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Steve Symms, a libertarian running for Congress as a Republican in the First District of Idaho, pulled off an unexpected miracle, and won. | Steve Symms, a libertarian running for Congress as a Republican in the First District of Idaho, pulled off an unexpected miracle, and won. | ||
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==IN OTHER RACES...== | ==IN OTHER RACES...== | ||
Elsewhere, libertarians did not fare as well. In Massachusetts, Avi Nelson failed, by a narrow margin to capture the GOP nomination for Congress in the Third District. This is no doubt partly due to the fact that (in contrast to Idaho) Massachusetts is probably the most "liberal" (i.e. collectivist) state in the country. Nelson, however, tried to downplay his libertarianism, running as a 100% Nixon man; it didn’t help, and he lost anyhow -- which perhaps serves him right, for abandoning his principles. | Elsewhere, libertarians did not fare as well. In Massachusetts, Avi Nelson failed, by a narrow margin to capture the GOP nomination for Congress in the Third District. This is no doubt partly due to the fact that (in contrast to Idaho) Massachusetts is probably the most "liberal" (i.e. collectivist) state in the country. Nelson, however, tried to downplay his libertarianism, running as a 100% Nixon man; it didn’t help, and he lost anyhow -- which perhaps serves him right, for abandoning his principles. | ||
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The following items are the only ones currently available from LP National. Minimum order $2. 10% discount on orders of $20 or more. | The following items are the only ones currently available from LP National. Minimum order $2. 10% discount on orders of $20 or more. | ||
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS — no charge up to 24; 11?2 each for 25 or more. | '''MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS''' — no charge up to 24; 11?2 each for 25 or more. | ||
1972 PLATFORMS — less than 10 copies, 15¢ each; 10-24, 12¢ each; 25-99, 10¢ each; 100-999, 8¢ each; 1,000 or more, 6¢ each. | '''1972 PLATFORMS''' — less than 10 copies, 15¢ each; 10-24, 12¢ each; 25-99, 10¢ each; 100-999, 8¢ each; 1,000 or more, 6¢ each. | ||
NEWSLETTER — this issue only available; same price schedule as Platforms, above. | '''NEWSLETTER''' — this issue only available; same price schedule as Platforms, above. | ||
POLITICAL ACTION MANUAL — $1.25; 3/$3l 6/$5; l5/$10; 25 or more, 60¢ each. | '''POLITICAL ACTION MANUAL''' — $1.25; 3/$3l 6/$5; l5/$10; 25 or more, 60¢ each. | ||
HOSPERS 4th OF JULY SPEECH — revised to include short membership application, 35/$l; 100/$2.50; 500/$i0; 1,000/$17-50; 5,000/$75. | '''HOSPERS 4th OF JULY SPEECH''' — revised to include short membership application, 35/$l; 100/$2.50; 500/$i0; 1,000/$17-50; 5,000/$75. | ||
LAISSEZ FAIRE BUTTONS -- l| | '''LAISSEZ FAIRE BUTTONS''' -- l|14" with Libersign, 25¢; 3/50¢; 7/$l; 25/$3; 100/$10; 250/$20. | ||
STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES — 11" by 14" in hand lettered script, on heavy textured paper, $1; 3/$2; 10/$5. | '''STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES''' — 11" by 14" in hand lettered script, on heavy textured paper, $1; 3/$2; 10/$5. | ||
WHERE THE MONEY WENT — paperback expose of bureaucratic bungles totaling $180 billion, 750 (only six copies left). | '''WHERE THE MONEY WENT''' — paperback expose of bureaucratic bungles totaling $180 billion, 750 (only six copies left). | ||
==THANKS== | ==THANKS== | ||
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==BITS & PIECES== | ==BITS & PIECES== | ||
Enclosed with this Newsletter, you will find material describing the Society for Individual Liberty, and Reason magazine. We urge you to study this material carefully, and to join SIL and subscribe to Reason if you are not already a member or subscriber. SIL is the largest libertarian organization in America (about 3,000 members to our 2,000), and offers many good educational items; the local SIL chapter is also probably your best place to locate new LP members. Reason is by far the best libertarian magazine being published, and has given the LP more coverage than any other publication. | Enclosed with this Newsletter, you will find material describing the Society for Individual Liberty, and Reason magazine. We urge you to study this material carefully, and to join SIL and subscribe to Reason if you are not already a member or subscriber. SIL is the largest libertarian organization in America (about 3,000 members to our 2,000), and offers many good educational items; the local SIL chapter is also probably your best place to locate new LP members. Reason is by far the best libertarian magazine being published, and has given the LP more coverage than any other publication. | ||
Enclosed you will also find a new "green sheet," listing LP officers and state chairmen. And (alas) it’s already out of date. Alaska LP’s address is now Box 726, College, AK 99701. And the Temporary State Chairman in Arizona is now Freeman Fox, 2930 E. Osborn Road, Phoenix AZ 85016. | Enclosed you will also find a new "green sheet," listing LP officers and state chairmen. And (alas) it’s already out of date. Alaska LP’s address is now Box 726, College, AK 99701. And the Temporary State Chairman in Arizona is now Freeman Fox, 2930 E. Osborn Road, Phoenix AZ 85016. | ||
We have been informed that the Treasury Dept. has ordered all gun shops to report the names of everyone bringing in guns for repairs. So, if you have a gun you don’t want Uncle Sam to know about ... | We have been informed that the Treasury Dept. has ordered all gun shops to report the names of everyone bringing in guns for repairs. So, if you have a gun you don’t want Uncle Sam to know about ... | ||
Utah LP Chairman Karl Bray is setting up a nationwide organization of libertarian silver and gold sales agents. If you’re interested, contact Karl at the address on the "green sheet." | Utah LP Chairman Karl Bray is setting up a nationwide organization of libertarian silver and gold sales agents. If you’re interested, contact Karl at the address on the "green sheet." | ||
Of possible interest to LP members is the memorandum drafted by Lewis F. Powell (now a Supreme Court Justice), for the National Chamber of Commerce. Entitled "The Attack | Of possible interest to LP members is the memorandum drafted by Lewis F. Powell (now a Supreme Court Justice), for the National Chamber of Commerce. Entitled "The Attack | ||
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As noted above, our total national and state membership is now approximately 2,000, with 40% of that figure being national members, and 60% being state members. Nationwide, we now have about 10 members per million population, on the average, but some states are far ahead of others, and deserve special mention. | As noted above, our total national and state membership is now approximately 2,000, with 40% of that figure being national members, and 60% being state members. Nationwide, we now have about 10 members per million population, on the average, but some states are far ahead of others, and deserve special mention. | ||
CALIFORNIA -- Now has over 350 members, making it by far the largest state LP organization. | '''CALIFORNIA''' -- Now has over 350 members, making it by far the largest state LP organization. | ||
NEW YORK -- with approximately 200 members, is number two. | '''NEW YORK''' -- with approximately 200 members, is number two. | ||
TEXAS and ILLINOIS -- with over 100 members each, are running neck-and-neck for third. | '''TEXAS and ILLINOIS''' -- with over 100 members each, are running neck-and-neck for third. | ||
ALASKA -- with 17 national members, and over 25 members altogether, has by far the highest number of members per capita. | '''ALASKA''' -- with 17 national members, and over 25 members altogether, has by far the highest number of members per capita. | ||
There are still three states where we have no members at all -- West Virginia, North Dakota, and South Dakota. | There are still three states where we have no members at all -- West Virginia, North Dakota, and South Dakota. | ||
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25 non-voting observers, the following actions were taken. | 25 non-voting observers, the following actions were taken. | ||
After considerable discussion, it was decided not to raise National LP membership dues for 1973, but rather to decrease the Newsletter's publication schedule from monthly to bi-monthly during the coming non-election year. Although a previous survey had indicated that 85% of the national members would be willing to pay dues at a 25% higher level, the ExecComm felt it was better to keep dues low. It was also noted that nearly 2/3 of the cost of producing and mailing the Newsletter was in postage and handling costs, so a great deal could be saved by going bi-monthly. It was felt that during a non-election year, a bi-monthly schedule would be sufficient to convey news, also. Subscription price for a Newsletter subscription alone (i.e. not as part of a membership) was reduced from $3 to $2 for one year (now 6 issues, instead of 12). | After considerable discussion, it was decided not to raise National LP membership dues for 1973, but rather to decrease the Newsletter's publication schedule from monthly to bi-monthly during the coming non-election year. Although a previous survey had indicated that 85% of the national members would be willing to pay dues at a 25% higher level, the ExecComm felt it was better to keep dues low. It was also noted that nearly 2/3 of the cost of producing and mailing the Newsletter was in postage and handling costs, so a great deal could be saved by going bi-monthly. It was felt that during a non-election year, a bi-monthly schedule would be sufficient to convey news, also. Subscription price for a Newsletter subscription alone (i.e. not as part of a membership) was reduced from $3 to $2 for one year (now 6 issues, instead of 12). | ||
It was voted to spend $900 to run two ads in non-movement publications, to reach new prospects. $300 will be spent for a half-page ad in Analog Science Fiction, and $600 for a half-column ad in Intellectual Digest. The Analog ad will promote the LP directly, while the ID ad will promote the paperback edition ofDr. Hospers• book; the latter is to take advantage of a 40% reduced rate for book ads. The book orders will go directly to Reason, the publisher, and Reason will forward to us the names of all respondents. In addition, Reason is giving us six full-page ads at no charge, in return for our paying for the ID ad. Both of these ads will run early next Spring. | It was voted to spend $900 to run two ads in non-movement publications, to reach new prospects. $300 will be spent for a half-page ad in Analog Science Fiction, and $600 for a half-column ad in Intellectual Digest. The Analog ad will promote the LP directly, while the ID ad will promote the paperback edition ofDr. Hospers• book; the latter is to take advantage of a 40% reduced rate for book ads. The book orders will go directly to Reason, the publisher, and Reason will forward to us the names of all respondents. In addition, Reason is giving us six full-page ads at no charge, in return for our paying for the ID ad. Both of these ads will run early next Spring. | ||
It was voted to drop "Break Free" as our over-riding theme, and to adopt the theme "Declare Your Independence," which it was felt will tie in well with the upcoming bicentennial. New bumperstickers, buttons, and brochures centered on this theme will be available soon; details in next Newsletter. It was also voted to continue carrying Dr. Hospers' 4th of July speech, and to re-stock the ever-popular "Laissez Faire" buttons with the Libersign. | It was voted to drop "Break Free" as our over-riding theme, and to adopt the theme "Declare Your Independence," which it was felt will tie in well with the upcoming bicentennial. New bumperstickers, buttons, and brochures centered on this theme will be available soon; details in next Newsletter. It was also voted to continue carrying Dr. Hospers' 4th of July speech, and to re-stock the ever-popular "Laissez Faire" buttons with the Libersign. | ||
Approval was given for the establishment of four "satellite" organizations, which will work on special projects of value to the Party. These are a Committee to lobby | Approval was given for the establishment of four "satellite" organizations, which will work on special projects of value to the Party. These are a Committee to lobby | ||
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of material for LP members and state organizations. | of material for LP members and state organizations. | ||
Affiliation petitions submitted by state LPs in Missouri, and Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio and Pennsylvania were accepted, bringing the total of recognized state LP affiliates to 15, up from 8 prior to the ExecComm meeting (Michigan was already recognized, but submitted a petition any how). A petition from Arizona was rejected, after evidence was presented that there were irregularities in that state's temporary organization. A petition from Wisconsin was approved subject to resubmission with signatures, rather than typed names. A motion by some California LP members to remove recognition from the currently recognized organization, headed by Alan Coon, and accept a petition from their group instead, was rejected. | Affiliation petitions submitted by state LPs in Missouri, and Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio and Pennsylvania were accepted, bringing the total of recognized state LP affiliates to 15, up from 8 prior to the ExecComm meeting (Michigan was already recognized, but submitted a petition any how). A petition from Arizona was rejected, after evidence was presented that there were irregularities in that state's temporary organization. A petition from Wisconsin was approved subject to resubmission with signatures, rather than typed names. A motion by some California LP members to remove recognition from the currently recognized organization, headed by Alan Coon, and accept a petition from their group instead, was rejected. | ||
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It was voted that in the future, petitions for affiliation cannot be submitted until a state convention has been held, at which the National LP Statement of Principles is endorsed, officers elected, and a state Constitution and By-Laws adopted. This will hopefully eliminate problems of the type which arose in the Arizona and California situations. | It was voted that in the future, petitions for affiliation cannot be submitted until a state convention has been held, at which the National LP Statement of Principles is endorsed, officers elected, and a state Constitution and By-Laws adopted. This will hopefully eliminate problems of the type which arose in the Arizona and California situations. | ||
A resignation from the ExecComm, submitted by James Bryan of Oregon, was accepted, and the resulting At-Large vacancy was filled by electing Paul Hodgson, previously ExecComm member from Region 8. This leaves a vacancy to be filled by Region 8. | A resignation from the ExecComm, submitted by James Bryan of Oregon, was accepted, and the resulting At-Large vacancy was filled by electing Paul Hodgson, previously ExecComm member from Region 8. This leaves a vacancy to be filled by Region 8. |