Platform Committee 2022

The LNC had previously appointed Lauren Daugherty as interim chair. However, Ms. Daugherty subsequently resigned due to accepting employment with Young Americans for Liberty.

Read-Only Discussion List

Public Read-Only Discussion List

Committee Members

Name Appointing Body First Alternate Second Alternate
Caryn Ann Harlos Libertarian National Committee
Michael Seebeck Libertarian Party of Colorado Clayton Casciato Kat Martin
Ashley Shade Libertarian National Committee
Mary Swim Libertarian National Committee
Curry Taylor Libertarian National Committee
Vacant Libertarian National Committee
Pending Alaska Libertarian Party
Pending Libertarian Party of California
Pending Libertarian Party of Florida
Pending Libertarian Party of Illinois
Pending Libertarian Party of Michigan
Pending Libertarian Party of New Hampshire
Pending Libertarian Party of New Mexico
Pending Libertarian Party of New York
Pending Libertarian Party of Virginia
Pending Libertarian Party of Ohio
Pending Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania
Pending Libertarian Party of Texas
Pending Libertarian Party of Washington
Pending Wyoming Libertarian Party

Data used for determination of state affiliates entitled to Platform Committee seats:

Bylaws Provisions

1. There shall be a Platform Committee, a Bylaws and Rules Committee, and a Credentials Committee for each regular convention. The National Committee shall appoint a temporary chair of each committee to serve until each committee selects its own chair.
3. The Platform Committee shall consist of 20 members selected as follows:
a. One member by each of the five affiliate parties having the greatest per capita sustaining membership as determined for convention delegate allocations at the most recent regular convention.
b. One member by each of the 10 affiliate parties having the largest sustaining memberships, excluding those affiliates from (a), as determined for convention delegate allocations at the most recent regular convention.
c. Five members selected by the National Committee.
d. These members shall be selected no later than the last day of the fifth month prior to the regular convention.
5. Ranked alternates may be named by the appointing bodies to fill any vacancies or absences in the convention committees.

Calculations Per Capita

State Number of National BSM Members Population Per Capita Percentage Per Capita Rank
Libertarian Party of New Hampshire 171 1,316,470 .0129989 1
Libertarian Party of Colorado 501 5,029,196 .009961 2
Alaska Libertarian Party 69 710,231 .009715 3
Wyoming Libertarian Party 42 563,626 .007451 4
Libertarian Party of New Mexico 147 2,059,179 .007138 5

Calculations Per National Membership Rank

State Number of National BSM Members National Membership Rank Comments
Libertarian Party of California 1,529 1
Libertarian Party of Texas 1,097 2
[[Libertarian Party of Florida] 806 3
Libertarian Party of New York 729 4
Libertarian Party of Ohio 668 5
Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania 608 6
Libertarian Party of Virginia 540 7
Libertarian Party of Colorado 501 8 Removed from this as also in the top 5 per capita.
Libertarian Party of Washington 476 9
Libertarian Party of Illinois 466 10
Libertarian Party of Michigan 462 11

Permanent Chair and Secretary


Date Video Recording Minutes

Voting Record Spreadsheet
