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===Areas & Coordinators===
===Areas & Coordinators===
The LPCA has divided the 58 counties in California into 3 areas: Northern, Central and
Southern. Each Area elects its own Coordinator at the LPCA Annual Convention for what is
generally a two-year term (barring special circumstances). The counties associated with each
Area, and their Coordinator along with contact information, is as follows:
====Northern Area====
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Counties (32):'''||Alameda, Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn,
Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Marin, Mendocino, Modoc, Napa, Nevada,
Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara,
Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Sutter, Tehama,
Trinity, Yolo, Yuba.
|'''Coordinator:'''||Ms. [[Elizabeth Stump]]
====Central Area====
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Counties (20):'''||Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera,
Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Monterey, San Benito, San Joaquin, San Luis
Obispo, Santa Barbara, Stanislaus, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura.
|'''Coordinator:'''||Mr. [[Matthew Butts]]
====Southern Area====
{| class="wikitable"
|'''Counties (6):'''||Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego.
|'''Coordinator:'''||Mr. [[Garrison Ham]]
Your respective Area Coordinator should always be your first point of contact for anything your
county affiliate may need. Each Coordinator has a budget of $1,000 over their two-year term to
spend on their Area as they see fit, or deem necessary. It is also strongly encouraged that County
Central Committee Executive Committee members build relationships, and keep in constant
communication with their counterparts for support, as well as practical reasons (e.g., resources,
community, advice, etc.).
===The Beacon===
The Beacon is the official newsletter of The Libertarian Party of California. It was started in
December of 2019, and is currently published on a bi-monthly schedule of January, March, May,
July, September, and November. It is usually published by the 15th of the month, and often
centered around events such as elections and conventions. In 2023, The Beacon will be published
on a quarterly basis: January, April, July and October. In 2024, it may go back to a bi-monthly
The Beacon is a subcommittee of the Communications and Media Committee (CMC). The
original Content Editor was Mr. Peter Moulds (he resigned in the Spring of 2021) and the current
Content Editor for The Beacon is Ms. Elizabeth Stump, who is also the current Chair of the
CMC. The Beacon’s design, layout and publishing is done by an independent contractor.
Deadline for submission of content for each edition is the Friday before the planned publishing
date. Our contractor sends The Beacon out in batches over 3-4 days via email, and provides a
text version which is accessible and archived on the LPCA website [ here].
While The Beacon falls under the purview of the CMC, LPCA members are welcome to help
write articles and submit content. Please review the sections below to see where you might like
to contribute.
====News Items====
The Beacon includes articles about upcoming events for the Party, such as state and national
conventions, LPCA Quarterly Executive Committee Meetings, fundraisers, and other news.
For conventions, information is provided in advance (i.e., location, dates, packages, hotel
group rates, guest speakers, etc.) as well as summaries of what happened at the convention
(Executive Committee election results, major changes to Bylaws, resolutions, etc.).
The Beacon also reports on county affiliates (i.e., ExCom elections, significant events,
candidates for political office, etc.). Summaries and pictures of how any respective event
went, successes and lessons learned, are an important part of promoting localized efforts, and
are welcome submissions. The Beacon does not post or include monthly county affiliate
casual meetups, hangouts and socials; those are best promoted on your own county’s website,
social media accounts and emailed newsletters. If your county has an Annual Meeting
coming up however, The Beacon will post notice of that. If members of your county affiliate
are appointed to a local city or county board, commission or committee, share the good news
by sending notice to the Content Editor, in hopes that it may inspire others to apply or run for
similar positions in their community.
During presidential and mid-term election years (as June primaries and November elections
draw near) The Beacon will feature Libertarian candidates running for office across
California for the May and September issues. A voter guide addressing the Legislative
Committee’s recommendations on California State Propositions, and local county affiliate
recommendations on county and city measures will be compiled into a September Election
Special Edition. If your county affiliate is going to support or oppose any measures or
candidates, it is recommended that you have your list ready before the end of August. Please
contact the Content Editor for the deadline of that year’s September issue, as deadline issue
dates vary from year to year.
The Beacon accepts content submissions from all dues paying LPCA members. Contributions
are usually provided periodically, quarterly or topically. If you would like to submit a regular,
or periodic column (or even just a one-off) you are always welcome to reach out to the
Content Editor.
There is no limit to the number of articles The Beacon can contain, the aim however is
always to keep the topics varied, and relevant. There is also no specific word limit to an
article, (a hyperlink to “read more” is provided after the first paragraph or two). It is however
recommended to keep articles under 3,000 words given the attention span of the average
If you have never submitted content to The Beacon, and have an idea for an article, please
review the past few issues to prevent writing about a recently covered topic.
====Affiliate Tip of the Month====
The Beacon posts an Affiliate Tip of the Month (similar to the “Affiliate Tip of the Week”
featured on LPCA social media). The Affiliate Tip of the Month deals with tips that require a
bit more context than a simple graphic can provide.
If you have a tip that county affiliates can use to improve outreach, communication, increase
membership (or anything along those lines) please submit your idea to the Content Editor.
Committee Updates
The Beacon includes some updates on recent committee work and projects, as provided by
those committees. The information shared is not sensitive, and is meant to help members stay
informed. If you are on an LPCA Committee and would like to provide information about
your committee’s work for The Beacon, please contact the CMC at [].
====Meme of the Month====
The Beacon features a meme that is relevant to a recent topical news item, which meets
branding and professionalism standards that align with LPCA values. It is up to the Content
Editor to pick one, but submissions are always welcome.
====Podcast of the Month====
The Beacon features a podcast, or a similar audio/video media platform every issue. The
podcaster’s subject must be libertarian focused, or cover an issue dealing with libertarian
principles (e.g., free speech, gun rights, privacy, foreign policy, the drug war, etc.). If you
know of a podcast you would like to recommend, please submit it to the Content Editor.
===The Beacon===
===The Beacon===



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