Main Page
LPedia is a collaborative, running history of the Libertarian Party. Running on the popular MediaWiki engine, LPedia is open to everyone interested in the Libertarian Party.
What you can do
You may create new pages, edit, discuss or update any content within this site.
This is a resource provided by the Libertarian Party to its members and the general public.
First, create an account by going HERE.
To improve, update, or correct an article, sign in and click on the article's edit tab at the top of the page. You can click on the Show preview button to test your revision and press Save page button when you are finished with it.
To create a new article, simply add the name of the page that you would like to create to your browser's address bar. If the title contains two or more words, add an underscore instead of a space. For example, to create an article on former national chair and executive director Steve Dasbach:
You will then see a page telling you that the article does not exist (unless it already exists). Simply click on the edit tab to create and save your entry as described above.
If your editing skills aren't as good as you wish they were, note that you can improve the article later, and so can any other editor.
You can also create a user page in the form of User:YourUserName to tell other editors about yourself and decorate it with Wikipedia-style userboxes.
Where to find things
National LP
State LP
Libertarian Party of Britsh Columbia
Questions, Problems, or Bugs
Please refer any questions, problems or bugs to