Document:National Bylaws and Convention Rules 1981: Difference between revisions

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Section 1. The Secretary, acting on behalf of the Credentials Committee, shall report the number of delegates registered in attendance and eligible to vote directly after the opening of the first business session, and at the beginning of each succeeding session.
1. The Secretary, acting on behalf of the Credentials Committee, shall report the number of delegates registered in attendance and eligible to vote directly after the opening of the first business session, and at the beginning of each succeeding session.

Section 2. All delegates shall be eligible to vote on all matters. In order to vote on a given matter, a delegate must be present  on the  floor  at  the  time  the  vo·Le  is taken. Each delegate present shall have one vote. use of the unit rule or unit voting is prohibited at national Conventions.
2. All delegates shall be eligible to vote on all matters. In order to vote on a given matter, a delegate must be present  on the  floor  at  the  time  the  vo·Le  is taken. Each delegate present shall have one vote. use of the unit rule or unit voting is prohibited at national Conventions.

Section 3.  An alternate, upon certification by the Secretary, shall be designated as a delegate whenever a delegate of the same state has not been registered in attendance.  This status shall continue until the absent delegate registers in attendance. If the state party has made no provision for filling delegate vacancies, the alternate substitute shall be decided by drawing lots.
3.  Duly elected alternates may be freely substituted for any members of their delegation, except for ex-officio delegates, who are temporarily or permanently absent from the floor, provided the procedure has been clearly specified by the affiliate party in advance of the Convention, and the Secretary has been provided with lists of the affiliate party's delegates and alternates, as well as a copy of the affiliate party's rules governing substitutions.

Section 4. If the affiliated party has made no provision, an alternate may temporarily vote in place of a delegate from the same state while he or she has the written consent of that delegate; however, no delegate may cast more than one vote on a question.
4. An alternate, upon certification by the Secretary, shall be designated as a delegate whenever a delegate of the same state has not been registered in attendance.  This status shall continue until the absent delegate registers in attendance. If the state party has made no provision for filling delegate vacancies, the alternate substitute shall be decided by drawing lots.

Section 5. All members must wear the identification badge issued upon registration in order to be admitted to the convention hall.
5. If the affiliate party has made no provision, an alternate may temporarily vote in place of a delegate from the same state while he or she has the written consent of that delegate; however, no delegate may cast more than one vote on a question.
6. All members must wear the identification badge issued upon registration in order to be admitted to the convention hall.


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