Libertarian Party of West Virginia

Revision as of 22:32, 27 August 2007 by Mdh (talk | contribs) (The founded this is... very ambiguous. LPWV has been founded no less than 4 times, with the most recent being this past weekend... guess I'll go with that.)

Template:Infobox WV State Party

Active Volunteers

Current events

August 25th meeting in Weston, WV

Our meeting at LCHS in Weston on the 25th concluded with a new set of bylaws being approved, and a new slate of officers being elected. We also collected well over $100 in membership fees from new members. Jim Lark was in attendance, and assisted us by serving as chair for the meeting.

August 11th meeting in Weston, WV

All interested parties are urged to attend an organizational meeting to adopt bylaws and elect officers of the LPWV. We will meet at 1:00 pm on Saturday, August 11, in Weston. The meeting will be at Lewis County High School, in the cafeteria, which is straight through the front doors and ahead on the right.

To get to LCHS, take exit 96 off I-79, turn right (from either north or south), and proceed about a quarter mile to the stop sign. The entrance to the school is straight across the intersection.

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State Organizations of the National Libertarian Party
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