Libertarian Party of Minnesota

The Libertarian Party of Minnesota (LPMN) is the Minnesota affiliate of the Libertarian Party.

Libertarian Party of Minnesota
General Information
Chartered: 1972
Region: 6
Chair: Chris Holbrook
Vice-Chair: Ryan Waterbury
Secretary: Cindy Hucks
Treasurer: Mary O’Connor
Address: 1201 42½ Ave NE
Columbia Heights, MN 55421
Website: Website
Social Media


There are a number of steps involved in forming a new political party. The steps that created the Libertarian Party of Minnesota were not all done by a single group of people working together. After decades have passed, it is difficult to pull together those various steps, who did them, and to determine which steps actually constitute the founding of the LP of MN. Hopefully, this account will give credit to whom it is due without being overly-concerned about details.

It's clear that the impetus behind the start of our state party, in 1972, was that the Libertarian Party had just been started on the national level, and it was trying to run Dr. John Hospers, a philosophy professor from California and past close associate of Ayn Rand, for President of the United States. That news interested a number of Minnesotans, and caused several independent conversations about forming a State LP party branch.

Charles Brekke and Steve Richardson wrote a letter to the National Libertarian Party, in Colorado, requesting a charter for a Minnesota state party. Meanwhile, Frank Haws and Rich Kleinow were discussing the same idea from an organizational aspect, with an eye toward getting Hospers on the ballot in Minnesota. Soon, a plan was being developed by the combined group. It was affiliated on 11/25/72 at the LNC Meeting 25 November 1972 as per Document:LP News 1972 November Issue 11.

Frank Haws and some of the others who were interested in forming this party, knew Ed Contoski as one of the original sponsors of the early lectures on Objectivism and an author writing on libertarianism. All concurred that Ed would be best suited for the role of State Chairman. Charles Brekke volunteered to be secretary and do as much of the detail work as possible, and Ed graciously agreed to become the first LPMN Party Chair.

The first real meeting was held at the home of Charles and Georgiena Brekke, at 4821 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, which became the first LPMN HQ.

At that meeting Ed Contoski was elected the first state chairman. Rich Kleinow was elected vice-chairman, Charles Brekke secretary, and Claudia Jenson treasurer. Others at the meeting were Frank Haws, Jack and Jane Buxell, Marc and Arnette Putman, and Georgiena Brekke. Charles Brekke had contacted the Minnesota Secretary of State's office and learned that to be officially recognized as a political party in Minnesota it was necessary to have ten members. The eleven original signers of that charter, in alphabetic order, were:

Charles Brekke Georgiena Brekke Jack Buxell Jane Buxell Ed Contoski Rich Kleinow Franklin Haws Claudia Jensen Arnette Putman Marc Putman Stephen Richardson

These original eleven people were the founders of the Libertarian Party of Minnesota and comprised the original Executive Committee.

During the early years, those who decided to form the Libertarian Party, both nationally and in Minnesota, were criticized by others in the Objectivist movement, and by Ayn Rand herself. Clearly, these were people who wanted to put their beliefs into action. For that we are in debt to their courage and persistence.

In 1974, Rich Kleinow and Claudia Jensen were the first two candidates for the Libertarian Party of Minnesota, on the ballot for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively.

Dale Hemming, the twelfth member of the LPMN, worked vigorously on behalf of the party in the early years and ran for Congress in 1976 and 1978.

Many early members have moved to other places, and some have become inactive.

It should be noted that volunteer work in a young organization often creates "burnout" and "dropout." This is probably more true in a political party, trying to overcome the significant hurdles created by incumbent parties to stifle any new competition. Even so, many more individuals joined the LP of MN during the next few years, and at this time, there are still many active members with 20 years or more.

Governing Documents


For historical platforms see Index of Minnesota State Party Platforms


For historical bylaws see Index of Minnesota State Party Bylaws


As of August 2017.

Judicial Committee
Division Leaders




Historical Addresses


PO BOX 580774/ Minneapolis, Minnesota 55458-0774 (1996-1998)


1710 Douglas Dr N #225U Golden Valley, MN 55422




See: Libertarian Party of Minnesota Historical Election Results

Size and Influence

Year Minimum
Of Voters
Total Donors
2004 - 2016
Active Members
1972 - 2003

LNC Donors
State Rank
Of Total LNC
(Of 51)
2018 53,068 2.03% 2,070 369 210 37.43 22
2017 2,079 373 213 38.20 25
2016 112,972 3.81% 2,214 401 315 57.07 22
2015 2,043 372 171 31.15 22
2014 40,729 2.04% 2,007 368 180 32.98 23
2013 1,977 365 213 39.28 22
2012 35,098 1.19% 1,932 359 223 41.45 22
2011 1,868 349 221 41.32 22
2010 1,839 346 226 42.56 22
2009 1,817 344 234 44.31 22
2008 13,923 0.48% 1,735 331 273 52.03 21
2007 1,633 314 220 42.25 25
2006 15 0.00% 1,580 306 188 36.41 21
2005 1,405 274 272 53.13 22
2004 4,639 0.16% 328 64.47 23
2003 270 53.43 22
2002 319 63.56 22
2001 376 75.46 22
2000 17,151 0.70% 460 93.24 22
1999 441 92.35 23
1998 49,173 2.34% 467 98.81 20
1997 368 78.50 20
1996 8,271 0.37% 384 82.62 19
1995 239 51.90 18
1994 15,467 0.86% 176 38.55 19
1993 148 32.73 20
1992 3,373 0.14% 185 41.37 20
1991 152 34.33 18
1990 168 38.29 18
1989 148 34.12 15
1988 5,109 0.24% 128 29.79 17
1986 3,852 0.26%
1984 4,653 0.22%
1982 31,422 1.71%
1980 31,593 1.52%
1978 4,116 0.25%
1976 7,004 0.35%
1974 2,115 0.17%
1972 35 0.00%

External links

Libertarian Party of Minnesota
Affiliates: HennepinNicolletOtter TailRamseySt. Louis
Other: Election Results

State Organizations of the National Libertarian Party
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Guam | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming