Erie County Libertarian Party

Revision as of 14:23, 18 July 2023 by AMK152 (talk | contribs)

The Erie County Libertarian Committee (previously known as the Erie County Libertarian Party) is an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of New York. It was established on July 18, 2015.

Erie County Libertarian Party
General Information
Jurisdiction: Erie County, New York
Chartered: July 18, 2015
Status: Active
Chair: Duane Whitmer
Vice-Chair: Erin Becker
Secretary: Maura Botsford
Treasurer: Mitch Trzaska
Website: Website
Facebook: Facebook


According to Murray Rothbard in The Libertarian Forum (January 1977), there was an active group of Libertarians in Buffalo in the 1970s. In the mid-1970s, Ralph Raico served as Chair of a Buffalo Libertarian Party. An Erie-Niagara chapter existed in the 1990s. As early as 2003, John Wadsworth served as Temporary Chair, until June 5, 2011, when Kyle Hulse took over.

In 2014, Edward Garrett was appointed Temporary County Chair by the LPNY State Committee and he worked to form an affiliate in the county. At first, he worked to form a Western New York Libertarian Party and after the 2015 state convention, worked with Andrew Kolstee in Chautauqua County and Kim Ruff in Niagara County to get western New York organized.

The ECLP held its founding on July 18, 2015, with Garrett elected Chair. The affiliate was chartered by the State Committee and Garrett also served as State Representative. Garrett was chair until April 25, 2017, when Kevin Cruver was chair for a term. Garrett was again chair during the 2018-2019 term, including when the LPNY was transtitioning from a corporation to a political party. In April 2019, the chapter held a convention to form an Interim County Organization, and they were confirmed by the Interim State Committee on June 9, 2019.

Duane Whitmer was first elected Treasurer in 2018, and then he ran for Congress in New York's 27th congressional district. He was elected Chair of the affiliate in 2019.




State Representative
Temporary County Chair


Date Location Notes
July 18, 2015
April 24, 2017
August 25, 2018
April 27, 2019 ICO formation
August 14, 2019
September 20, 2020
October 2, 2022

Libertarian Party of New York
Affiliates: ChautauquaChemungColumbiaDutchessErieKings (Brooklyn)MadisonMonroeNassauNew York (Manhattan)OneidaOnondagaOrangeQueensPutnamRichmond (Staten Island)SaratogaSchoharieSuffolkTiogaUlsterWayneYates
Unorganized Affiliates: AlbanyAlleganyBronxBroomeCattaraugusCayugaChenangoClintonCortlandDelawareEssexFranklinFultonGeneseeGreeneHamiltonHerkimerLewisLivingstonMontgomeryJeffersonNiagaraOntarioOrleansOtsegoRensselaerRocklandSt. LawrenceSchenectadySteubenSullivanWarrenWashingtonWestchesterWyoming
Former Affiliates: Active: Capital DistrictHudson ValleyDefunct: Brooklyn-QueensBuffaloCentral New YorkErie-NiagaraGenesee RegionIthacaMid HudsonNew York CityNorth County LibertariansSouthern TierWestchester-PutnamWestern New York
Conventions: 1973197419751976197719781979198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202022 Nominating20222024 Nominating2024
Candidates: By year (196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025) • U.S. HouseState Assembly
State Committees: 1972-731973-741974-751975-761976-771977-781978-791979-801980-811981-821982-831983-841984-851985-861986-871987-881988-891989-901990-911991-921992-931993-941994-951995-961996-971997-981998-991999-20002000-012001-022002-032003-042004-052005-062006-072007-082008-092009-102010-112011-122012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-19Transition (2019)Interim State Committee (2019-20)2019-202020-222022-242024-26
Committees: CommunicationsDelegate SelectionFundraisingITLegislative AffairsLocal Affiliate DevelopmentPetitioningPlatformRules
Former Committees: Clipping ServiceConventionElection Law & ProceduresHistoricalJudiciaryLibrarianMedia RelationsMembershipOperations & ActivitiesOrganizational StructureParty CommunicationsPublicity & Editorial ReplySpeake's BureauStrategic PlanningVacancyVettingVolunteer
Documents: BylawsEmailsMeetingsFinancial ReportsNewslettersPlatformsPress Releases
Indexes/Categories: CampaignsCourt cases
Local Conventions: 2014201520162017201820192020-212022-232024-25
National Delegations: 197419761981198720162018202020222024
Electors: 1976198019841988199219962000200420082012201620202024
Positions: ChairsVice-ChairsSecretariesTreasurersCommunications DirectorsFundraising DirectorsIT DirectorsLegislative Affairs DirectorsOutreach DirectorsPolitical DirectorsVolunteer Directors
Other: Libertarian Advocates of New YorkLocal ChairsSize and Influence • State Committee Elections: 202020222024Organization