Libertarian Party Membership

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Libertarian Party Membership is available from the from the national, State (plus District of Columbia & Puerto Rico), and local (county) parties.

Membership Cards

See article Membership Cards for more info on national membership cards.

Life(-time) Membership

See Life Member.
Lifetime Membership is a level of membership explicitly offered by the national party & some of the 50 State (+ D.C. & Puerto Rico) parties. As of the known information, 15 parties & the national LP offer Life Membership or Lifetime Membership.


Below is a comprehensive schedule of the National & State (+ District of Columbia & Puerto Rico) party dues & tiers of membership. (under construction)

Party & Jurisdiction Monthly Dues 1x or Annual Due(s) Notes
national Libertarian Party (LP)

Silver: $15
Gold: $25
Platinum: $50
Lifetime Founder: $150
Pioneer of Freedom: $250
Beacon of Liberty: $500
Select Benefactor: $1,500
Chairman's Circle: $2,500
Other: $10 min.

Basic: $25
Bronze: $50
Silver: $150
Gold: $250
Platinum: $500
Lifetime Founder: $1,500
Pioneer of Freedom: $2,500
Beacon of Liberty: $5,000
Select Benefactor: $15,000
Chairman's Circle: $25,000
Other: $33,900 max./calendar year

Counting the "Other" tier, there are 11 levels of membership in the national party for annual & 1x ("Lifetime Founder", "Pioneer of Freedom", "Beacon of Liberty", "Select Benefactor", and "Chairman's Circle").

For monthly dues, there are 9, and members can "[j]oin the Liberty Pledge Club today for $10 or more a month and [their] membership will never expire."
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.[1]

Libertarian Party of Alabama (LPA)


Basic Annual: $ 25
Sustaining Annual: $60
Supporting Annual: $120
Sponsor Annual: $300
Patron Annual: $600
Lifetime: $1,000

The LPA offers membership on a monthly[2], annual, and 1x ("Lifetime")[3] basis.
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Alaska Libertarian Party (ALP) n/a? n/a? From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the ALP website, as of 1 April 2019.[4] No due, then?
Arizona Libertarian Party (AZLP) n/a? n/a? From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the AZLP website, as of 1 April 2019.[5] No due, then?
Libertarian Party of Arkansas (LPAR)



Members who pay dues monthly are called Torch Club Members, regardless of donation level.[6]
An option to convert 1x to annual dues is also available. There also seems to be only 1 level of membership, regardless of donation-levels.[7]
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of California (LPC) n/a

Basic 1Yr: $ 25
Basic 2Yr: $50
Supporter 1Yr: $50
Supporter 2Yr: $100
Statesman 1Yr: $250
Statesman 2Yr: $500
Patriot: $500
Life: $1,000
Beacon of Liberty: $5,000

There is no monthly-due system with the LPC.
The LPC features 1-2year subscriptions, as well as 1x ("Life" & "Beacon of Liberty").[8]
The LPC features 1-2year subscription renewals.[9]
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Colorado (LPCO) ? ?

From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the LPCO website, as of 27 March 2019.[10]
However, the "Donate" page has donation-levels similar to the tier-level dues of other State parties ($5, $10, $25, $50, $100, 250, and $1,000) set for monthly or annual recurrence.[11] So automatically, donors = members?
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Connecticut (LPCT)



There is no mention of membership-tiers Membership seems the same for all, regardless of funding-level & frequency. Monthly[12] & annual[13] membership is offered.
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Delaware (?) ? ? The State-party website could not be accessed, as of 1 April 2019.[14]
Libertarian Party of the District of Columbia (DCLP) ? ?

From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the DCLP website, as of 1 April 2019.[15][16][17]

Libertarian Party of Florida (LPF) n/a n/a "Being a member is completely FREE of charge! The only requirement is you must be registered to vote 'Libertarian' with the State of Florida." — LPF website (emphasis added)[18]
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.
Libertarian Party of Georgia (LPGeorgia)


Basic: $30
Patriot: $76
Sustaining: $100
Sponsor: $250
Patron: $500
Lifetime: $1,000

LPGeorgia offers membership that's monthly[19], annual, or 1x ("Lifetime")[20].
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Hawaii (?) ? ?

From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the State-party website, as of 1 April 2019. Only the homepage seems functional.[21]

Libertarian Party of Idaho (LPID) n/a? n/a?

From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the LPID website, as of 1 April 2019.[22] No due, then?

Libertarian Party of Illinois (LP Illinois) n/a?

Liberty Lover: $25
Liberty Activist: $50
Liberty Leader: $75
Liberty Sponsor: $100
Lifetime Member: $1500

The LP Illinois already has on all its pages a "Donate Today" feature with membership-tiers as the options, while the "Join the Libertarian Party of Illinois" page collects member-information.[23] So automatically, donors = members? The options tiers seem annual or 1x ("Lifetime Member").
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Indiana (LPIN) n/a

Annual: $25
Annual: $35
Annual: $50
Annual: $100

While the LPIN names monthly donors 1994 Society Members, party-members are called Annual Members with the due being a 1-year, "one-time, non recurring, contribution" (as mentioned in the website).[24] Membership seems the same, regardless of dues paid.
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Iowa (LPIA) n/a

Contributing: $20
Lifetime: $500

Membership dues are on an annual basis, plus 1x ("Lifetime").[25] Meanwhile, donations are monthly.
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Kansas (LPKS) ? ?

As of 1 April 2019, there seems to be no page for registering for membership on the LPKS website.[26] So automatically, donors = members?

Libertarian Party of Kentucky (LP Kentucky)


- none -: n/a

Free membership is offered (minus voting-rights?), as is paid on a monthly[27] & annual basis. "Voting members are those who are registered Libertarian, signed the pledge and give over $35 within the last 12 months."[28]
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Louisiana (LPL) $17.76

Lifetime $1,000

LPL offers membership on a basis of monthly, annual[29], and 1x Lifetime. Lifetime membership is attained if dues collected in 1 year ? $1,000. So far, 16 have done so.[30] Payments can be done via cryptocurrency Bitcoin.
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Maine (LPME)



LPME offers membership on a basis of monthly[31] & annual/1x[32] basis. Membership seems the same regardless of dues. Payments via cryptocurrency Bitcoin are still in the works.
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Maryland (?) ? ? The State-party website could not be accessed, as of 1 April 2019.[33]
Libertarian Party of Massachusetts (LPMA)

Monthly Basic: ($1)
Monthly Supporter: ($2, $3, $4, $4.50, or $4.99)
Monthly Advocate: ($5, $8, $10, $12, or $14)
Monthly Champion: ($15, $20, $25, $30, or $33)
Monthly Patriot: ($35, $40, $42, $45, $50, $55, $60, $65, $70, or $71)
Monthly Minuteman: ($75, $76, $80, $85, $90, $95, $100, $105, $110, or $114)
Monthly Founder: ($115, $125, $150, $175, $200, $225, $250, $300, $350, or $399)
Monthly Lifetime: ($400, $410, or $416)

Annual Basic: ($15, $20, $25, $27, or $29)
Annual Supporter: ($30, $40, $50, $60, or $75)
Annual Advocate: ($76, $100, $125, $150, or $175)
Annual Champion: ($200, $250, $300, $400, or $450)
Annual Patriot: ($500, $600, $700, $750, $800, $850, $900, $950, $975, or $999)
Annual Minuteman: ($1000, $1111, $1150, $1200, $1250, $1300, $1350, $1400, $1450, or $1499)
Annual Founder: ($1500, $1776, $2000, $2020, $2500, $3000, $3500, $4000, $4500, or $4750)
Annual Lifetime: ($5000)

There benefits are tiered together with the monthly dues[34]:
"Monthly Basic" with (Digital newsletter + Liberty Lane access) (20% discount from "Annual Basic")
"Monthly Basic" + (membership card + bumper sticker) = "Monthly Supporter" ($6 discount from "Annual Supporter")
"Monthly Supporter" + (T-shirt, cap, mug, or equivalent) = "Monthly Advocate" ($15 discount from "Annual Advocate")
"Monthly Advocate" + (Libertarian Party Polo Shirt) = "Monthly Champion" ($20 discount from "Annual Champion")
"Monthly Champion" + (1 free convention ticket + Quarterly Strategy Call with State Chair) = "Monthly Patriot" ($80 discount from "Annual Patriot")
"Monthly Patriot" + (Monthly Strategy Call with the State Chair) = "Monthly Minuteman" ($100 discount from "Annual Minuteman")
"Monthly Minuteman" + (a lifetime invitation to Founder events) = "Monthly Founder" ($120 discount from "Annual Founder")
"Monthly Founder" + (a personal "Thank You" speech from State Committee + opportunity to speak at the Annual Convention) = "Monthly Lifetime" ($200 discount from "Annual Lifetime Membership")

The annual membership is ranked thusly[35]:
"Annual Basic" with (Digital newsletter + Liberty Lane access)
"Annual Basic" + (membership card + bumper sticker) = "Annual Supporter"
"Annual Supporter" + (T-shirt, cap, mug, or equivalent) = "Annual Advocate"
"Annual Advocate" + (Libertarian Party Polo Shirt) = "Annual Champion"
"Annual Champion" + (1 free convention ticket + Quarterly Strategy Call with State Chair) = "Annual Patriot"
"Annual Patriot" + (Monthly Strategy Call with the State Chair) = "Annual Minuteman"
"Annual Minuteman" + (a lifetime invitation to Founder events) = "Annual Founder"
"Annual Founder" + (a personal "Thank You" speech from State Committee + opportunity to speak at the Annual Convention) = "Annual Lifetime"
All the above is as of as of 1 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) n/a

LPMI Annual: $25
LPMI Lifetime: $250

While monthly donations are an option, membership is only annual or 1x ("Lifetime"), as of 2 April 2019.[36]

Libertarian Party of Minnesota (LPMN) n/a

Student (high school & undergraduate): $10
Basic: $30
Sustaining: $60
Supporting: $120
Sponsor: $300
Patron: $600

The LPMN features annual membership only, as of 2 April 2019, with payments via cryptocurrency Bitcoin also an option.[37]

Libertarian Party of Mississippi (MSLP) n/a Basic Voting: $25 The MSLP offers annual membership on a recurring & non-recurring basis, as of 2 April 2019.[38]
Missouri Libertarian Party (MoLP) n/a

Basic: n/a
Dues - Student: $15
Dues: $25
Voting - Student: $40
Voting: $100

As of 2 April 2019, the MoLP offers tiered annual party-membership:
Registration as a Basic Member is free.
Dues-paying Members also receive access to members-only email-announcements & meetings, as well as the Show-Me Freedom Newsletter.
Voting Member gets the same benefits of due-paying members, plus "voting on party business at meetings of the State Committee" according to the MoLP website.
All the above is as of as of 2 April 2019.[39]

Montana Libertarian Party (MTLP) n/a n/a

As of 2 April 2019, the MTLP charges no dues for membership, but encourages donations & membership to the national party.[40]

Libertarian Party of Nebraska (LPNE) ? n/a As of 3 April 2019, it seems donors = LPNE members(?), given the 1, unified "Join/Donate" button to the upper-right of the website. Other than the button, only donations are mentioned, on a monthly or 1x basis. While payments are tiered, membership(?) labels & benefits are only mentioned using 1 payment-method, Piryx™ (of Piryx, Inc.), for a monthly basis[41]:

Coffee Club: $5.34
Supporter Level: $10
Pioneer of Freedom (Includes Invite to Special Events): $40
Gold Star Level (Includes Invites to Special Events for you & 1 guest): $50
Platinum Level (Includes Invites to Special Events for you & 2 guests): $100
This is not seen in the monthly Paypal™ (of PayPal, Inc.)[42] or 1x donation page[43], which both have the same, un-labeled payment-tiers ($3, $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, and Other).

Libertarian Party of Nevada (LPN)

Free: n/a
Student: $5
Supporting: $25
Loyalty: $50
Freedom: $85

Free: n/a
Student: $60
Basic: $60
Supporting: $300
Loyalty: $600
Freedom: $1,000

As of 3 April 2019, the LPN offers membership on a monthly & annual basis.[44]

Libertarian Party of New Hampshire (LPNH) n/a

Basic: $0
Youth: $10
General: $ 25
Family: $40
Sustaining: $0
Lifetime (accrued): $0
Lifetime (discounted): $200
Lifetime: $500

The LPNH's memberships are on yearly & 1x ("Lifetime") basis.[45] The most-basic, free Basic Members receive notices of meetings & conventions and can subscribe to other LPNH mailing lists delivered electronically. Youth Membership is limited to those 24years-old & below. Sustaining Members pay a due higher than that of General Member (the bare-minimum paying member), and such members can call-back to General Member-status in the event of missed dues (for a maximum of 1year).[46]
All the above is as of as of 3 April 2019.

New Jersey Libertarian Party (NJLP)

Monthly Sustaining: $5
Monthly Sustaining: $10

Student: $0
Regular State: $20
Supporting State: $35
Sustaining State: $50
Patron State: $100
Life State: $500

The NJLP offers monthly[47] & annual[48] membership, plus a free membership for students until graduation[49]. Life Membership seems to suggest 1x(?), too, but the statement before the memberships options are presented reads, "Please sign me up as a new member of the NJLP for one year."[48] (emphasis added). Other parties' website tend to clarify that their "Life"/"Lifetime" membership is 1x & permenent, but this seems missing in the NJLP's, as of as of 3 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of New Mexico (LPNM) ? n/a

This seems complicated. According to the website's membership page, LPNM membership with voting rights is free[50].
But according to the 3 March 2018 bylaws, membership is tiered, dues are monthly, and paying Caucus Members have voting rights, as opposed to free Affiliate Memebers. Caucus membership has 3 types: Subscribing Member (who has paid any dues to the LPNM), Sustaining Member (who has paid $10/month or more, $100/year, or $5/month after signing a statement of financial hardship), and Life/Lifetime LPNM Caucus Member ($100/month toward a total of $2,400).[51]
All the above is as of as of 3 April 2019.

Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY) n/a

Annual: $25
Life: $1,000

As of 4 April 2019, LPNY membership is on an annual (through 31 December)[52] & 1x ("Life") membership.[53] [54] [52] Payment via cryptocurrency Bitcoin is available.[55]

Libertarian Party of North Carolina (LPNC) n/a

$25 or more

As of 4 April 2019, there are 4 means of becoming a Member: 2 free (registering to vote as Libertarian and/or signing the statement "I certify that I do not advocate the initiation of force to achieve social or political goals".) and/or 2 paid (paying dues to the LPNC a minimum of $25/year and/or the national Libertarian Party (LP) according to the LP's rates). Membership is only for any NC citizen NOT registered as a member of any other party. Those who ARE registered to other parties (but also paid said dues and/or signed the statement) can be come Associates. "But associates are not eligible to serve as party officers or executive committee members at any level, as delegates to county and state conventions or as NC delegates to the Libertarian National Convention."[56]
That said, it seems that free LPNC-membership is 1x, while paid direct LPNC-membership seems annual, given the required due of $25/year or more. LPNC membership via LP-membership, depends completely on LP policies.

Libertarian Party of North Dakota (LPND) n/a? n/a? From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the LPND website, as of 4 April 2019.[57] No due, then?
Libertarian Party of Ohio (LPO) n/a n/a As of 4 April 2019, LPO-membership is free, though the LPO encourages LP-membership in parallel, to boost its influence on the national party, while it holds the rank of 7th-place and aims for 4th.[58]
Oklahoma Libertarian Party (OKLP) n/a

- none -: n/a
Student: $12
Delegate: $24
Activist: $60
Financier: $120
Lifetime: $250

As of 4 April 2019, the party bylaws read:"Excepting Life Time Memberships, membership in the OKLP is annual, and expires on the three hundred sixty-sixth (366th) day following the date of receipt of the inhabitant’s prior qualifying contribution."[59] So, membership offered is annual & 1x ("Lifetime").[60]

Libertarian Party of Oregon (LPO) n/a n/a As of 4 April 2019, membership to the LPO is free & automatic upon registering to vote Libertarian.[61]
Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA) n/a

Member: $20
Student: $10
Lifetime: $ 500

As of 8 April 2019, the LPPA membership is annual or 1x ("Lifetime").[62].
Libertarian Party of Puerto Rico (?) ? ? The territory's party website could not be accessed, as of 8 April 2019.[63][64]
Libertarian Party of Rhode Island (LPRI) n/a $40/yr. min. As of 8 April 2019, LPRI offers annual memebrship on a automatically-renewing or non- setting with an option for members to name their own dues over $40/year.[65]
South Carolina Libertarian Party (SCLP) n/a? n/a? From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the SCLP website, as of 8 April 2019.[66] No due, then?
South Dakota Libertarian Party (LPSD) n/a $5/yr. While the website is unclear on membership duration, bylaws clarify that membership is annual, as of 8 April 2019.[67][68]
Libertarian Party of Tennessee (LPTN) n/a? n/a? From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the LPTN website, as of 8 April 2019.[69] No due, then?
Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas)

Bronze Level: $10-$24
Silver Level: $25-$99
Gold Level: $100-$249
Platinum Level: $250-$499
Diamond Level: $500-$999
Founder's Circle: $1,000 & above

Basic Level: $25-$99
Bronze Level: $100-$249
Silver Level: $250-$999
Gold Level: $1,000-$2,499
Platinum Level: $2,500-$4,999
Diamond Level: $5,000-$9,999
Founder's Circle: $10,000 & above

LPTexas memebrship is either monthly or annual/1x, as of 8 April 2019.[70]
Libertarian Party of Utah (UTLP) n/a $20/yr. min. UTLP membership is annual/1x, as of 8 April 2019.[71]
Vermont Libertarian Party (?) ? ? From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the State-party's website, as of 9 April 2019.[72] The "Join Us" link of the "Get Involved in Your Community!"page leads to the national-party's membership page. On how to join the State-party, no such information is given.
Libertarian Party of Virginia (LPVA) n/a

No thank you: n/a

According to the LPVA "Membership" page, membership can be free.[73] But according to the party bylaws, membership is annual for a minimum due of $25/year or $5/year for students.[74]
All the above is as of as of 9 April 2019.
Libertarian Party of Washington State (LPWA) n/a

Non-Voting: n/a
Voting: $25/yr.

As of 9 April 2019, LPWA offers voting-membership on an annual basis.[75]
Libertarian Party of West ??Virginia (LPWV) n/a? n/a? From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the LPWV website, as of 9 April 2019.[76] No due, then?
Libertarian Party of Wisconsin (?)

Basic: $5
Regular: $10
Premium: $20

Basic: $50
Regular: $100
Premium: $200
Lifetime: $1,000

Party dues are in monthly[77], annual, and 1x ("Lifetime")[78], as of 9 April 2019.

Wyoming Libertarian Party (?) ? ? From a preliminary search, no such information seems available in the State-party website, as of 9 April 2019.[79] The official website seems to have been replaced with a blog in Japanese.

National Party Membership Reports

See National Party Membership Reports.


  1. Join the Libertarian Party, Libertarian Party,, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  2. Monthly Pledge, Libertarian Party of Alabama (LPA),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  3. New Memberships, Libertarian Party of Alabama (LPA),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  4. Join Us!, Alaska Libertarian Party (ALP),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  5. Join, Arizona Libertarian Party (AZLP),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  6. Torch Club, Libertarian Party of Arkansas (LPAR),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  7. Membership, Libertarian Party of Arkansas (LPAR),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  8. Become A New Member, Libertarian Party of California (LPC),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  9. Membership Renewal, Libertarian Party of California (LPC),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  10. Signup, Libertarian Party of Colorado (LPCO),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  11. Donate, Libertarian Party of Colorado (LPCO),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  12. Monthly Pledge, Libertarian Party of Connecticut (LPCT),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  13. Annual Membership, Libertarian Party of Connecticut (LPCT),, retrieved 27 March 2019 
  14. n/a, Libertarian Party of Delaware (?),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  15. Libertarian Party of the District of Columbia - Home, Libertarian Party of the District of Columbia (DCLP),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  16. n/a, Libertarian Party of the District of Columbia (DCLP),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  17. n/a, Libertarian Party of the District of Columbia (DCLP),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  18. Become a Member, Libertarian Party of Florida (LPF),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  19. Monthly Membership, Libertarian Party of Georgia (LPGeorgia),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  20. Annual Membership, Libertarian Party of Georgia (LPGeorgia),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  21. Libertarian Party of Hawaii, Libertarian Party of Hawaii (?),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  22. Libertarian Party of Idaho, Libertarian Party of Idaho (LPID),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  23. Join the Libertarian Party of Illinois, Libertarian Party of Illinois (LP Illinois),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  24. Libertarian Party of Indiana - Annual, Libertarian Party of Indiana (LPIN),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  25. LP Iowa Membership, Libertarian Party of Iowa (LPIA),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  26. Libertarian Party of Kansas, Libertarian Party of Kansas (LPKS),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  27. Monthly Pledge Membership, Libertarian Party of Kentucky (LP Kentucky),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  28. Annual Membership, Libertarian Party of Kentucky (LP Kentucky),, retrieved 28 March 2019 
  29. Donate, Libertarian Party of Louisiana (LPL),, retrieved 1 April 2019 
  30. Lifetime Members, Libertarian Party of Louisiana (LPL),, retrieved 1 April 2019 
  31. Become a Monthly Pledger, Libertarian Party of Maine (LPME),, retrieved 1 April 2019 
  32. One-Time donation / Annual Membership, Libertarian Party of Maine (LPME),, retrieved 1 April 2019 
  33. n/a, Libertarian Party of Maryland (?),, retrieved 1 April 2019 
  34. Monthly Membership, Libertarian Party of Massachusetts (LPMA),, retrieved 1 April 2019 
  35. Annual Membership, Libertarian Party of Massachusetts (LPMA),, retrieved 1 April 2019 
  36. Donate, Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPMI),, retrieved 2 April 2019 
  37. Membership Drive, Libertarian Party of Minnesota (LPMN),, retrieved 2 April 2019 
  38. Join the MSLP, Libertarian Party of Mississippi (MSLP),, retrieved 2 April 2019 
  39. LP Missouri Membership, Missouri Libertarian Party (MoLP),, retrieved 2 April 2019 
  40. Become A Member, Montana Libertarian Party (MTLP),, retrieved 2 April 2019 
  41. Contribute to the Libertarian Party of Nebraska!, Libertarian Party of Nebraska (LPNE),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  42. Monthly Pledge, Libertarian Party of Nebraska (LPNE),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  43. One Time Donation, Libertarian Party of Nebraska (LPNE),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  44. Join Now!, Libertarian Party of Nevada (LPN),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  45. Join LPNH or Renew Membership, Libertarian Party of New Hampshire (LPNH),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  46. V. Membership, Libertarian Party of New Hampshire (LPNH),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  47. Monthly Sustaining Member, New Jersey Libertarian Party (NJLP),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  48. 48.0 48.1 Join Us, New Jersey Libertarian Party (NJLP),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  49. Student Membership, New Jersey Libertarian Party (NJLP),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  50. Become a Caucus Member, Libertarian Party of New Mexico (LPNM),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  51. LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF NEW MEXICO CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS, Libertarian Party of New Mexico (LPNM),, retrieved 3 April 2019 
  52. 52.0 52.1 2019 Membership / Renewal / Donation Form, Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY),, retrieved 4 April 2019 
  53. Join / Renew / Donate, Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY),, retrieved 4 April 2019 
  54. n/a, Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY),, retrieved 4 April 2019 
  55. 2019 JOIN / DONATE, Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY),, retrieved 4 April 2019 
  56. 2019 Join the Libertarian Party of North Carolina, Libertarian Party of North Carolina (LPNC),, retrieved 4 April 2019 
  57. Signup, Libertarian Party of North Dakota (LPND),, retrieved 4 April 2019 
  58. Join Us, Libertarian Party of Ohio (LPO),, retrieved 4 April 2019 
  59. Bylaws, Oklahoma Libertarian Party (OKLP),, retrieved 4 April 2019 
  60. Membership, Oklahoma Libertarian Party (OKLP),, retrieved 4 April 2019 
  61. Bylaws, Libertarian Party of Oregon (LPO),, retrieved 4 April 2019 
  62. Join the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania as Member, Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  63. n/a, Libertarian Party of Puerto Rico (?),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  64. n/a, Libertarian Party of Puerto Rico (?),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  65. LPRI Membership, Libertarian Party of Rhode Island (LPRI),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  66. Signup, South Carolina Libertarian Party (SCLP),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  67. Get Involved!, South Dakota Libertarian Party (LPSD),, retrieved 8 April 2019  Payments via cryptocurrency Bitcoin is available.
  68. Bylaws Libertarian Party Of South Daokta June 15, 2015, South Dakota Libertarian Party (LPSD),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  69. Signup, Libertarian Party of Tennessee (LPTN),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  70. Donate, Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  71. Join, Libertarian Party of Utah (UTLP),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  72. Get Involved in Your Community!, Vermont Libertarian Party (?),, retrieved 9 April 2019 
  73. Membership, Libertarian Party of Virginia (LPVA),, retrieved 9 April 2019 
  74. State Rules Packet 2014-2016 Term, Libertarian Party of Virginia (LPVA),, retrieved 9 April 2019 
  75. Join LPWA, Libertarian Party of Washington State (LPWA),, retrieved 9 April 2019 
  76. Get in Touch!, Libertarian Party of West ??Virginia (LPWV),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  77. Monthly Pledge Membership, Libertarian Party of Wisconsin (?),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  78. Annual Membership, Libertarian Party of Wisconsin (?),, retrieved 8 April 2019 
  79. ??????????? ("Ikidaore Sarar?man Tabi"; lit. "The Fallen & Dying Salaryman/Office-worker Journey"), Wyoming Libertarian Party (?)?,, retrieved 8 April 2019