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== Platform ==
== Platform ==
The Libertarian Party of Miami-Dade County has incorporated the platforms of the Libertarian Party of Florida and the Libertarian Party, which are based on principles supporting a decrease in government power, reducing tax rates across the board, fighting against increased bureaucracy and red tape, ending the war on drugs, pushing for criminal justice reform, promoting free trade and a more liberal immigration system, while opposing government intervention in education, science, and other societal concepts.
On the local level, the party opposes Special Taxing Districts, including Community Development Districts and Business Improvement Districts, supports a loosening in zoning laws and opposes municipal annexation and incorporation of unincorporated areas. It also supports stricter rules on private-public partnerships, including requiring all leases of public lands to be made at a fair market rate and opposing the waivers of competitive bidding, a concept often and controversially used by Miami-Dade County and its municipalities.
The Platform of the Libertarian Party of Miami-Dade County is written by its Policy Committee and confirmed annually at the affiliate's Convention by attending members.

== History ==
== History ==

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