Jason Regehr

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Jason Regehr is a member of the Libertarian Party of California. Jason was a self-described leftist before swinging towards "tea party" conservatism in early adulthood. During the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, he read Rothbard's Ethics of Liberty. By age 47, he had registered Libertarian and joined the Libertarian Party.

Jason Regehr
Regehr Jason 2022.jpg
Personal Details
Birth: 1973
Whittier, CA
Education: California State University, Fullerton
Occupation: CFO
Residence: Costa Mesa, CA
Party: Libertarian
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Jason is passionate about economics, finance and investing. His first exposure to Austrian economics was reading Rothbard's America's Great Depression. He described Ethics of Liberty as challenging his way of thinking, and led to his adoption of libertarianism as a philosophy. The issues most important to him are ending the state control of money and protecting property rights in all forms.

He was a delegate seated with the delegation of the Libertarian Party of California at the 2022 National Convention.


Jason was born in 1973 in Whittier, CA. He resides in Costa Mesa, CA (Orange County) with his wife, Trisha Regehr. He is a CPA and works as a Chief Financial Officer (CFO).


  • California State University, Fullerton, B.S. (Business Administration)
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

Organizational Positions

State Committees

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