National Convention 2022: Difference between revisions

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Business resumed Saturday at about 9:05am, with [[Ken Moellman]] chairing as [[Whitney Bilyeu]] was indisposed.
Business resumed Saturday at about 9:05am, with [[Ken Moellman]] chairing as [[Whitney Bilyeu]] was indisposed.

[[Angela McArdle]], [[Steve Dasbach]], and [[Tony D'Orazio]] were nominated for Chair.
[[Angela McArdle]], [[Steve Dasbach]], and [[Tony D'Orazio]] were nominated for Chair.<ref>[[Angela McArdle]] submitted a {{MediaNewTab|LP National Strategic Plan-2022.pdf|Strategic Vision for her Chair run}}

Updated credential counts of 1129 total delegates and alternates registered, with 1005 eligible votes, were announced at about 9:30am.
Updated credential counts of 1129 total delegates and alternates registered, with 1005 eligible votes, were announced at about 9:30am.

Revision as of 05:34, 21 May 2023

This article is about a convention that has just concluded. Information is subject to change as additional information is still being added.
2022 Libertarian National Convention
Dates: May 26-29
Location: Sparks, Nevada (next to Reno)
Venue: Nugget Casino Resort
← 2020 2024 →

The 2022 Libertarian National Convention was a biennial Libertarian Party National Convention. It was held in Sparks, Nevada (near Reno), from May 26, 2022, through May 29, 2022.[1] The official web site for this convention can be found at


Summary of Business

The business session got underway at approximately 9:22am on Friday 27 May, with National Chair Whitney Bilyeu presiding.

After consideration of a disagreement about counting of alternates for the purpose of determining quorum and majority of the body, the Credentials Committee reported 893 delegates registered and in attendance; and a total of 997 including alternates. A motion to hear a minority report was defeated. A motion to strike the Pennsylvania delegation was defeated. A motion to replace the Massachusetts delegation with one that consists of the same people plus six others was withdrawn. The complete report was adopted without objection at approximately 11:16.

A motion to suspend the rules to remove the Chair and have the Vice-Chair run the meeting was defeated by a vote of 543 to 389 (2/3 required).

The proposed agenda was not adopted. A motion to suspend the rules to adopt an alternative agenda was deferred until after lunch.

Business began to sort of get started again a bit before 2:00pm. The motion to adopt an alternative agenda was adopted (at approximately 2:42) by a vote of 652 to 307.

Justin Amash gave a keynote address.

Updated numbers from the Credentials Committee announced at 3:40pm - a total of 1119 delegates and alternates registered, with a "voting population" of 1004.

Two candidates received enough "tokens" to participate in the Chair debate: Angela McArdle (544) and Steve Dasbach (101). A motion to also allow Tony D'Orazio (65) to participate failed. A motion to allow Chris Ehmling (8) to participate failed. A motion to move the debate to later in the evening, and allow additional time for submission of tokens, failed.

The Chair debate started at about 4:24pm, and the Friday session ended at about 5:02pm.

Business resumed Saturday at about 9:05am, with Ken Moellman chairing as Whitney Bilyeu was indisposed.

Angela McArdle, Steve Dasbach, and Tony D'Orazio were nominated for Chair.Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag, Ken Krawchuk, Marc Montoni, Rob Latham


Token Counts for Chair Debate (Friday)

  • 544 Angela McArdle
  • 101 Steve Dasbach
  • 65 Tony D'Orazio
  • 36 Whitney Bilyeu
  • 15 Adam Kokesh
  • 12 Sarwark
  • 8 Ehmling
  • 3 NOTA
  • 2 Portillo
  • 2 Jones
  • 1 Raudsep
  • 1 Hagan
  • 1 Moellman
  • 1 Thrasher

Election Ballot for Chair

692 Angela McArdle
151 Steve Dasbach
103 Tony D'Orazio
1 Adam Kokesh
1 Tiffany De Leon


Token Counts for Vice-Chair Debate (Friday)

  • 350 Joshua Smith
  • 214 Erik Raudsep
  • 87 Joe Hauptmann
  • 70 Flores
  • 5 Valerie Sarwark
  • 3 Nick Sarwark
  • ... others

First Ballot for Vice-Chair

376 Joshua Smith
349 Erik Raudsep
73 Joe Hauptman
51 Alex Flores
43 Chris Trasher
39 Tony D'Orazio
3 Carter Fanning
1 Gary Alvstad
1 Duke Leto Atreides
1 Danny Bedwell
1 Orange Cassidy
1 Steve Dasbach
1 Harambe
1 Jeremy Kaufman
1 Lars Mapsted
1 James Ogle
1 Craig Shute
1 Joseph Smith
1 Donald Trump
1 Jeff Wood
1 abstain

Second Ballot for Vice-Chair

434 Joshua Smith
388 Erik Raudsep
45 Joe Hauptmann
37 Alex Flores
32 Christopher Thrasher
2 Carter Fanning
1 Eric July
1 Michael Malice
1 Barry Macokiner
1 Norm McDonald
1 Mimi Robson
1 Sarwark
1 Randy Savage

Third Ballot for Vice-Chair

468 Joshua Smith
429 Erik Raudsep
1 Dick Cheney
1 Alex Flores
1 Milton Friedman
1 Blue-ringed Octopus
1 Klaus Schwab
1 Starchild
1 Gaybrush Threepwood

Fourth Ballot for Vice-Chair

599 Joshua Smith
290 NOTA
8 Erik Roudsep
2 Andy Buckovich
1 Tory Dill
1 Steve Baugon
1 Apollo Pazell
1 Garrett Sheeks
1 Approval Voting


694 Caryn Ann Harlos
239 John Wilford
3 Tyler Danke
2 abstention
1 Donnie Flaherty
1 Jo Jorgensen
1 Tom Woods


731 Todd Hagopian
206 Tim Hagan
3 Tyler Danke
2 abstain
2 Kate Prather
1 Cher
1 Danhausen
1 Christopher Darnell
1 Adam Kokesh

Candidates for LNC At-Large

  • Whitney Bilyeu
  • Dustin Blankenship (elected)
  • Feena Bonoan
  • Richard Bowen (elected)
  • Bryan Elliot (elected)
  • Pietro S Geraci
  • Dru Heaton
  • Rex Lawhorn
  • Patty Malowney
  • Rachel Danner McCauley
  • Steven Nekhaila (elected)
  • James Ogle
  • John Phillips
  • Omar Recuero
  • Michael Rufo (elected)
  • John Wilford

Candidates for Judicial Committee

  • Rufus Holt Craig
  • Tyler Danke
  • Ryan Graham
  • Michael Kielski
  • Stephan Kinsella (elected)[2]
  • Ken Krawchuk (elected)
  • Rob Latham (elected)
  • Evan McMahon
  • Marc Montoni (elected)
  • Mike Seebeck (elected)
  • Tricia Sprankle
  • Robert Stratton (elected)
  • Blay Tarnoff (elected)
  • Jim Turney
  • Ken Willey



(There may have been others, but announcement of awards was pushed off the schedule by other business.)

Delegate Allocations

2022 LPConventionDelegateMap.png

Delegate lists

Alabama Delaware Indiana Massachusetts Nevada Ohio Tennessee Wisconsin
Alaska District of Columbia Iowa Michigan New Hampshire Oklahoma Texas Wyoming
Arizona Florida Kansas Minnesota New Jersey Oregon Utah
Arkansas Georgia Kentucky Mississippi New Mexico Pennsylvania Vermont
California Hawaii Louisiana Missouri New York Rhode Island Virginia
Colorado Idaho Maine Montana North Carolina South Carolina Washington
Connecticut Illinois Maryland Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota West Virginia

Delegate Allocation Source Documents

LNC Candidates

The following were, prior to the convention, declared candidates for the Libertarian National Committee. (None of the Above (NOTA) is also a valid voting choice for all positions.)

National Chair

Name Background State
Tony D'Orazio[3] Libertarian Party of New York 1st Vice-Chair New York
Steve Dasbach[4] Greenville County Libertarian Party Chair South Carolina
Chris Ehmling[5] New Mexico
Angela McArdle[6] Libertarian Party of California Secretary California

National Vice-Chair

Name Background State
Joe Hauptmann[7] Libertarian National Committee At-Large Indiana
Erik Raudsep[8] Libertarian National Committee At-Large North Carolina
Joshua Smith[9] Libertarian National Committee At-Large California

National Secretary

Name Background State
Caryn Ann Harlos[10] Libertarian National Committee Secretary (2018—2021) Colorado
Tyler Smith[11] Pickens County (SC) Libertarian Party Chair South Carolina

National Treasurer

Name Background State
Tim Hagan[12] Nevada Libertarian Party Former Treasurer Nevada
Todd Hagopian[13] Oklahoma Libertarian Party Treasurer Oklahoma

LNC At-Large

Name Background State
Feena Bonoan[14] Candidate for Hawaii State Senate Hawaii
Craig Bowden[15] 2018 Candidate for US Senate Utah
Pietro Geraci[16] Libertarian Party of New York Executive Committee Member-At-Large New York

Regional Representatives

Regional representatives may or may not be elected during the convention, depending on the method chosen by the affiliate parties making up the region. The regions themselves can also be redefined during the time leading up to the convention.

California (currently identified as Region 4):

Elected at the state convention in February: Carrie Eiler (representative), Joshua Clark (alternate)

Pre-Convention Controversies

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This page (National Convention 2022) may contain disputed or controversial material because there are strong and differing opinions on some aspect of this topic. LPedia is an archive and takes no sides. The main article on a topic should focus on undisputed facts. Material that represents subjective opinions should be presented as such by one of the following methods: reference to another document that has a clearly identified author or source, a footnote that identifies the source along with the opinion, a brief summary in the main text of the nature of the dispute and the positions of each side. Authors should refrain from language that shows bias, e.g., praise of one side or slurs against another. Extended presentations of a particular viewpoint are best provided as separate documents or articles labeled as such; this allows readers to make their own judgments and arrive at their own conclusions. Thank you for respecting the purpose of LPedia. For more information see LPedia:Disputed or Controversial Material.

Unofficial Documents

Caryn Ann Harlos has continued to prepare documents that would typically be provided by the National Secretary in protest of what she believed was her removal for allegedly whistleblowing regarding New Hampshire and dereliction of duty regarding the lack of response to the COVID Regime as follows:

With the voiding of her removal, the status of this document is uncertain, but when it was published, it was unofficial.

Many members were perturbed by the official logo for the convention as some members made the claim that it was officially confirmed that the artist was told to specifically make it NOT about mandates but much more open to interpretation. There is reported to be a Facebook post to this effect in a delegates group but until this post is linked, that claim should be taken as disputed. There has been no official denial of this claim found. This has been viewed as incredibly tone deaf and against the wishes of the people who put monies towards this theme.

In response multiple alternate logos were proposed. Below is one, but there have been several others.

Branded Items

Electronic and Absentee Voting

On March 31, 2022, less than two months prior to the convention, LNC Region 4 Representative TJ Ferreira issued an email which seemed to many to indicate that a decision had been made by the Convention Oversight Committee 2020-2022 to implement electronic voting using his own Porcupine Voting software and seemed to argue that nothing in the Party governing documents prevented absentee voting. Caryn Ann Harlos immediately issued a series of critical personal opinion videos on his assertions and apparent proposal[17]. Later, TJ Ferreira appeared to walk back many of the perceived assertions in the original email that this was a certain plan but framed the idea as the beginning of a discussion. The complete email chain can be viewed here.

The Libertarian Transparency Caucus issued a letter of concern on the issue, taking issue with the lack of transparency in development and the apparent lack of following software engineering best practices in development and rollout.

A source which wishes to remain anonymous has reported that after the public outcry the item (using the Porcupine software) died in Committee for several reasons. Using it for speaker lists was not desired by National Party Chair Whitney Bilyeu and the motion by Alex Flores to use it for credentialing and voting died for lack of second.

Tom Woods

On April 10, 2022, a website published an article containing allegations regarding convention speaker Tom Woods and age differences and the time frame concerning his relationship with his now ex-wife.[18] The article had originally appeared on Being Libertarian, where it was removed by Eric July.[19] This issue has been hotly contested amongst Party members with people coming to different conclusions. All sides have proponents firmly convinced they are correct.

Following publication, a number of Libertarian National Committee members and Libertarian Party members denounced Woods, and a petition on began circulating to remove him as the breakfast speaker at the convention, with over 100 signatures in half an hour.[20] There is presently an LNC email ballot to remove him as a speaker.[21] Other Party members have just as zealously denounced this as a political hit job. Tom Woods has publicly repudiated the allegations.[22]


  2. After the close of the convention it was discovered that Kinsella did not meet the bylaws requirement to be a member of the Judicial Committee, because he had not yet been a member for the required minimum of four years. The JC will have to fill the resulting vacancy.
  17. Here it is! The LNC and CoC attempting to hijack the convention, I told you it was coming!, The Convention Con-Job Part 2 - Richard Longstreth Shills and Misses the Point or does he?, The Convention Con-Job Part 3 - Erin Adams tells a fib about me, and The Convention Con-Job Part 4 - The Great Walk Back!
  18. Your Friends are Wrong About Tom Woods
  19. Eric July's Twitter post regarding the pulled article NSFW
  20. petition about Tom Woods
  21. Email Balllot 20220423-01
  22. Woods Derangement Syndrome