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Section 1. The National Committee of the Party shall be composed of the following:
1. The National Committee of the Party shall be composed of the following:

a. The four elected officers of the Party;
a. the four elected officers of the Party;

b. The immediate past Chair, for the two-year period following the election at a Convention of a new Chair;
b. the immediate past Chair, for the two-year period following the Convention at which a new Chair is elected;

c. Seven members elected at large by all the delegates at the Regular Convention; and
c. seven members elected at large by the delegates at the Regular Convention; and

d. The regions shall select, as provided in Rule IX and Section 5 of this Article, one member from each Regional Division, plus one additional member from each Region with between 10 and 20 percent of the Party membership. Each Region containing over 20 percent of the total Party member­ ship shall be entitled to a third National Committee member.
d. one member and one alternate from each Region, plus one additional member an d alternate from each Region containing between 10% and 20% of the total Party membership, plus another additional member and alternate from each Region containing over 20% of the total Party membership, wish such members and alternate to be selected by the Regions as heron provided.

The aforementioned Regional Divisions shall be:
2. The current Regions are as follows.

Region 1: Alaska
Region 1: Alaska

Region II: California, Hawaii and U.S. territories and possessions in the Pacific Ocean
Region 2: California, Hawaii and U.S. territories and possessions in the Pacific  

Region III: Washington and Oregon
Region 3: Oregon and Washington

Region IV: Arizona
Region 4: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota

Region V: Nevada
Region 5: Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada

Region VI: Utah, Idaho and Montana
Region 6: Colorado and Utah

Region VII: Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming
Region 7: Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri

Region VIII: North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota
Region 8: Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska

Region IX: Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas
Region 9: Illinois

Region X: Texas
Region 10: Wisconsin and Michigan

Region XI: Illinois and Wisconsin
Region 11: Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky

Region XII: Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky
Region 12: Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Tennessee

Region XIII: Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama
Region 13: Texas

Region XIV: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and U.S. territories and possessions in the Caribbean region
Region 14: New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware

Region XV: West Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia and Virginia
Region 15: West Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia

Region XVI: New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware
Region 16: New York

Region XVII: New York
Region 17: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut

Region XVIII: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut.
Region 18: North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia

Section 2. The National Committee shall take office immediately upon the close of the Regular Convention and serve thereafter until the adjournment of the next Regular Convention.
Region 19: Georgia, Alabama a, Florida, and U.S. territories and possessions in the Caribbean

Section 3. A National Committee member:
3. The National Committee shall take office immediately upon the close of the Regular Convention at which they are selected, and serve until eh final adjournment of the next Regular Convention.
a. shall be a member of the Party; and
b. shall not be the candidate of any political party except the Party or an affiliate party.

Section 4. A National Committee member-at-large may be suspended, that is, denied authority to perform his or her specific func­ tions, by a two-thirds vote of the entire National Committee. The office of a suspended member-at-large shall be declared vacant unless the suspended member appeals to the Judicial Committee within seven days of receipt of notice of suspension. The National Committee shall appoint new members if vacancies occur, such members to complete the term of the office vacated.
4. A National Committee member shall be a member of the Party, and shall not be the candidate of any party except the Party or an affiliate.

Section 5. A National Committee Regional Representative may be suspended, that is, denied authority to perform his or her specific functions, by the following procedure. A majority of the State Chairs in that region must request of the Chair that the National Committee consider the question of suspension of the Regional Representative. The Chair shall submit the matter to a vote of the National Committee. If two-thirds (2/3) of the entire National Committee vote to suspend the Regional Represent­ ative, that office shall be deemed vacant and the State Chair in that region shall elect--by majority vote--a new Regional Representative to fill the vacancy. The suspension of a Regional Representative is not appealable to the Judicial Committee.
5. A National Committee member-at-large may be suspended, that is, denied authority to perform his or her specific func­tions, by a 2/3 vote of the entire National Committee. The office of a suspended member-at-large shall be declared vacant unless the suspended member appeals to the Judicial Committee within seven days of receipt of notice of suspension. When a suspension of a National Committee member-at-large is appealed, the Chair of the Judicial Committee shall set a date for a hearing, which date shall be between 20 and 40 days following receipt of the appeal.  This hearing shall be adjudicated by a quorum of the Judicial Committee, with each side presenting its case. The Judicial Committee shall vote to either declare a vacancy in the office or to reinstate the National Committee member-at-large.

Section 6. When a region consists of a single state, the state committee of that state shall fulfill the function of State
6. The National Committee shall appoint new members if vacancies occur, such members to complete the term of the office vacated.
a multi-state region for the purposes of the previous section.

Section 7. The National Committee shall have the control and management of all the affairs, properties and funds of the Party consistent with this Constitution.
7. A National Committee Regional Representative may be suspended, that is, denied the authority to perform his or her specific function, by the following procedure:

Section 8. The National Committee shall meet in a manner, time and place as prescribed in the Bylaws.
a. A majority of the State Chairs in the Region must request of the Chair that the National Committee consider the question of suspicion of the Regional Representative.

Section 9. More than one-half of the membership thereof shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the National Committee for the transaction of all business, except where a larger vote is required by the Constitution.
b.  The Chair shall submit the matter to a vote of the National Committee.
c.  If 2/3 of the entire National Committee vote to suspend the Regional Representative, that office shall be deemed vacant and the State Chairs in the Region shall elect - by majority vote - a new Regional Representative to fill the vacancy.  When  a region consists of a single state, the state committee of that state shall fulfill the function of State Chairs in a multi-state Region.
d. The suspension of a Regional Representative is not appealable to the Judicial Committee.
8. The National Committee shall have the control and management of all the affairs, properties and funds of the Party consistent with these Bylaws.
9. The National Committee shall meet at such times and places as may be determined by:
- action fo the Committee,
- call fo the Chair, or
- written request of 1/3 or more of its members.
A written notice of the time and place of all meetings shall be mailed to each member of the Committee not l.ess than 30 days prior to said meeting.
10. The National Committee may, without meeting together, transact business by mail.  The Secretary shall send out mail ballots on any question submitted by the Chair or by at least 1/5 of the members of the Committee.  Fifteen says shall be allowed for the return of the votes cast, by mail, to the Secretary during the period between a Regular Convention and the next general election, and 30 days shall be allowed at all other times.  If, at the expiration of the applicable period, a quorum of the Committee have to return their votes, the meausre being voted upon shall be deemed to have filed; in all other cases, a majority of the votes returned shall carry the measure, except where a higher vote is required by the Bylaws.  The Secretary shall preserve all such votes until the next meeting of the National Committee, at which meeting the Committee shall order the disposition of such votes.
11. More than 1/2 of the membership of the National Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business, except where a larger vote is required by Bylaws.
12.  Upon appeal by 5% of the Party members, the Judicial Committee shall consider the question of whether or not a decision of the National Committee contravenes specified sections of the Bylaws.  If the decision is vetoed by the Judicial Committee, it shall be declared null and void.


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