Document:LP News 1973 November-December 17: Difference between revisions

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[[Libertarian Party of Minnesota|MINNESOTA LP]] chairman [[Richard Kleinow]] appeared on KENO radio for 2 1/2 hours, October 5, to speak on libertarianism.
[[Libertarian Party of Minnesota|MINNESOTA LP]] chairman [[Richard Kleinow]] appeared on KENO radio for 2 1/2 hours, October 5, to speak on libertarianism.

[[Libertarian Party of New Hampshire|NEW HAMPSHIRE LP]]
[[Libertarian Party of New Hampshire|NEW HAMPSHIRE LP]] has been active in the formation of the [[Coalition for Freedom]], an "umbrella" organization formed to enable N.H. libertarian and conservative groups to co-operate on issues of common concern.

[[Libertarian Party of New Jersey|NEW JERSEY LP]]

[[Libertarian Party of New York|NEW YORK'S FREE LIBERTARIAN PARTY]]

[[Libertarian Party of Ohio|OHIO LP]]

[[Libertarian Party of Oklahoma|OKLAHOMA LP]]

[[Libertarian Party of Oregon|OREGON LP]]

[[Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania|PENNSYLVANIA LP]]

[[Libertarian Party of Texas|TEXAS LP]]

[[Libertarian Party of Utah|UTAH LP]]

[[Libertarian Party of Washington|WASHINGTON LP]]

[[Libertarian Party of Wisconsin|WISCONSIN LP]]

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Revision as of 18:37, 14 December 2021



Youngstein fifth in nine-way NY race; overwhelms four far-left candidates.

Although final, complete results are not yet available, thanks to the bureaucratic inefficiency of the New York Election Board, it is already evident that the FLP slate headed by Fran Youngstein has pulled off a stunning coup by outpolling all four other minority-party candidates in the recent N.Y. City elections.

With almost 75% of the city's election districts accounted for, Fran's vote total is part the 6,500 mark; the FLP is confident that her final total will be at least 7,500 to 8,500, with a city-wide total of 9,000 well within the realm of possibility.

Total voter turnout for the nine-way race was the lowest in recent history, with the four major parties (Democrats, Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives) receiving about 99% of the 1.7 million votes cast. Figures available from scattered districts around the city show the FLP receiving between 40% and 70% of the total vote garnered by the five minority parties, outpolling the four Marxist parties handily; it seems likely that Fran received more votes than her four small-party rivals combined, or a total of 0.5% of the overall vote. In a city widely known for its liberal leanings, where the other small parties have been around for many years, Fran's showing was nothing less than amazing for a first-time effort; many experienced observers note that the FLP's performance was the strongest showing by a new party since the emergence of the Liberal and Conservative Parties, years ago.

Fran's strongest showing was in Manhattan, where she polled nearly 1% of the total vote. Gary Greenberg, running against incumbent Manhattan District Attorney Frank Hogan, rolled up between 7,000 and 8,000 votes, for a very respectable showing of 3 1/2 to 4%. Returns for the other FLP candidates are not yet available in sufficient numbers to make any meaningful projections.

Fran's triumph was the result of an immense effort by FLP members who spent literally thousands of hours and thousands of dollars to promote libertarian ideas to the city's voters, drawing on the generous financial support of libertarians from all over the country; overall, the Youngstein campaign was probably the largest single effort ever undertaken by the libertarian movement to date.

In the course of the campaign, FLP members distributed 175,000 pieces of campaign literature, backed up by ten newspaper ads, a dozen TV spots, and over 70 radio spots, including complete sponsorship of a popular all-night radio talk show the Saturday before Election Day.

As a result of the campaign, Fran was invited to speak before literally dozens of citizens' groups; usually, she was the only one of the five minority-party candidates invited to participate in "meet the candidates" events. She also participated in three televised debates with the other minority-party candidates.

During the campaign, Fran was the first candidate to raise several issues which were subsequently discussed by the four major-party candidates, including victimless crimes, and the proposed Transit Bond. After Fran came out against the latter, the major-party candidates did likewise; the Bond was defeated at the polls.

Substantial media coverage was generated by the FLP campaign; Fran was interviewed many times by the city's radio and TV stations, and more than 50 newspaper stories were published as a result of the doszens of press releases sent out by the campaign staff.

In sum, the Youngstein-for-Mayor campaign was an immense success, in terms of educating the public about the existence of the libertarian movement. As Gary Greenberg put it, "They know who we are, and what we stand for, now."


Complete results for all FLP candidates will be published in the next issue of LP NEWS. A complete financial report on the campaign will be sent to all contributors, in about a month; the FLP asks your patience.


ALASKA LP members in Fairbanks have filed an initiative petition with the city clerk, to place on the ballot a proposition which would make all city tax increases subject to approval by the electorate before they became effective. The Alaska Party has also been active in the "Alaskans for Independence" movement (secessionist). "Alaskans for Independence" has endorsed the Congressional candidacy of New Jersey LP Chairman Bob Steiner, who has come out in favor of the secessionist movement. "Independence for Alaska" bumperstickers are available for $1 from "Alaskans for Independence," PO Box 7, Fairbanks 99707.

ARIZONA LP circulated leaflets opposing the Tucson City Attorney’s tax-consuming crusade against topless entertainment, and received a writeup in the Tucson Daily Citizen as a result.

CALIFORNIA LP continues active on a number of fronts--manning a booth at the Auburn State Fair, holding a wine-tasting party to raise money for Fran Youngstein's New York Mayoralty race, and inviting prominent libertarian and libertarian-leaning speakers to address regional on November 3rd. LPC was also active in supporting the narrowly-defeated "Proposition One," which would have placed a constitutional limit on state spending. John Hospers drew a crowd of about 175, speaking on libertarianism at the TRW Systems plant in Redondo Beach, and was received very well. State Finance Chairman Bruce Staller has set up an arrangement whereby contributions to LPC can be put on your BankAmericard.

COLORADO LP held its annual convention in Denver November 3rd, with about 45 people attending. Speakers included Drs. John Nelson and James J. Martin. Bill Froh was elected to a second term as state chairman, and a resolution opposing U.S. involvement in the MidEast War was passed. COLORADO LP will hold another convention in the Spring, to choose candidates for the ’74 elections, and to launch a ballot referendum promoting some libertarian goal.

CONNECTICUT LP has doubled in size again, to 16 members, due to the diligent efforts of Fran Moore, who took over the then-moribund Connecticut Party last June.

FLORIDA LP is re-organizing once again; the new state Chairman is Charles Breeden of Tampa.

HAWAII LP has begun publication of a lively newsletter, FREE! The first issue contains some sage observations on foreign affairs, plus movie and book reviews. $3/yr. from Hawaii LP.

ILLINOIS LP is preparing a major conference on December 15. Scheduled speakers include gold-investment expert Donald J. Hoppe and Dr. R.S. Jaggard, a long0time crusader against government control of medicine. Fran Youngstein and Gary Greenberg of New York election fame are also expected to address the Conference. Advance registration is $5; $8 at the door.

KENTUCKY LP is hosting a Free Women's Seminar on November 24th. Scheduled speakers include Tonie Nathan, Sharon Presley, Susan Brown, Kay McAlpine, Bobbi Jahn, and Lyda Lewis. Miss Lewis is the current "Miss Kentucky." Hats off to KENTUCKY LP for sponsoring the first libertarian oriented "Women's Lib" convocation! The FWS will be held out Stouffer's Louisville Inn. registration is $3.50.

LOUISIANA LP chairman Jerry Millett recently appeared on television (Channel 10 in LaFayette) to speak out against gasoline price-controls; his speech was also reported in the Baton Rouge Morning Advocate. LOUISIANA LPnow has 33 members, making it the only state in the Deep South with a significant LP membership.

MARYLAND LP is the success story of the season; starting from scratch only five months ago, the Free State LP has grown to 74 members. 52 of whom attended the state's first annual convention on November 3rd. Featured speakers were Roger MacBride, and Region 7 ExecComm Representative Eric Scott Royce of Virginia. MLP now has a newsletter, Toward Liberty, and has produced the best-looking graphic materials we've seen to date from any state LP organization. William Bobick, former temporary state chairman, has been elected as the first permanent chairman.

MINNESOTA LP chairman Richard Kleinow appeared on KENO radio for 2 1/2 hours, October 5, to speak on libertarianism.

NEW HAMPSHIRE LP has been active in the formation of the Coalition for Freedom, an "umbrella" organization formed to enable N.H. libertarian and conservative groups to co-operate on issues of common concern.











LP of Canada

The MidEast War... KEEP US OUT!


Life Members

Ludwig von Mises; an unsung genius

Heroes and (mainly) villains in Congress

'Making of the President' is a bore, disappoint