Rage Against the War Machine Rally 19 February 2023: Difference between revisions

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The national Party teamed up with the [[People's Party]] to stage a protest against US involvement in the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine called [https://rageagainstwar.com/#Home Rage Against the War Machine].
The national Party teamed up with the [[People's Party]] to stage a protest against US involvement in the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine called [https://rageagainstwar.com/#Home Rage Against the War Machine].

The demands were:
The demands were:<ref>[https://www.lp.org/rage-against-the-war-machine/ Article on LP website]</ref>
* Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine
* Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine
* Negotiate Peace
* Negotiate Peace
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Rage-Against-War 2023-02-19.png

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