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==Ludwig von Mises; an unsung genius==
==Ludwig von Mises; an unsung genius==
When I learned of the death of [[Ludwig von Mises]], nearly a week after it happened, my initial reaction was one of sadness and regret--sadness at the passing of one of the great minds of our age, and regret that I had never met in person the man who had had such a profound influence on my intellectual development.
My reaction shortly turned to anger--anger, not so much at the fact that he had passed away, but at the manner in which I finally learned of his passing: through other libertarians passing the word.
Professor Mises died Wednesday, October 10, less than two weeks after his 92nd birthday.  With a single notable exception--the Wall Street Journal, whichpublished a lenghty tribute to the professor--the event was virtually ignored by the news media.  The media's treatment--or rather non-treatment--of Professor Mises' death is paradigmatic of the way the media, and, to its eternal discredit, the academic community, treated his life and achivements: with indifference.  It was an oversight that indicts the media fully as much as the Nobel Prize committee's decision a few years ago to award its first prize in economics to Paul A. Samuelson indicted that committee.
But, somehow, I don't believe any of this is going to matter in the long run. Through the years, Professor Mises has built a small, but intensely loyal following.  His admirers, while not successful in having his theories embraced by a majority of economists, have at least been able to have his most important works kept in print, and have been able to slowly add to their own ranks.
And, most important of all, Professor Mises has left his libertarian admirers a virtual arsenal of intellectual weapons that in the years ahead is going to prove of extreme importance in defending what is left of civilization from those who would take us into a new dark age of irrationalism, slavery and terror.
He could not have left us a richer legacy.
[[Phil Manger[[
(The foregoing is reprinted, in abridged form, from [[Toward Liberty]], newsletter of the [[Libertarian Party of Maryland|Maryland Libertarian Party]].

==Heroes and (mainly) villains in Congress==
==Heroes and (mainly) villains in Congress==

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