The Libertarian Party of California (LPC) is the California affiliate of the Libertarian Party. Just as California is the most populous state in the United States, it also has the largest number of registered Libertarians, and the most Libertarian Party members, of any state. As of 2019, more than 150,000 voters in California are registered Libertarian. In 2018, California had 109 delegate slots at the national convention, while the state with the next-highest number, Texas, had only 73.
Historically, some of the most active county affiliates in California have been in San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Clara, San Francisco, Alameda, and Riverside counties.
"The Party exists to uphold, promote, and disseminate the philosophy and principles of libertarianism. To that end, it shall proclaim and implement the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party ..."[1]
The general term "member" has been used at various points in the LPC's history to refer to a number of different kinds of connection with the LPC.
California voters may register as affiliated with a political party. As of early 2019, there were more than 150,000 registered Libertarian voters, making the Libertarian Party the 4th largest in the state.
Individuals qualify to vote on Libertarian Party business at the state and county level by (1) certifying that they oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals, (2) paying dues, and (3) not being registered to vote with any other party. The term used for this status is "central committee member".
People who pay dues but do not qualify as central committee members because they have not signed the certification or because they are registered to vote with another party are referred to in a number of ways, as "associate members", as "non-voting members", as part of the more general class of "dues-paying members", or simply as "contributors".
The Libertarian Party of California Executive Committee for the 2017-2018 term. Top row, left to right: Baron Bruno, Jason Wu, Dave Bowers, Wendy Hewitt, Alex Appleby, Zachary Moore, Tyler Kuskie, Boomer Shannon. Bottom row, left to right: Jennifer Imhoff-Dousharm, Mimi Robson (Secretary), Kenneth Brent Olsen (Northern Vice Chair), Ted Brown (Chair), Jonathan Jaech (Southern Vice Chair), Steve Haug (Treasurer), Robert Imhoff-Dousharm. April 30, 2017, in Santa Clara, California.
This is what the page had listed for the state Executive Committee until recently. It was from 2010-11. This section needs to be replaced with a more comprehensive list of the Executive Committee members by date.