Libertarian Party of Texas

Texas black on olive 290x368-236x300.jpg

Chairperson Pat Dixon
Vice-Chair Steve Nichols
Second Vice-Chair
Treasurer Kevin Hutchinson
Secretary Eugene Flynn
Member at-large

LNC Region 1

Founded 1971
Address P.O. Box 41059
Austin, TX 78704

June 2006 meeting of the Texas SLEC


Pat Dixon, chair
Steve Nichols, vice chair
Eugene Flynn, secretary
Kevin Hutchinson, treasurer
Vance Lowery, district 1
Allen Weatherford, district 1
Robert Appelbaum, district 3
Rhys Blavier, district 4
Edwin Zimmerman, district 5
Eric Holdt, district 7
Jay Cookingham, district 7
David Mason, district 8
Jim Prindle, district 8
John Shuey, district 9
Warren Sippel, Jr., district 9
Jessie Bouley, district 11
Michael Figaro, district 11
Virginia Ginn, district 12
Jeff Daiell, district 13
Guy McLendon, district 13
Matt Finkel, district 14
Gary Johnson, district 14
Pru Rearden, district 15
Paul Petersen, district 16
Zackary Smith, district 16
Michael Lee, district 17
Robert Lapham, district 18
Mette Baker, district 19
John Jay Myers, district 23
Jon Roland, district 24
Lee Wrights, district 24
Laura Ann Valle, district 25
Chuck Young, district 25
Roger Gary, district 26
Melissa Martinez Carrasco, district 26
Jim Holdar, district 27
Bard Clardy, district 28
Richard Forsythe, district 30


Robert Butler, Executive Director
Amie Parsons, North Texas Director
Christie Pearson, Gulf Coast Director
Heather Fazio, Membership Coordinator
Art DiBianca, Data Manager

Past Officers, Staff, and Committee Members

Pat Dixon, chair (2004-present), district 14 representative (2002-04)
David DeLamar, chair (2002-2004)
Geoff Neale, chair (1998-2002), treasurer (2004-2007), district 14
Jay Manifold, chair (1994-1996), vice chair
Joe Barnett, chair (1993?-1994)
Bruce Baechelor, chair (1988-?)
Roger Gary, chair (1984-1988)
Alma K?, chair (1982?-1984?)
Honey Lanham, chair (1980?-1982?)
W T Fraser, chair (early 1980s)
Mike Grossberg, chair (1970s)
Bill Howell, chair (1970s)

Patrick Barton, staff assistant (2007-2008)
Kendall Beerwinkle, district 16 representative (2002-04)
Marshall Beerwinkle, district 16 representative (2002-04)
Wes Benedict, executive director (2004-2008)
Joye Brooks, district 25 representative (2002-04)
William Brooks, district 25 representative (2002-04)
Mary Ann Bryan, district 7 representative (2008-10)
Laura Coker-Garcia, secretary (2004-2008), district representative
David Wallace Croft, district 9 representative (2001-c.2004)
Barbara Cunningham, vice chair, district 5 representative (2002-04), Publications Committee Chair, Lone Star Liberty editor
Art DiBianca, assistant executive director
Tim Dove, district 2 representative (2002-04)
Frederick Drew, district 27 representative
David Durbin, district 8 representative (2002-04)
Peter Elloway, district 13 representative (2002-04)
Paul Farris, district 5 representative (2002-04)
T. Evan Fisher, district 16
Eugene Flynn, district 23 representative (2002-03; 2008-10)
Vicki Flores, district 23 representative (2002-04)
Anthony Garcia, treasurer (2004), district representative
Clyde L. Garland, vice chair (2000-2002)
James Gholston, district 30 representative (2001-04, 2005-10)
Kevin Hagan, district 12 representative (2002-04)
Catherine Harrell, district 19 representative (2002-04)
James Harrell, district 19 representative (2002-04)
John Hawley, vice chair (2002-04), district 23 representative
Rock Howard, district representative, political director (2001-02)
Christopher Jagge, district representative, Organizing & Outreach Committee Chair
Keith Johnson, district 2 representative (2002-04)
Tom Kane, district 21 representative (2002-04)
John Kormylo, district 13 representative (2002-04)
Bob Lockhart, treasurer (1986-2004)
Joe Marcom, district 6 representative (2008-10)
Tom Maxton, district 2 representative (2002-04)
Guy McLendon, vice chair (2008-10)
Jack McNally, district 27 representative (2002-04)
Linda McNally, district 27 representative (2002-04)
Royce Mitchell, Jr., district 11 representative (2002-04)
Nancy Neale, vice chair, district representative, Publicity & Advertising Committee Chair
Terry Liberty Parker, vice chair
Robert Restivo, district 28 representative (2002-04)
George Schwappach, Campaigns & Elections Committee Chair (2000?-2002), district 24 representative (2002-04)
Alan Smith, district 2 representative (2002-04)
Lance Smith, Finance Committee Chair, district 7 representative (2002-04)
William Strange, district 8 representative (2008-10)
Jim Thompson, district 30 representative (2002-04)
Bob Townsend, district 15 representative (2002-04)
Kevin Tunstall, vice chair (2006-2008), district representative
John Turnbow, district 28 representative (2002-04)
Richard E. Walker, Database Committee Chair, district 14 representative (2002-04)
Craig Weems, district 5 representative
Stephanie Berlin Weiss, secretary (2000-2004)
Robert West, district 12 representative (2001-04)
Krista Wheatly, district 31 representative (2001-04)
Ernie Whiteside, district 9 representative (2001-04)


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