Free Libertarian Party, Inc.
Free Libertarian Party, Inc. is a corporation established in July 1972 in order for the Libertarian Party of New York to conduct business as an independent body. The corporation was deemed unnecessary and a vote to dissolve was conducted in November 2019.
The following members of the Free Libertarian Party, Inc. were elected at the May 2019 convention, or appointed to fill vacancies previously. A resolution was rejected to hold a new election of the Interim State Committee, and thus the leadership of the Free Libertarian Party, Inc. differentiated from its successor, the Interim State Committee of the Libertarian Party of New York at its convention on May 4, 2019. As of 2022, the corporation has not dissolved and no election has taken place since 2019. Despite the inactivity of the corporation, no individual has formally resigned, therefore all remain as members of the Free Libertarian Party's governing body, except for Michael McDermott upon his death in 2021.
Officers and At-Large
- Mark E. Glogowski, Chair (since May 4, 2019)
- Kari Bittner, Vice-Chair (elected May 4, 2019)
- Jeff Motta, Vice-Chair (elected May 4, 2019)
- Andrew Martin Kolstee, Secretary (elected November 10, 2019)
- Duane Whitmer, Treasurer (elected May 4, 2019)
- Steve Minogue, At-Large Committee Member (elected December 2, 2018)
- Paul Grindle, At-Large Committee Member (elected May 4, 2019)
- Michael McDermott, At-Large Committee Member (May 4, 2019—March 9, 2021)
- Christopher Olenski, At-Large Committee Member (elected May 4, 2019)
- Chase Tkach, At-Large Committee Member (elected May 4, 2019)
- Jim Rosenbeck, Immediate Past Chair (since May 4, 2019)
Chapter Representatives
- Brooklyn - Gary Popkin
- Capital District - Fred Cole
- Cattaraugus - Matt Peterson-Volz
- Chautauqua - Andrew Martin Kolstee
- Erie - Duane Whitmer
- Genesee - Mark Potwora
- Hudson Valley - Jan-Erik Janson
- Manhattan - Ilya Schwartzburg
- Monroe - Sean Phelan
- Nassau - Blay Tarnoff
- Onondaga - Milva Dordal
- Queens - Aaron Commey
- Schoharie - Lora Newell
- Staten Island - Richard Bell
- Steuben - Peter Olausson
- Suffolk - Jim Harris
- Tioga - Keith Price
- Westchester - Mark Rosen
- M Carling, Parliamentarian (appointed June 24, 2010)