Libertarian Party of Kansas: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox_States_Party |
{{Infobox State
  party_name    = Libertarian Party of Kansas |
|name = Libertarian Party of Kansas
  party_logo    =   |
|logo = Logo - Libertarian Party of Kansas.jpg
  chairperson = [[Rob Hodgkinson]] |
|logo-size = 200px
  vicechair = [[Patrick Wilbur]] |
|state = Kansas
  treasurer = [[Maren Plagens]] |
|chartered = 1971
  secretary = [[Steven Rosile]] |
|region = [[LNC Region 1|1]]
  executive_director =   |
|chair = [[Kris Logan]]
  foundation    =   |
|vice-chair = [[Sharon DuBois]]
  address   = P.O. Box 2456<br>Wichita, Kansas 67201 |
|secretary = [[Mike Kerner]]
  website =
|treasurer = [[Ric Koehn]]
|phone =  
|address = P.O. Box 2456<br>Wichita, Kansas 67201
|website =
|facebook =
|twitter =
|meetup =
{{Possibly Obsolete}}
The '''Libertarian Party of Kansas''' ("'''LPKS'''" in both bylaws<ref name="LPKS Bylaws">{{Citation|url= |title=BY-LAWS OF THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF KANSAS |publisher=[[Libertarian Party of Kentucky|Libertarian Party of '''Kentucky''' (LP Kentucky)]] |accessdate=2 April 2019 |deadurl=no}}</ref> & constitution<ref name="LPKS Constitution">{{Citation|url= |title=CONSTITUTION OF THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF KANSAS |publisher=[[Libertarian Party of Kentucky|Libertarian Party of '''Kentucky''' (LP Kentucky)]] |accessdate=2 April 2019 |deadurl=no}}</ref>) or also "'''Kansas Libertarian Party'''"("'''KLP'''" in bylaws<ref name="LPKS Bylaws">{{Citation|url= |title=BY-LAWS OF THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF KANSAS |publisher=[[Libertarian Party of Kentucky|Libertarian Party of '''Kentucky''' (LP Kentucky)]] |accessdate=2 April 2019 |deadurl=no}}</ref>) is the Kansas affiliate of the [[Libertarian Party]].

'''1st District Coordinator:''' [[Jack Warner]]<BR/>
'''1st District Deputy Coordinator:''' [[Mike Wilson]]<BR/>
The Libertarian Party of Kansas was established in 1971 by a group of students at Friendship University.
'''2nd District Coordinator:''' [[Stephen J. Corn]]<BR/>
'''3rd District Coordinator:''' [[Michael Kerner]]<BR/>
'''4th District Coordinator:''' [[David Moffett]]<BR/>
'''4th District Deputy Coordinator:''' [[Shawn Smith]]<BR/>
'''Database Manager:''' [[Roger Pettijohn]]<BR/>
'''Campus Coordinator:''' [[Reed Robbins]]<BR/>
'''Website Coordinator:''' [[John Cassida]]<BR/>

[[Ray Davis]], editor, ''The Free Kansan''<BR/>
==Governing Documents==
[[Sharon DuBois]], unknown


==Past Officers==
*{{MediaNewTab|KS 2023-04-22 Platform.pdf|Platform Adopted April 22, 2023}}
[[Dennis Hawver]], vice chair<BR/>
[[David Moffett]], treasurer<BR/>

For historical platforms see [[Index of Kansas State Party Platforms]]
*{{MediaNewTab|KS 2022-04-23 Bylaws.pdf|Bylaws Adopted April 23, 2022}}
For historical bylaws see [[Index of Kansas State Party Bylaws]]
*{{MediaNewTab|KS CONSTITUTION 2016.pdf|Constitution Adopted 2016}}
For historical constitutions see [[Index of Kansas State Party Constitutions]]
===Statement of Principles===
*{{MediaNewTab|KS-Statement of Principle 2006.pdf|Statement of Principles Adopted 2006}}
*[[Ned Kelly]], Chair (October 2020)
*[[Sharon DuBois]], Vice-Chair (since at least April 2015)
*[[Mike Kerner]], Secretary (as of August 2017)
*[[Ric Koehn]], Treasurer (since at least April 2015)
*[[Bryan Bombardier]], 1st District Coordinator (as of October 2020)
*[[Tim Giblin]], 2nd District Coordinator (as of October 2020)
*[[Lavonia Ragsdale]], 3rd District Coordinator (as of October 2020)
*[[LJ Hermreck]], 4th District Coordinator (as of October 2020)
*[[Dale Wilson]] (1974)
*[[Dan Reagan]] (1994)
*[[Rob Hodgkinson]] (July 2005—July 2006; April 2015—June 2015)
*[[Kris Logan]], Chair (since at least August 2017—before October 2020)
*[[Dennis Hawver]] (July 2005)
*[[Patrick Wilbur]] (July 2006)
*[[Steven A. Rosile]] (July 2005—July 2006)
*[[Bill Carey]] (April 2015—June 2015)
*[[David Moffett]] (July 2005)
*[[Maren Plagens]] (July 2006)
;1st District Coordinator
*[[Jack Warner]], 1st District Coordinator  (July 2006)
*[[Mike Wilson]], 1st District Deputy Coordinator (as of July 2006)
*[[Joey Frazier]], 1st District Coordinator (since at least April 2015—before October 2020)
*[[Mike Wilson]], 1st District Deputy Coordinator (as of August 2017)
;2nd District Coordinator
*[[Stephen J. Corn]] (July 2006)
*[[Kris Logan]] (April 2015—June 2015)
*[[Heather Toot]], 2nd District Coordinator (as of August 2017—before October 2020)
*Vacant, 2nd District Deputy Coordinator (as of August 2017)
;3rd District Coordinator
*[[Michael Kerner]] (July 2006)
*[[Chris Clemmons]] (May 2015)
*[[Jeff Caldwell]], 3rd District Coordinator (as of August 2017—before October 2020)
*Vacant, 3rd District Deputy Coordinator (as of August 2017)
;4th District Coordinator
*[[David Moffett]], 4th District Coordinator (July 2006)
*[[Shawn Smith]], 4th District Deputy Coordinator (July 2006)
*[[David Loomis]], 4th District Coordinator (April 2015—June 2015)
*[[Victoria French]], 4th District Coordinator (as of August 2017—before October 2020)
*[[Steven Rosile]], 4th District Deputy Coordinator (as of August 2017)
*[[Maria Church]], 4th District Deputy Coordinator (as of August 2017)
*[[Sharon DuBois]], Unknown (July 2006)
*[[John Cassida]], Website Coordinator (July 2006)
*[[Ray Davis]], editor, ''The Free Kansan' (July 2006)''
*[[Roger Pettijohn]], Database Manager (July 2006)
* [[Reed Robbins]], Campus Coordinator (July 2006)
* [[Bowen Chapel]], Information System Director(2017-2019)
See [ here] for list.
*[[Bourbon County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Butler County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Dickinson County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Douglas County Libertarian Party]] ([ facebook])
*[[Graham-Rooks County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Libertarians of Gray County]]
*[[Libertarian Party of Johnson County]]
*[[Third District Libertarian Party of Kansas]]
*[[Leavenworth County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Montgomery County Libertarian Party (Kansas)]]
*[[Reno County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Libertarian Party of Saline County]]
*[[Libertarians of South Central Kansas]]
*[[Libertarians of Northeast Kansas]]
*[[Sherman County Libertarian Party]]
*[[Wyandotte County Libertarian Party]]

''See: [[Libertarian Party of Kansas Historical Election Results]]''
''See: [[Libertarian Party of Kansas Historical Election Results]]''

==Size and Influence==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
! Year
! [[Minimum Unique Voters|Minimum<br>Unique<br>Voters]]
! Minimum<br>Percent<br>Of Voters
! [[Libertarian Party#Party_Registration|Registered<br>Voters]]<br>(Oct/Nov)
! Percent<br>of<br>Registered<br>Voters
! Signature<br>Members<br>(Dec)
! Signature<br>Members<br>Per<br>Million<br>Population
! [[Libertarian National Committee#Donors|LNC<br>Total Donors<br>2004 - 2016<br>Or<br>Active Members<br>1972 - 2003]]<br>(Dec)
! LNC Donors<br>Per<br>Million<br>Population
! State Rank<br>Of Total LNC<br>Donors<br>(Of 51)
| 2018
| align=right|36,882
| align=right|3.48%
| align=right|17,618
| align=right|0.96%
| align=right|1,196
| align=right|411
| align=right|141
| align=right|48.43
| align=right|32
| 2017
| align=right|1,202
| align=right|413
| align=right|134
| align=right|46.00
| align=right|34
| 2016
| align=right|74,227
| align=right|6.06%
| align=right|15,556
| align=right|0.86%
| align=right|1,324
| align=right|455
| align=right|175
| align=right|60.19
| align=right|34
| 2015
| align=right|1,237
| align=right|425
| align=right|129
| align=right|44.30
| align=right|28
| 2014
| align=right|37,469
| align=right|4.22%
| align=right|12,993
| align=right|0.74%
| align=right|1,222
| align=right|421
| align=right|155
| align=right|53.37
| align=right|28
| 2013
| align=right|1,192
| align=right|412
| align=right|156
| align=right|53.87
| align=right|28
| 2012
| align=right|121,253
| align=right|10.25%
| align=right|11,373
| align=right|0.64%
| align=right|1,162
| align=right|403
| align=right|154
| align=right|53.36
| align=right|29
| 2011
| align=right|1,108
| align=right|386
| align=right|171
| align=right|59.58
| align=right|27
| 2010
| align=right|27,360
| align=right|3.19%
| align=right|10,088
| align=right|0.58%
| align=right|1,086
| align=right|380
| align=right|168
| align=right|58.76
| align=right|28
| 2009
| align=right|1,061
| align=right|375
| align=right|156
| align=right|55.07
| align=right|29
| 2008
| align=right|25,727
| align=right|2.04%
| align=right|9,786
| align=right|0.56%
| align=right|1,033
| align=right|368
| align=right|158
| align=right|56.27
| align=right|29
| 2007
| align=right|993
| align=right|357
| align=right|184
| align=right|66.10
| align=right|28
| 2006
| align=right|34,681
| align=right|4.01%
| align=right|9,038
| align=right|0.55%
| align=right|936
| align=right|339
| align=right|117
| align=right|42.35
| align=right|28
| 2005
| align=right|880
| align=right|321
| align=right|165
| align=right|60.10
| align=right|29
| 2004
| align=right|42,663
| align=right|3.52%
| align=right|9,432
| align=right|0.56%
| align=right|226
| align=right|82.65
| align=right|29
| 2003
| align=right|167
| align=right|61.33
| align=right|31
| 2002
| align=right|70,725
| align=right|8.30%
| align=right|9,416
| align=right|0.58%
| align=right|197
| align=right|72.60
| align=right|30
| 2001
| align=right|255
| align=right|94.37
| align=right|30
| 2000
| align=right|51,945
| align=right|4.75%
| align=right|9,973
| align=right|0.61%
| align=right|286
| align=right|106.17
| align=right|30
| 1999
| align=right|290
| align=right|109.27
| align=right|29
| 1998
| align=right|15,109
| align=right|2.03%
| align=right|9,773
| align=right|0.65%
| align=right|281
| align=right|106.49
| align=right|29
| 1997
| align=right|213
| align=right|81.41
| align=right|28
| 1996
| align=right|23,253
| align=right|2.17%
| align=right|9,829
| align=right|0.68%
| align=right|169
| align=right|65.04
| align=right|31
| 1995
| align=right|125
| align=right|48.32
| align=right|28
| 1994
| align=right|33,647
| align=right|4.02%
| align=right|5,508
| align=right|0.42%
| align=right|114
| align=right|44.37
| align=right|27
| 1993
| align=right|98
| align=right|38.47
| align=right|27
| 1992
| align=right|44,817
| align=right|3.86%
| align=right|4,204
| align=right|0.31%
| align=right|
| align=right|106
| align=right|41.96
| align=right|28
| 1991
| align=right|104
| align=right|41.68
| align=right|26
| 1990
| align=right|531
| align=right|108
| align=right|43.54
| align=right|25
| 1989
| align=right|88
| align=right|35.59
| align=right|26
| 1988
| align=right|12,553
| align=right|1.26%
| align=right|74
| align=right|30.06
| align=right|23
| 1987
| 1986
| 1985
| 1984
| align=right|6,755
| align=right|0.66%
| 1983
| 1982
| align=right|49,277
| align=right|6.46%
| 1981
| 1980
| align=right|14,470
| align=right|1.48%
| 1979
| 1978
| 1977
| 1976
| align=right|3,242
| align=right|0.34%
| 1975
| 1974
| 1973
| 1972

==External links==
==External links==
*[ Official Libertarian Party of Kansas website]
*[ Official Libertarian Party of Kansas website]
{{United States}}

Latest revision as of 05:23, 6 July 2023

Libertarian Party of Kansas
Logo - Libertarian Party of Kansas.jpg
General Information
Chartered: 1971
Region: 1
Chair: Kris Logan
Vice-Chair: Sharon DuBois
Secretary: Mike Kerner
Treasurer: Ric Koehn
Address: P.O. Box 2456
Wichita, Kansas 67201
Website: Website
Social Media
Facebook: Facebook
Twitter: Twitter

The Libertarian Party of Kansas ("LPKS" in both bylaws[1] & constitution[2]) or also "Kansas Libertarian Party"("KLP" in bylaws[1]) is the Kansas affiliate of the Libertarian Party.


The Libertarian Party of Kansas was established in 1971 by a group of students at Friendship University.

Governing Documents


For historical platforms see Index of Kansas State Party Platforms


For historical bylaws see Index of Kansas State Party Bylaws


For historical constitutions see Index of Kansas State Party Constitutions

Statement of Principles




1st District Coordinator
  • Jack Warner, 1st District Coordinator (July 2006)
  • Mike Wilson, 1st District Deputy Coordinator (as of July 2006)
  • Joey Frazier, 1st District Coordinator (since at least April 2015—before October 2020)
  • Mike Wilson, 1st District Deputy Coordinator (as of August 2017)
2nd District Coordinator
  • Stephen J. Corn (July 2006)
  • Kris Logan (April 2015—June 2015)
  • Heather Toot, 2nd District Coordinator (as of August 2017—before October 2020)
  • Vacant, 2nd District Deputy Coordinator (as of August 2017)
3rd District Coordinator
4th District Coordinator
  • David Moffett, 4th District Coordinator (July 2006)
  • Shawn Smith, 4th District Deputy Coordinator (July 2006)
  • David Loomis, 4th District Coordinator (April 2015—June 2015)
  • Victoria French, 4th District Coordinator (as of August 2017—before October 2020)
  • Steven Rosile, 4th District Deputy Coordinator (as of August 2017)
  • Maria Church, 4th District Deputy Coordinator (as of August 2017)


See here for list.


See: Libertarian Party of Kansas Historical Election Results

Size and Influence

Year Minimum
Of Voters

Total Donors
2004 - 2016
Active Members
1972 - 2003

LNC Donors
State Rank
Of Total LNC
(Of 51)
2018 36,882 3.48% 17,618 0.96% 1,196 411 141 48.43 32
2017 1,202 413 134 46.00 34
2016 74,227 6.06% 15,556 0.86% 1,324 455 175 60.19 34
2015 1,237 425 129 44.30 28
2014 37,469 4.22% 12,993 0.74% 1,222 421 155 53.37 28
2013 1,192 412 156 53.87 28
2012 121,253 10.25% 11,373 0.64% 1,162 403 154 53.36 29
2011 1,108 386 171 59.58 27
2010 27,360 3.19% 10,088 0.58% 1,086 380 168 58.76 28
2009 1,061 375 156 55.07 29
2008 25,727 2.04% 9,786 0.56% 1,033 368 158 56.27 29
2007 993 357 184 66.10 28
2006 34,681 4.01% 9,038 0.55% 936 339 117 42.35 28
2005 880 321 165 60.10 29
2004 42,663 3.52% 9,432 0.56% 226 82.65 29
2003 167 61.33 31
2002 70,725 8.30% 9,416 0.58% 197 72.60 30
2001 255 94.37 30
2000 51,945 4.75% 9,973 0.61% 286 106.17 30
1999 290 109.27 29
1998 15,109 2.03% 9,773 0.65% 281 106.49 29
1997 213 81.41 28
1996 23,253 2.17% 9,829 0.68% 169 65.04 31
1995 125 48.32 28
1994 33,647 4.02% 5,508 0.42% 114 44.37 27
1993 98 38.47 27
1992 44,817 3.86% 4,204 0.31% 106 41.96 28
1991 104 41.68 26
1990 531 108 43.54 25
1989 88 35.59 26
1988 12,553 1.26% 74 30.06 23
1984 6,755 0.66%
1982 49,277 6.46%
1980 14,470 1.48%
1976 3,242 0.34%

External links


Libertarian Party of Kansas
Affiliates: BourbonButlerDickinsonDouglasGraham-RooksGrayJohnsonLeavenworthRenoSalineSedgwickShermanWyandotte
Documents: BylawsConstitutionsPlatforms
Other: Election ResultsMeetings

State Organizations of the National Libertarian Party
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Guam | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming