Libertarian Party of Illinois

Revision as of 01:29, 29 May 2009 by (talk)

Libertarian Party of Illinois

Logo lp illinois.png

Chairperson David Brady
Second Vice-Chair
Treasurer Debra Aaron
Secretary Crystal Jurczynski
Member at-large

LNC Region 6

Address PO Box 1605

Chicago, IL 60690-1605


The Libertarian Party of Illinois is the Illinois affiliate of the Libertarian Party. The state chair is David A. Brady.

Executive Committee

Name Position
David A. Brady State Chair
Val Vetter Activism
Jan Stover Campaigns
Lupe Diaz Legislative
Damon Dillon Membership
Kent McMillen Public Relations
Crystal Jurczynski Secretary
Debra Aaron Treasurer

Mission Statement

Libertarian Party of Illinois mission is: To elect Libertarians to office and move public policy in a libertarian direction.[1]

Key Tenets of the Libertarian Party Platform

Key tenets of the Libertarian Party platform include the following:[2]

  • Adoption of laissez-faire principles which would reduce the state's role in economic government. This would include, among other things, markedly reduced taxation, privatization of [[Social Security] and Welfare (for individuals, as well as elimination of "corporate welfare"), markedly reduced regulation of business, rollbacks of labor regulations, and reduction of government interference in foreign trade.
  • Protection of property rights.
  • Minimal government bureaucracy. The Libertarian Party states that the government's responsibilities should be limited to the protection of individual rights from the initiation of force and fraud.
  • Civil libertarianism: Support for the protection of civil liberties, including the right to privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and sexual freedom.
  • Opposition to civil rights laws that regulate the private sector, such as affirmative action and non-discrimination laws.
  • Support for the unrestricted right to the means of self-defense (such as gun rights, the right to carry mace, pepper spray, or tasers etc).
  • Opposition to the censoring and the engineering of foreign radio pathways.
  • Abolition of laws against "victimless crimes" (such as prostitution, driving without a seatbelt, use of controlled substances, fraternization, etc.).
  • Opposition to regulations on how businesses should run themselves (e.g., smoking bans)
  • A foreign policy of free trade and non-interventionism.
  • Support for a fiscally responsible government including a hard currency (commodity-based money supply as opposed to fiat currency).
  • Abolition of all forms of taxpayer-funded assistance welfare, food stamps, public housing, Health care, etc.)
  • A belief that abortion is a personal issue, and should not be part of government.[3]

State Affiliates (as of March 2009)

  • Bond-Fayette County Libertarians
  • Champaign County Libertarian Party
  • DeKalb Libertarians
  • <a href="">DuPage Libertarians</a>
  • Fox Valley Libertarian Party
  • Kankakee Libertarians
  • The Libertarian Party of Chicago
  • Libertarian Party of Cook County-Northwest
  • Libertarian Party of Lake County
  • Libertarians of Western Illinois University
  • McHenry County Libertarian Party
  • McLean Libertarians
  • Metro East Libertarians
  • Kankakee Libertarians
  • Metro-Lakeland Libertarians
  • Northern Illinois University Libertarians
  • Peoria Libertarians
  • Rockford Area Libertarians
  • Rock Valley College Libertarians
  • Stephenson Libertarians
  • Will County Libertarians

Libertarian Party of Illinois Vote Total History 2000-2008

2008 Campaigns

Office Candidate Votes Percentage
President Bob Barr 19,645 0.36%
Vice President Wayne Root 19,645 0.36%
US Senate Larry Stafford 50,228 0.94%

2006 Campaigns

Office Candidate Votes Percentage
Congress 2 Anthony Williams 5,422 3.33%

2004 Campaigns

Office Candidate Votes Percentage
President Michael Badnarik 32,442 0.62%
Vice President Richard Campagna 32,442 0.62%
US Senate Jerry Kohn 69,253 1.35%
Congress 2 Stephanie Sailor 26,990 11.51%
Congress 4 Jake Witmer 4,845 3.88%
Congress 12 Walter Steele 4,794 1.67%
State Rep 11 Jason Briggeman 1,770 3.99%
State Rep 53 Scott Bludorn 3,673 8.22%
State Rep 64 Jim Young 2,022 3.95%
State Rep 85 Austin Hough 7,945 25.09%
State Rep 95 Steve Dubovik 1,317 2.92%

2002 Campaigns

Office Candidate Votes Percentage
Governor Cal Skinner 73,794 2.09%
Lieutenant Governor Jim Tobin 73,794 2.09%
Secretary of State Matt Beauchamp 78,830 2.24%
Attorney General Gary Shilts 87,949 2.51%
Treasurer Rhys Read 66,593 1.92%
Comptroller Julie Fox 144,066 4.23%
US Senate Steven Burgauer 57,382 1.65%
Congress 1 Dorothy Tsatsos 4,741 2.62%
Congress 4 Maggie Kohls 4,328 5.20%
Congress 5 Frank Gonzalez 6,638 4.34%
Congress 7 Martin Pankau 2,436 1.53%
Congress 9 Stephanie Sailor 4,779 2.89%
State Rep 11 John Yackley 3,371 12.82%
State Rep 28 Jerome Kohn 1,241 4.21%
State Rep 41 John Tepley 1,034 2.76%
State Rep 42 Michael Mandel 1,123 3.28%
State Rep 48 Chandler Hadraba 3,440 11.22%
State Rep 52 Matthew Paul Burns 1,190 3.92%
State Rep 64 Jim Young 2,214 7.35%
State Rep 85 Eric Ferguson 4,922 20.32%
State Rep 95 Steve Dubovik 4,191 14.61%

2000 Campaigns

Office Candidate Votes Percentage
President Harry Browne 11,623 0.25%
Vice President Art Olivier 11,623 0.25%
Congress 4 Stephanie Sailor 11,476 11.37%
Congress 5 Matt Beauchamp 20,728 12.73%
State Rep 34 R. Brian Poynton 1,230 4.04%
State Rep 39 Elizabeth Quaintance 10,103 26.20%

Past Officials and Staff


  1. [1], State Organization Committee meeting. January 18, 2009
  2. National Platform of the Libertarian Party, Official Website of the Libertarian National Committee. Retrieved on July 25, 2006

External links


State Organizations of the National Libertarian Party
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Guam | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming