California Convention 2021

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2021 Libertarian Party of California Convention
CA-Visalia Marriott front.jpg
Dates: May 14-16, 2021
Venue: Visalia Marriott at the Convention Center
Website: Website
← 2020

The 2021 Libertarian Party of California Convention was the 49th annual convention of the Libertarian Party of California. It was held 14-16 May 2021 at The Marriott at the Convention Center in Visalia.

Party Business

registration desk
Saturday morning
Treasurer's Report

This convention heard reports, elected state officers and other members of the state Executive Committee, elected alternate members of the state Judicial Committee, approved changes to the LPC's Bylaws and Platform, endorsed candidates, and adopted resolutions.


  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Central Area Coordinator
  • Southern Area Coordinator

The Northern Area Coordinator did not present a report.

Elections for LPC Offices

Announced Candidates Prior to the Convention

Summary of Results

Porcupine ballot system diplaying who voted
some delegates still used paper ballots

Voting Details

The election for Chair was conducted in one round, using IRV:

Mimi Robson 108
James Ogle 1
Rachel Nyx (write-in) 1

The election for Vice Chair was conducted in one round, using IRV:

Rachel Nyx 93
Anna Mosashvili 17

The election for Secretary was conducted in one round, using IRV:

Jessica Tewksbury[1] 57
Jillian Olsen 53

The election for Treasurer was by voice vote as there was only one candidate (Paul Vallandigham).

The election for Northern Area Coordinator was conducted in one round, using IRV:

Jia Christopher[1] 19
Kevin Moore 15

The election for Central Area Coordinator was conducted in one round, using IRV:

Jon Prosser 22
Tom Nichols 11

The election for Southern Area Coordinator was conducted in one round, using IRV:

Tara Young 32
Rajani Maiatico 12

There were a total of six at-large positions to be filled on the Executive Committee (four as regularly scheduled, two for the remainder of the term for two members who had been elected in 2020). In the first round delegates were allowed up to six votes, and four candidates received the support of a majority, filling the four full-term slots:

Kalish Morrow 79
Cheyne Strawn 71
Elizabeth Stump 64
Adrian Malagon[1] 53
Rajani Maiatico 49
Tom Nichols 48
Wendy Hewitt 44
Zach Foster 44
Peter Moulds 43
Kevin Moore 40
Michael Noguera 33

The candidate with the lowest vote total was dropped and a second round was conducted with the remaining candidates, with delegates allowed up to two votes, but no candidates received the support of a majority:

Tom Nichols 39
Wendy Hewitt 38
Rajani Maiatico 37
Kevin Moore 20
Zach Foster 20
Peter Moulds 15

The three candidates receiving the two lowest vote counts were dropped, leaving three candidates on the ballot, and a third round was conducted with delegates each allowed to cast up to two votes; two received the support of a majority and filled the remaining (one-year) slots:

Tom Nichols[1] 57
Wendy Hewitt[1] 54
Rajani Maiatico 48

A separate election was held for At-Large Alternates, with delegates allowed to cast up to two votes; two candidates received majority support and were elected:

Michael Lema 55
Matthew Butts 47
Rajani Maiatico 42

Members of the Judicial Committee are normally elected in even-numbered years, but there was an election for the newly created position of Judicial Committee alternates; two candidates received the support of a majority and were elected:

Aaron Starr 54
Mark Hinkle 43
James Ogle 1
Harambe (write-in) 1

Amendments to the Bylaws and Convention Rules

Bylaws Committee

delegates debating bylaws proposals
bylaws proposal displayed during debate
platform committee report

The Bylaws Committee was appointed by the state Executive Committee and consists of Rachel Nyx (chair), John David Ward, Brandon Nelson, James Aragon, and Kenneth Brent Olsen.

Approved Amendments

Recommendation 1, lowering the requirements for amending the bylaws, was adopted without change.

Recommendation 2, requiring that central committee members live in California and be registered Libertarian if eligible, was adopted with three amendments: to add a proviso that the change would take effect at the end of the convention, to restructure the list of requirements to make the intent clear, and to make explicit that life members retain their membership.

Recommendation 3, changing the schedule for the Bylaws Committee to report, was adopted without change.

Recommendation 4, making dues sharing 50% in all cases, was adopted without change.

Recommendation 7, changing Judicial Committee procedures, including requiring a written report and creating the position of JC alternate, was adopted with two changes: to leave unchanged the rule that two JC members may approve considering a case and to remove a phrase about the amount of detail in the report; the language was then further amended to require that in cases involving suspension of membership, if the member requests it, the JC's report be reported to the next convention in executive session.

Recommendation 10, dealing with voluntary resignations of membership, was adopted without change.

Recommendations 5, 6, 8, and 9 were not adopted.

Amendments to the Platform

Platform Committee

The Platform Committee consists of a Coordinator (position currently vacant) and representatives from each county organization.

Changes: Tyler Braaten was originally appointed to represent Kings County but resigned in March. Becky Freeman was originally appointed alternate from San Diego County but resigned in March. Anthony Fratta was originally appointed to represent Kern County but was replaced in March.

Approved Amendments

Proposals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 were approved as in the Platform Committee's report. Proposal 6 was not approved, but Proposal 7 was approved with an amendment addressing UBI. Proposals 21 and 22 were not approved.

Candidate Endorsements

The following candidates for public office were endorsed at this convention:


considering a resolution

Resolutions on the following topics were adopted by the convention:

  • in support of medical professionals and researchers
  • in support of school choice

Non-Business Program

The following speakers have been mentioned as appearing at this convention:

Meetings and Panels



Full-session recordings:

Saturday Morning
Saturday Afternoon
Sunday Morning
Sunday Afternoon

Photo Albums

Press Releases/Coverage

Libertarian Party of California
Active County Organizations: AlamedaContra CostaEl DoradoFresnoHumboldtKernKingsLakeLos AngelesMarinMontereyNevadaOrangePlacerPlumasRiversideSacramentoSan BernardinoSan DiegoSan FranciscoSan JoaquinSan MateoSanta ClaraSanta CruzStanislausTulareVenturaYolo
Inactive Counties: AlpineAmadorButteCalaverasColusaDel NorteGlennImperialInyoLassenMaderaMariposaMendocinoMercedModocMonoNapaSan BenitoSan Luis ObispoSanta BarbaraShastaSierraSiskiyouSolanoSonomaSutterTehamaTrinityTuolumneYuba
Former Multi-County and Sub-County Regions: Antelope ValleyEast BayFoothillsGold CountrySan Fernando ValleySouth BayValley Libertarians
Conventions: 1973197419751976197719781979198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024
Executive Committees: 2007-082008-092009-102010-112011-122012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-192019-202020-212021-222022-232023-242024-25
Other: Election ResultsVoter Registration
National Delegations: 2022