. The only proviso we should attach is that they be willing to work with one another to promote the ideals we all share (as defined by the Statement of Principles), rather than seeking to "rule or ruin."

The troubles of the American and People1s Parties, we believe, amply demonstrate the folly of any other policy. -/- DFN


Libertarian Party members around the country joined forces with members of SIL and the Liberty Amendment Committee on the weekend of April 13th, to stage a nationwide series of protests against taxation. Altogether, National Tax Protest Day, 1974, was the largest one-day project ever undertaken by the libertarian movement.

Seventeen media newsmen attended the joint LP-SIL press conference in Washington, DC on Friday April 12th, and coverage was given both by Metromedia TV and NBC Monitor News, nationwide.

LP groups around the country distributed over 35,000 copies of the special leaflet prepared by National LP, plus an estimated equal number of locally-produced items; SIL also distributed material, and total estimated volume was in excess of 150,000 pieces.

Among the most active LP groups were those in California, Florida, Utah, Oregon, Alaska, Pennsylvania, and Nevada; demonstrations in front of IRS offices and post offices, and in shopping centers, produced good news coverage in all these states. In New York, Free Libertarian Party candidates Sandy Cohen and Guy Riggs led demonstrations; in Colorado, a rally scheduled for the 13th was postponed due to a blizzard, but was rescheduled for the 26th, and drew some 75 people to hear Congressional candidate John James.

Our leaflet was also distributed by Liberty Amendment Committee activists in Louisiana and Michigan; Dr. R.S. Jaggard of Iowa mailed out 2,000 copies to members of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and we have received a number of inquiries as a result.

Altogether, there were anti-tax demonstrations in more than 50 cities around the nation, and many millions of Americans were exposed to libertarian ideas as a result--and were made aware that the LP, alone among America1s parties, opposes taxation on principle.


It hardly seems possible that almost three years have passed since that first meeting of the Committee to Organize a Libertarian Party in Westminster... but they have. And rarely have three years been so busy.

Looking back, it seems almost impossible that so much has been accomplished in so short a time. In only 34 months, the fledgling LP has grown to approximately 3,500 members--making it the third-largest "minority" party in the country, and tied with six-year-old SIL for largest libertarian activist organization in the world.

We've sent out over 250,000 pieces of material (most popular: the recruiting brochure, which has sold 55,000 copies). In addition, our various state parties have distributed over one million pieces o[ literature.

And it's all been fun. Through the LP, we've meet some of the nicest (and morally finest) people we've ever known. We've had a lot of exciting and memorable experiences we'll never forget.

But, to be honest, we've kind of worn ourselves out. Ninety-eight pages of LP NEWS, hundreds of phone calls, and thousands of hours doing "party work" have left us pooped.

So, while we've enjoyed it immensely, we're looking forward to taking it easy, and letting others carry the banner of liberty onward and upward to ever-greater heights--as we are quite sure that they will.

Susan L. Nolan

David F. Nolan



Unnoticed by almost everyone, the Nixon administration has been promoting legislation in the Senate Judiciary Committee which would completely redraft the U.S. Criminal Code. If the Nixon bill or its major alternative should pass with­ out substantial amendment, Americans could suffer a disastrous new erosion of their civil liberties.

On March 27, 1973, the senior Republican on the committee, Roman Hruska, introduced S, 1400, the Criminal Code Reform Act. This bill, over 330 pages long, was drafted by the Nixon administration. Representative Ed Hutchinson has introduced it in the House as H.R. 6046. And while the bill is lying dormant in the House Judiciary Committee1s subcommittee on Criminal Justice, the Senate has been holding periodic hearings on S. 1400 and on S. 1, introduced earlier by Senator McClellan, and nearly as bad. Now the Senate hearings are about to close, with committee debate on what form to report the bill in as the next step.

This article will concentrate on the defects of the Nixon bill, which contains provisions that not even the U.S. Congress--jaded by years of regulating everyone and everything--is likely to swallow. For instance, sections 521 ( 1”Public Duty") and 532 ("Official Misstatement of Law11) would allow federal officials to be excused from conviction of illegal acts on the basis that they were acting under presumption of legality because of "administrative grant of permission.” A Congress concentrating on the Watergate mess is unlikely to let that go by. But many other sections of S. 1400 will pass unless enough people protest loudly and in time.

Several sections of the bill are now gaining notoriety as Nixon's “0fficial Secrets Act.” Using patriotism as a cover, the bill redefines espionage {section 1121) to include communicating classified information to unauthorized persons "with the knowledge that it may be used” {my emphasis) by a foreign power against U.S. interests. In peacetime this would mean that individuals such as Daniel Ellsburg would become subject to 30 years imprisonment and $100,000 fine.

Section 1122 {"Disclosing National Defense Information") prohibits communicating "information relative to the national defense" to unauthorized persons. A substantial portion of the press, and honest public officials like Ernest Fitzgerald, would be gagged or end up in jail of this section is adopted. The bill makes no distinction as to whether documents are classified only to cover up blunders or criminality.

Sections 1301, 1731, 1732, and 1742 further tighten up security procedures by making those who leak copies of material such as the Pentagon Papers subject to prosecution for theft of government property and "unauthorized use of a writing.” Taken together, these and sections 1121-22 would establish an unprecedented power to censor the press. They would cripple its ability to gather and publish evidence of the criminality and mismanagement which flourishes now more than ever in the bureaucracy.

These provisions are terrible enough, but others are as bad or worse in their abridgment of civil liberties. Chapter 206 authorizes government wiretapping for a wide variety of offenses. Section 3129 authorizes "emergency" wiretap authority for up to 48 hours before officials must seek a court order. The bill also forces landlords and phone company employees to provide "all information, facilities, and technical assistance" necessary for installation.

The bill ignores the case against victimless crime laws. Obscenity comes under fire in section 1851, which prohibits producing, trans­ porting, or disseminating material which depicts or describes sexual intercourse. Section 1850 continues government prohibitions on prostitution. Sections 1821-24 ban possession of or "trafficking in II drugs. Possession of small amounts {under 4 oz.) of marijuana becomes punishable by up to 1 year in jail and $10,000 fine.

Section 1333 increases the penalty for refusal to cooperate with Congressional committees (HISC seems to be the only one with any problem) to 3 years imprisonment and $25,000 fine. Section 1115 provides a penalty of up to 7 years and $50,000 for failure to comply with selective service.

There are numerous other sections of this bill which can easily be construed to infringe in­ dividual rights. These include section 1103, which punishes membership in an organization . which urges overthrow of the government; section 1114, impairing military effectiveness by false statement;" Section 1117, "inciting or aiding mutiny, insubordination, or desertion;” section 1328, demonstrating to influence a judicial proceeding; sections 1801-1805., dealing with riots; section 1812, firearms violations; and sections 1831-32, gambling.

With Watergate coming up and the legislative machinery already clogged, a criminal code "reform" bill is not likely to reach the floor of either house for some time. However, libertarians would do well to start informing themselves about the dangers inherent in these hil1s. Copies for study can be obtained from your Senators or Representatives.

There has been relatively little public analysis of these bills. Libertarians ought to try to get the jump on the left by planning now for a fight against such legislation. A campaign against “victimless crime” laws and repressive legislation such as; wiretapping and no-knock authorizations will be particularly timely as Congressional consideration approaches.

Write letters to the editor exposing one or more aspects of this legislation that you feel to be particularly reprehensible. And write your congressn1en now urging them to vote against at least the most offensive features of this bill. This is an opportunity to fight for liberty. Let's take it.

-/- Eric Scott Royce



Libertarian-leaning economist Milton Friedman, writing in Newsweek (4/22/74) predicts a sharp drop in the price of gold--from today1s $170-180 range down to the $60-$140 range. Friedman argues cogently that gold prices have been artificially bid up in recent months, and that a price of $100/oz, give or take $40, is more in line with general trends in commodity prices since gold was demonetized by FDR in 1934, Friedman's piece makes sense, and is worth reading; it could save you from being taken in by 11gold hustlers.11


Did you know that even the government now admits that the cost of living is up 65% since 1964? And that's for after-tax income; i.e. it takes $16,500 after taxes today to equal $10,000 after taxes in 1964. After allowing for the effects of being in a higher tax bracket, and the inevitable “hedging” by the government in reporting inflation, it is safe to assume that Americans today need to earn $2 for every $1 they earned ten years ago, just to “keep even. “ And at present rates of inflation, the cost of living will double again by 1981.


Campus Studies Institute, a moderate libertarian educational outfit, is offering a two-for-one book bonus to college students: copies of Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago and Richard Grant's libertarian classic, The Incredible Bread Machine both for $1. For non-student prices, and for samples of CSI's excellent posters and brochures, write them at 1172 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, California 92121.


The Intercollegiate Studies Institute, another libertarian-leaning educational outfit, is offering copies of Wilhelm Ropke Is Humane Economy at 75¢ for one, with prices as low as 30¢ in quantity. ISI is also sponsoring an essay contest for college undergraduates; it is honor of the late Ludwig von Mises, and ISI will award $2,000 in prizes. Deadline is July 15, For info on both the book offer and the contest, write ISI, 14 s. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010.


Gary Peressini of Montana has become the 19th Life Member of National LP; many thanks, Gary. If anyone would like to become nunber 20... or, better yet, our 7th Life Sustaining Member... please don1t hesitate to do so!


An excellent analysis of the causes of energy shortages--and the use of trumped-up 11crises11 as an excuse for ever-greater controls--is given in an article entitled 11Energy Can.Be Made Cheap and Abundant,11 which was written by Petr Beckmann and published in Human Events. Reprints are available from Human Events, 422 First Street SE, Washington,DC, 20003, for 50¢,


Apparently, it has not been made clear how subscriptions to The Royce Report Congress are sold. The $5 subscription fee is for a four-issue “set” covering a complete two-year Congressional session; if one subscribes in mid-term, one receives the back issues and the remaining future issues for that term, and not four future issues overlapping two sessions. Single issues are available at $1.50.

MARLOW COOK ON FEDERAL ELECTION FINANCING On April 1, 1974, Senator Marlow Cook (R-Ky) made the following remarks about the proposed Federal financing of campaigns: “I am afraid we are looking at a bill that will absolutely build in no more than two parties...I have serious misgivings about this, because nowhere in the Constitution did we say how many parties there shall be in this Nation. Yet, I am afraid that by this bill we may well be doing that...saying, 1Here are the two giants, and the third shall always be last.” [ Congressiona) Record, page S4925] Write now to your Senators and Congressman, to express your opposition to Federal campaign financing. And send a letter to your local paper, quoting Senator Cook, and pointing out the implications for free elections.


Karl T. Pflock, a long-time LP member, has been appointed the new editor of Books for Libertarians. Those interested in writing for BFL should contact Karl at 1726 N. Veitch Street, Arlington, VA 22201. Congratulations, Karl!


Voters Choice Initiative is a California group working on a referendum to lower the number of petition signatures required to get on the ballot in California from 10% to a more reasonable 1% of the most recent gubernatorial vote. They deserve help; send contributions to them at 3974 Wilshire #2, Los Angeles CA 90005.

LP NEWS is published bi-monthly by the National Office of the Libertarian Party. Items of interest to LP members are welcome. David F. Nolan, Editor.

Subscriptions: $3/6 issues; $5/12 issues. Membership in LP National includes a subscription to LP NEWS; no extra payment is necessary.