Libertarian Party of New York Interim State Committee

Libertarian Party of New York Interim State Committee (ISC) is the committee formed from the rules to govern the political entity of the Libertarian Party of New York. Originally, the committee was set to cover the period May 2019 to September 2020, and then after the change of primary dates and modification of the rules, the period now covers February 9, 2019 to June 2020.


Original Committee

On December 24, 2018, a set of rules were filed at the New York State Board of Elections, in which an Interim State Committee was documented in order to succeed the Transition Committee, to cover the period following the spring 2019 convention until the September 2020 Libertarian Party primaries. The original rules stated that the Interim State Committee would be elected as follows:

  • 1) By the individual chapters within each Judicial District, the number determined based on the vote for governor and the number of enrolled Libertarians.
  • 2) At the spring 2019 convention, in which officers and At Large members would be elected.

New York passed legislation in regards to many electoral laws, and the primaries were moved to June, and so the body convening would last until June 2020, as opposed to September 2020.

Modified Committee

The first Transition Committee meeting was set for January 27, 2019. During that time, the composition of the committee was established. However, there were concerns from Jim Rosenbeck and Larry Sharpe in regards to the rules, and the rules had to be fixed. Brian Waddell, Andrew Martin Kolstee, Mike Dowden, and Blay Tarnoff urged that the committee follow the amendment procedures of the rules, as opposed to redrafting them. On January 25, the meeting was cancelled by Larry Sharpe.

In early February 2019, an updated set of rules was compiled, which changed the Interim State Committee to cover the period from February 2019 to June 2020, which cancelled the 2019 elections of the Interim State Committee and removed the Transition Committee. The members of the Transition Committee were placed on the new Interim State Committee, with the composition changed, as four original members were removed and three new members were added to bring the committee to a total of 21 people.

The Interim State Committee held an election of officers at a meeting on February 9, 2019, in which only the 21 members of the Interim State Committee were invited by Larry Sharpe, who presided over the beginning of the meeting. Members of the existing Libertarian Party of New York State Committee who were not on the Interim State Committee were not invited.

The newly updated rules were presented and supported by the State Committee on February 10, 2019 and filed at the Board of Elections on February 11, 2019. To bridge communication between the two committees, a Liaison Subcommittee of the State Committee was established and Mike McDermott was appointed chair.

During the succeeding months, the committee was further modified when Cruger Gallaudet resigned as Treasurer and Lora Newell was appointed to fill the vacancy.

Current Status

With the creation of a new Interim State Committee, the Libertarian Party of New York now had two governing bodies. Several attempts were made to merge the committees or draft a proposal to dissolve or restructure the corporation in favor of continuing with the new one, and such discussion continued through the state convention. Andrew Martin Kolstee led the drafting of resolutions, one which was cancelled, and the other which failed, leaving the two entities separate. The convention created a turning point in the party history, in which the goals of each entity began to shift.

The Interim State Committee began to focus on county development and vetting candidates, while the State Committee of the corporation began working toward a number of other ideas for its future.

Current ISC Members

Former ISC Members

Note: Larry Sharpe served as Interim Chair in order to call the meeting to order, and then stepped down following the election of Chair Jim Rosenbeck.


ICO Chairs

County Contacts


  • Judiciary Committee - no chair has been appointed
  • Vacancy Sub-Committee - Tony D'Orazio, Chair
  • Platform Committee - Jeff Motta, Chair


Date Location Minutes Notes
February 9, 2019 Teleconference Election of officers held
February 24, 2019 Teleconference
March 10, 2019 Teleconference
March 31, 2019 Teleconference First meeting open to observers
May 5, 2019 Rochester, New York Held at convention in Rochester; issued certifications to several candidates and chartered 5 Interim County Organizations.
May 19, 2019 Teleconference
June 9, 2019 Teleconference
June 30, 2019 Teleconference
July 14, 2019 Teleconference
July 28, 2019 Teleconference
August 18, 2019 Teleconference

Libertarian Party of New York
Affiliates: ChautauquaChemungColumbiaDutchessErieKings (Brooklyn)MadisonMonroeNassauNew York (Manhattan)OneidaOnondagaOrangeQueensPutnamRichmond (Staten Island)SaratogaSchoharieSuffolkTiogaUlsterWayneYates
Unorganized Affiliates: AlbanyAlleganyBronxBroomeCattaraugusCayugaChenangoClintonCortlandDelawareEssexFranklinFultonGeneseeGreeneHamiltonHerkimerLewisLivingstonMontgomeryJeffersonNiagaraOntarioOrleansOtsegoRensselaerRocklandSt. LawrenceSchenectadySteubenSullivanWarrenWashingtonWestchesterWyoming
Former Affiliates: Active: Capital DistrictHudson ValleyDefunct: Brooklyn-QueensBuffaloCentral New YorkErie-NiagaraGenesee RegionIthacaMid HudsonNew York CityNorth County LibertariansSouthern TierWestchester-PutnamWestern New York
Conventions: 1973197419751976197719781979198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202022 Nominating20222024 Nominating2024
Candidates: By year (196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025) • U.S. HouseState Assembly
State Committees: 1972-731973-741974-751975-761976-771977-781978-791979-801980-811981-821982-831983-841984-851985-861986-871987-881988-891989-901990-911991-921992-931993-941994-951995-961996-971997-981998-991999-20002000-012001-022002-032003-042004-052005-062006-072007-082008-092009-102010-112011-122012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-19Transition (2019)Interim State Committee (2019-20)2019-202020-222022-242024-26
Committees: CommunicationsDelegate SelectionFundraisingITLegislative AffairsLocal Affiliate DevelopmentPetitioningPlatformRules
Former Committees: Clipping ServiceConventionElection Law & ProceduresHistoricalJudiciaryLibrarianMedia RelationsMembershipOperations & ActivitiesOrganizational StructureParty CommunicationsPublicity & Editorial ReplySpeake's BureauStrategic PlanningVacancyVettingVolunteer
Documents: BylawsEmailsMeetingsFinancial ReportsNewslettersPlatformsPress Releases
Indexes/Categories: CampaignsCourt cases
Local Conventions: 2014201520162017201820192020-212022-232024-25
National Delegations: 197419761981198720162018202020222024
Electors: 1976198019841988199219962000200420082012201620202024
Positions: ChairsVice-ChairsSecretariesTreasurersCommunications DirectorsFundraising DirectorsIT DirectorsLegislative Affairs DirectorsOutreach DirectorsPolitical DirectorsVolunteer Directors
Other: Libertarian Advocates of New YorkLocal ChairsSize and Influence • State Committee Elections: 202020222024Organization