Rachel Nyx

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Rachel Nyx
Rachel-Johnson 2020.jpg
Rachel at the 2021 Libertarian Party of California Convention
Libertarian Party of California
May 21, 2021—present
Predecessor: Kenneth Brent Olsen
Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County
July 2020—present
Predecessor: Rick Dawson
At-Large Representative
Libertarian Party of California
February 16, 2020—May 17, 2021
At-Large Representative (Alternate)
Libertarian Party of California
November 9, 2019—February 16, 2020
Predecessor: Jon Prosser
Successor: Dawn Brosius
Personal Details
Education: Fordham University (B.A.)
Occupation: Paralegal
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
Party: Libertarian Party
Twitter: Twitter
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Rachel Nyx is the Vice-Chair of the Libertarian Party of California. She formerly served as an At-Large Representative on the LP California Executive Committee, and currently also serves on the Bylaws, Operations, and Social Media committees. She also serves as a member of the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County as the county Vice-Chair. She is an transgender voice in the Libertarian Party and is the first openly transgender person to serve on the executive board of a political party in California.

Prior to joining the Libertarian Party of California, Nyx earned her Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from Fordham University in New York City. At Fordham, she was the Vice-President of the College Republicans, where she witnessed first hand the reality of positions of power abusing their authorities and using censorship to gain political favor when the Cornell College Republicans were expelled from the New York State Federation of College Republicans for endorsing 2016 Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson over Donald Trump. She became a prominent voice for third-party politics, publishing several articles in Fordham's school papers in support of ending the two-party system.

In January 2020, she announced her campaign for At-Large Representative on the LPC Executive Committee, receiving endorsements from the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County and multiple caucuses, and was successfully elected to the Committee at the 2020 Libertarian Party of California Convention.

In July 2020, Nyx was elected as Vice-Chair of the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County, serving under returning incumbent chair Angela McArdle. She was reelected LPLAC Vice-Chair in 2021.

On November 30, 2020, she announced her candidacy for Vice-Chair of the Libertarian Party of California for the 2021-2023 term, and was elected to the position at the California Convention 2021 in Visalia, CA on May 17, 2021.

Rachel works as a paralegal in Los Angeles, CA.

Organizational Positions

Libertarian Party of California
  • Vice Chair, Libertarian Party of California, (May 2021-present)
  • At-Large Representative, Libertarian Party of California, (November 2019-May 2021)
  • Chair, Bylaws Committee, Libertarian Party of California (June 2020—February 2022)
  • Member, Affiliate Support Committee, Libertarian Party of California (May 2021—February 2022)
  • Member, Operations Committee, Libertarian Party of California (February 2020—present)
  • Member, Social Media Committee, Libertarian Party of California (February 2019—present)
  • Member, Awards Committee, Libertarian Party of California (November 2019—present)
Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County
  • Vice-Chair, Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County (July 2020-present)
  • Region 66 Alternate - South Bay, Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County (June 2019-July 2020)
Libertarian Party
  • Alternate (California), Platform Committee, (June 2021—present)
National Convention
California State Convention