LPedia:LPHPC Agenda
Please put items to be put on the agenda for consideration at the next LP Historical Preservation Committee meeting. You can contact the Committee at lpedia@lp.org. The Committee meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month of every month. The log-in information for each of those recurring appointments is down below. Any Libertarian Party member may attend.
PROPOSED AGENDA Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Use Zoom number, link, and passcode for First Tuesday
Call to Meeting
- Date & Time: Tuesday, 4 March 2025 @ 4:30pm Mountain / 6:30pm Eastern / 5:30pm Central / 3:30pm Pacific
- Where: Online: Zoom Online Meeting
- Attendees: Members of the Historical Preservation Committee and any members of the Party who choose to attend
- Objective: As per LNC-creation mandate, to help preserve and publish historical documents of the party and to manage LPedia
- Chair: Caryn Ann Harlos
- Secretary: Joe Dehn
- Other Members: Samuel Bohler, Ed Fochler, Lisa Gansky, James Gholston, Andrew Martin Kolstee
I. Roll Call
II. Read and Approve Agenda
Unless it ever becomes chaotic, we freely add things on the fly without any formal vote to do so as our tradition. If any committee member needs to leave early, please ask for items that you have input on to be moved to the top of the agenda.
III. Guest Comments
Relevant guest comments are also generally welcome in agenda item discussions.
IV. Approve Minutes from Past Meeting
V. Standing Items
a. General LPedia
1. Policy Updates
2. Templates and Template Documentation
3. Category Rebuild
4. Site Statistics
5. Site Technical
- Some special pages updated on 4 March 2024 (check if Affiliate Bylaws still shows up here)
- Forcing download to view media
- Confirmation sought: LPedia can successfully send emails, correct?
6. Featured Article
7. Requests for Deletion
8. Other Miscellaneous LPedia
b. Historical Collections and Projects
1. Our Storage Unit
- Work being done
- Notable donations/acquisitions
2. State Historical Projects
- Libertarian Party of Alabama
- Libertarian Party of California
- Libertarian Party of Florida
- Libertarian Party of New York
- Michigan documents collection from Greg Stempfle
3. External Archives
- Final home of scanned items
4. Personal Collections
c. Uploading Project Progress
d. Convention Memorial Committee
- needs article with info about what was done for each convention so far
e. Nolan Digital Files Committee
- Andrew to give update
f. General Committee Business
VI. Unfinished Business
- LPedia's 20th Anniversary (LPedia article; special logo)
VII. New Business
VIII. Establish/Announce next meeting time
IX. Adjournment
Meeting Log-In Information
Every First Tuesday Log-in Information
Caryn Ann Harlos is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LPHPC Every First Tuesday at 4:30pm Mountain
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81578633308?pwd=VHdHQkxUUkJ4MkdRYVY5d2x4cCtHQT09
Meeting ID: 815 7863 3308 Passcode: 091827
Every Third Tuesday Log-in Information
Caryn Ann Harlos is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LPHPC Meeting Every Third Tuesday at 4:30pm Mountain
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85236987198?pwd=eUJXSytWcTZZamhQVS9oQ0cyRjR1UT09
Meeting ID: 852 3698 7198 Passcode: 266366