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| Also available here: http://marketliberal.org/LP/Platforms/1983_09%20LP%20Platform.pdf | | Also available here: http://marketliberal.org/LP/Platforms/1983_09%20LP%20Platform.pdf |
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| <!--
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| | title=[[Libertarian Party Platform]]| |
| | years=[[1985]]-[[1987]] | after=[[1988 Libertarian Party Platform]] |
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| The following is far from complete at this time:
| | [[Category:National Platform]] |
| | |
| As Libertarians. we seek a world of liberty, a would‘ in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice for the benefit of others.
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| | |
| We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential predocndition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperitiy be reallized.
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| | |
| Consequently. we defend each person's right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.
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| | |
| In the following pages we have set forth our basic principles and enumerated various policy stands derived from those principles.
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| | |
| These specific policies are not our goal, however. Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime and it is to this end that we take these stands.
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| We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the omnipotent state, and defend the rights of the individual.
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| | |
| We hold that each individual has the right to exercise sole dominion over his own life, and has the right to live his life in whatever manner he chooses, so long as he does not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live their lives in whatever manner they choose.
| |
| | |
| Governments throughout history have regularly operated on the opposite principle, that the State has the right to dispose of the lives of individuals and the fruits of their labor. Even within the United States, all political parties other than our own grant to government the right to regulate the life of the individual and seize the fruits of his labor without his consent.
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| | |
| We, on the contrary, deny the right of any government to do these things, and hold that the sole function of government is the protection of the rights of each individual: namely (1) the right to life -- and accordingly we support laws prohibiting the initiation of physical force against others; (2) the right to liberty of speech and action -- and accordingly we oppose all attempts by government to abridge the freedom of speech and press, as well as government censorship in any form; and (3) the right to property -- and accordingly we oppose all government interference with private property, such as confiscation, nationalization, and eminent domain, and support laws which prohibit robbery, trespass, fraud and misrepresentation.
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| | |
| Since government has only one legitimate function, the protection of individual rights, we oppose all interference by government in the areas of voluntary and contractual relations among individuals. Men should not be forced to sacrifice their lives and property for the benefit of others. They should be left free by government to deal with one another as free traders on a free market; and the resultant economic system, the only one compatible with the protection of man's rights, is laissez-faire capitalism.
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| (2)
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| | |
| No conflict exists between civil order and individual rights. ï¬Both concepts are based on the same fundamental principle: that no individual, group, or government may initiate force against any other individual, group, or government.
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| | |
| Members of the Libertarian Party do not neceissarily advvocate or condone any of the practices our policies would make legal. Our exclusion of moral approval and disapproval is deliberate; people's rights must be recognized; the wisdom of any course of peaceful action is a matter for the acting individual(s) to decide. Personal responsibility is discouraged by society routinely denying the people the opportunity to exercise it. Libertarian policies will create a society where people are make and learn from their own decisions.
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| The continuing high level of violent crime -- and the government's demonstrated inability to deal with it -- threatens the lives, happiness, and belongings of Americans. At the same time governmental violations of rights undermine the people's sense of justice with regard to crime. The appropriate way to suppress crime is through consistent and impartial enforcement of laws that protect individual rights. Laws pertaining to "victimless crimes" should be repealed since such laws themselves violate individual rights and also breed other types of crime. We applaud the trend toward private protection services and voluntary community crime control groups. We support institutional changes. consistent with full respect for the rights of the accused that would permit victims to direct the prosecution in criminal cases.
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| | |
| Because only actions that infringe on the rights of others can
| |
| properly be termed crimes, we favor the repeal of all federal, state,
| |
| and local laws creating "crimes" without victims. In particular, we
| |
| advocate:
| |
| |
| a. the repeal of all laws prohibiting the production, sale,
| |
| possession, or use of drugs, and of all medicinal prescription
| |
| requirements for the purchase of vitamins, drugs, and similar
| |
| substances;
| |
| |
| b. the repeal of all laws restricting or prohibiting the use or sale
| |
| of alcohol, including the imposition of a minimum drinking age, and
| |
| making bartenders or hosts responsible for the behavior of customers
| |
| and guests;
| |
| |
| c. the repeal of all laws or policies authorizing stopping drivers
| |
| without probable cause to test for alcohol or drug use;
| |
| |
| d. the repeal of all laws regarding consensual sexual relations,
| |
| including prostitution and solicitation, and the cessation of state
| |
| oppression and harassment of homosexual men and women, that they, at
| |
| last, be accorded their full rights as individuals;
| |
| |
| e. the repeal of all laws regulating or prohibiting the possession,
| |
| use, sale, production, or distribution of sexually explicit material,
| |
| independent of "socially redeeming value" or compliance with
| |
| "community standards";
| |
| |
| (3)
| |
| | |
| f. the repeal of all laws regulating or prohibiting gambling; and
| |
| |
| g. the repeal of all laws interfering with the right to commit
| |
| suicide as infringements of the ultimate right of an individual to his
| |
| or her own life.
| |
| |
| We demand the use of executive pardon to free and exonerate all those
| |
| presently incarcerated or ever convicted solely for the commission of
| |
| these "crimes."
| |
| |
| Further, we recognize that, often, the Federal Government blackmails
| |
| states which refuse to comply with these laws by withholding funds and
| |
| we applaud those states which refuse to be so coerced.
| |
| | |
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| | |
| Until such time as persons are proved guilty of crimes, they should be
| |
| accorded full respect for their individual rights. We are thus opposed to reduction of
| |
| present safeguards of the rights of the criminally accused.
| |
| | |
| Specifically, we are opposed to preventive detention, so-called "noknockâ€
| |
| laws, and all other measures that t.hreaten individual rights.
| |
| | |
| We support full restittition for all loss suffered by persons arrested, indicted,
| |
| tried, imprisoned, or otherwise inuured in the course of criminal proceedings against
| |
| them that do not result in their conviction. When they are responsible, governmental
| |
| police employees or agents should be liable for this restitution.
| |
| | |
| We call for a reform of the judicial system allowing criminal defendants and
| |
| civil parties to a court action a reasonable number of peremptory challenges to
| |
| proposed judges, similar to their right under the present system to challenge a
| |
| proposed juror.
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| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| The present system of criminal law is based almost solely on punishment with
| |
| little concern for the victim. We support restitution for the victim to the fullest
| |
| degree possibleï¬at the expense of the criminal or wrongdoer.
| |
| | |
| We oppose the prosecution of individuals for the right of self-defense.
| |
| | |
| We oppose all "no-fault" insurance laws. which deprive the victim fo the right
| |
| to recover damages from those responsible in the case of injury. We also support the
| |
| right of the victim to pardon the criminal or wrongdoer. barring threats to the
| |
| victim for this purpose. We applaud the growth of private adjudication of disputes by
| |
| mutually acceptable judges.
| |
| | |
| We support a change in rape laws so that cohabitation will no longer be a
| |
| defense against a charge of rape.
| |
| | |
| | |
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| | |
| We oppose the current practice of forced jury duty and favor all-volunteer juries.
| |
| | |
| In addition. we urge the assertion of the common-law right of juries to judge
| |
| not only the facts but also the justice of the law. Juries may hold all criminal laws invalid that are,in their opinion, unjust or oppressive, and find all persons not
| |
| guilty of violating such laws.
| |
| | |
| (4)
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| | |
| |
| | |
| The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights -- life.
| |
| liberty. and justly acquired property -- against aggression. whether by force or
| |
| fraud This right inheres in the individual. who -- with his or her consent -- may be
| |
| aided by any other individual or group.
| |
| | |
| The right of defense extends to defense against aggressive acts of government.
| |
| We favor an immediate end to the doctrine of "Sovereign Immunity" which ignores
| |
| the primacy of the individual ove.r the abstraction of the State. and holds that the
| |
| | |
| State contrary to the tradition of redress of grievances. may not be sued without its
| |
| permission or held accountable for its actions under civil law.
| |
| | |
| \__‘.i
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| | |
| |
| | |
| We. oppose the involuntary commitment of any person to a mental institution
| |
| To incarcerate an individual not convicted of any crime, but merely asserted to be
| |
| incompetent. is a violation of the individual's rights We further advocate
| |
| | |
| a the repeal of all laws permitting involuntary psychiatric treat-
| |
| ment of any person. including children and those incarcerated
| |
| in prisons or mental institutions;
| |
| | |
| b an immediate end to the spending of tax money for any program
| |
| of psychiatric or psychological research or treatment.
| |
| | |
| c an end to all involuntary treatment of prisoners by such means
| |
| as psychosurgery. drug therapy. and aversion therapy.
| |
| | |
| d an end to tax-supported "mental health" propaganda campaigns
| |
| and community "mental health" centers and programs and
| |
| | |
| e an end to criminal defenses hased on "insanity" or "diminished
| |
| capacity‘ which absolve the guilty of their responsibility
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| We defend the rights of individuals to unrestricted freedom of speech and
| |
| freedom ofthe press It is particularly important in any society including our own
| |
| to guarantee the right of individuals to dissent from government itself We recognize
| |
| that full freedom of expression is only possible as part of a system of full property
| |
| rights The freedom to use onesown voice. the freedom to hire a hall. the freedom to
| |
| own a printing press. a broadcasting station or a transmission cable. and similar
| |
| property- based freedoms are precisely what constitute freedom of communication At
| |
| the same time. we recognize that freedom of communication does not extend to the use
| |
| of other peoples property to promote one‘s ideas without the voluntary consent of the
| |
| owners
| |
| , We oppose all forms of government censorship whatever the medium
| |
| involved Specifically. we oppose all laws against obscenity or commercial
| |
| adverts sin g . "W-e--conedetm n——secu~i=i»ties--regu~lations-that-deprive-financittl-advi$OTy"
| |
| | |
| -newsletterr-of—freed<n—m«~of~+he——pnoes: We further condemn indirect censorship
| |
| through government control of the postal system and regulation of cable -g
| |
| transmissions 5 D '
| |
| ' ‘We support the repeal of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. which?‘
| |
| classifies information as secret that should be available to taxpayers. violates. freedoino g
| |
| . ~01 ;5P¢_¢Fh and Press and prohibits public discussion of covert gotverlttininï¬nl-ii*.'.?e.i'
| |
| Ll Nfiainitlll-3'1")’ activities and spvinll abroad 7 i t ’
| |
| | |
| _‘ I
| |
| ..|’g
| |
| | |
| J 1 We also oppose ' the governments burgeoning practice
| |
| or the premises of other innocent third parties-‘. in â€
| |
| | |
| (5)
| |
| | |
| enforcement. We further oppose court orders gagging news vcovera’8¢".017"°ii‘m“i‘{.l‘»‘*t
| |
| | |
| proceedings —- the right to publish and broadcast must not be abridged n1B.I76.1Y»‘i‘1".¢."‘!i'~‘:9,§"v'.i it“
| |
| | |
| convenience of the judicial system. We deplore any efforts to impose thou'ghttigcCDn{?}7U1§.g
| |
| on the media, either by the use of anti-trust laws. or by any other governmenfvrsIiI.03l0lT».:
| |
| | |
| in the name of stopping "bias" We further deplore all measures tbato.res¢ri¢.l‘.'."i
| |
| | |
| competition in the electronic media by barring telephone compan.icS'l.'~rom~;f.:
| |
| | |
| publishing electronic newspapers and electronic "Yellow Pages." ~
| |
| | |
| To complete the separation of media and State, we support legislation to repeal
| |
| the Federal Communications Act, and to provide for private homesteading and
| |
| ownership of airwave frequencies. thus giving the electronic media First
| |
| Amendment parity with the other communications media Government regulation of
| |
| broadcasting can no longer be tolerated /We therefore urge -repeat-rrf-the-"'fzir—ness
| |
| doctrine." the "equal time" rule. and the "reasonable access" provision Government
| |
| ownership or subsidy of broadcast band radio and television stations and networks --
| |
| in particular. the tax funding of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- must end.‘
| |
| We also oppose government ownership of. grants of monopoly franchise for. or
| |
| regulation of . "pay TV" cable. or satellite transmission systems We specifically
| |
| condemn such government efforts to control broadcast content by banning
| |
| advertising for cigarettes and sugar-coated breakfast f ouds or regulating depiction of
| |
| sex or violence
| |
| | |
| We call for immediate cessation of federal funding and contracting of ads
| |
| produced by the National Ad Council. so that no individuals be forced to pay to support
| |
| issues or ideas to which they would not voluntarily contribute The implied threat of
| |
| loss of license renewal broadcasters face. if they refuse to show National Ad Council
| |
| advertisements for f ree. can only be ended by abolishing the F CC.
| |
| | |
| In particular. FCC regulation of political coverage must be immediately ended,
| |
| to stop its chilling effect on the level of political debate in this country Federally
| |
| mandated lower rates for political ads. which unjustly harm established broadcasters.
| |
| must cease. as must FCC rules and regulations that uniustly benefit established
| |
| broadcasters
| |
| | |
| Removal of all of these regulations throughout the communications media
| |
| would open the way to untrammeled diversity and innovation We shall not be
| |
| | |
| satisfied until the First Amendment is expanded to protect full. unconditional .freedom
| |
| of communication.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| We defend the rights of individuals to engage in'(_ any
| |
| religious activities that do not violate the rights of others. on or er to defend
| |
| freedom, we advocate a strict separation of church and State We oppose government
| |
| actions that either aid or attack any religion We oppose taxation of church property
| |
| for the same reason that we oppose all taxation,
| |
| | |
| We condemn the attempts by parents or any others -- via kidnappings.
| |
| conservatorships. or instruction under confinement -~ to force children to conform
| |
| to their parents’ or any others‘ religious views Government harassment or
| |
| | |
| obstruction of unconventional religious groups for their beliefs or non-violent
| |
| activities must end.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| There is no conflict between property rights and human rights. .Indeed.
| |
| property rights are the rights of humans with respect to property. and: as such.‘ are
| |
| entitled to the same respect and protection as all other human rights.
| |
| | |
| (6)
| |
| | |
| | |
| Moreover. all human rlghts are property rlghts too. such rights as my
| |
| freedom from involuntary servitude as well as the freedom of speech and the free‘doiii~. e 2
| |
| of press are based on sell‘-ownership. Our bodies are our property every bit as much
| |
| as is iustly acquired land or material obiects.
| |
| | |
| We t\trther hold that the owners of properly have the full right to control.
| |
| use. dispose of. or in any manner enioy. their property without interference. until
| |
| and unless the exercise of their control infringes the valid rights of others. We
| |
| oppose all violations of the right to private property. liberty of contract. and freedom
| |
| of trade done in the name of national security We also condemn current government
| |
| efforts to regulate or ban the use of property in the name of aesthetic values.
| |
| risltinex. moral standards. cost-benefit estimates. or the promotion or restriction of
| |
| economic growth
| |
| | |
| We demand an end to the taxation of privately owned real property. which
| |
| actually makes the State the owner of all lands and forces individuals to rent their
| |
| homes and places ofbusiness from the State. We condemn iaeem-attempts to employ
| |
| eminent domain to municipalize sports teams or to try to force them to stay in their
| |
| present location
| |
| | |
| Where property. including land. has been taken from its rightful owners by
| |
| the government or private action in violation of individual rights. We favor
| |
| restitution to the rightful owners Specifically we call for the landsetaken
| |
| from Americans of Japanese ancestry dtiring World War II.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| The individuals privacy property. and right to speak or not to speak should
| |
| not be infringed by the government. The government should not use electronic o.r
| |
| other means of covert surveillance of an individual s actions or private property
| |
| without the consent of the owner or occupant Correspondence. bank and other
| |
| financial transactions and records. doctors‘ and lawyers’ communications
| |
| employment records and the like should not be open to review by government
| |
| without the consent of all parties involved in those actions So long as the National
| |
| Census and all federal. state and other government agencies" compilations of data on
| |
| an individual continue to exist. they should he conducted only with the consent of the
| |
| persons from whom the data is sought
| |
| | |
| We oppose the issuance by the government of an identity card. to be required
| |
| for any purpose. such as employment. voting. or border crossing
| |
| | |
| cl??-
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| We condemn the governments use of secret classifications to keep from the
| |
| public information that it should have We favor substituting a system in which no . _ .
| |
| individual may be convicted for violating government secrecy classifications unless . .
| |
| | |
| U
| |
| | |
| the government discharges its burden of proving that the publ'icat_inn,
| |
| | |
| 1 violated the right of privacy of those who have been coerced
| |
| into revealing confidential or proprietary information to . " J ‘it,
| |
| govern ment agents or I f_ .
| |
| | |
| b disclosed defensive military plans so as to materially impair t. r i f
| |
| the cepiihilities to respond to attack a A
| |
| | |
| ,'t ..'.
| |
| | |
| it should eltvays be it defense to such prosecution that tihformotion
| |
| | |
| shows that the government has violated the law .5.» mg
| |
| | |
| (7)
| |
| | |
| | |
| We call for the abolition of all federalisecrettipoliifle‘ 3 :'V’=ri i—:i.+,£+‘-1’~ ».
| |
| seek the abolition of the Central Intelligence Ageni¢y'an'd;,..l2hl9‘
| |
| Investigation. and we call for it return to the‘~Atn8ri_Ca’I1a
| |
| enforcement. We support Congressional investigation of ‘C-Flmlillfll'§C\um!n§§3iQ£.'.jï¬Â§â€˜Â§i:ۤ:£
| |
| CIA and FBI and of wrongdoing by other governmentaleagenrci.es.' i = ~,§,~"s‘=i.:i£.;gf
| |
| | |
| We support the abolition of the subpoena power as used Iby: .Go‘n%gl:i7E;$$lGr;%?l;;Ylt’»aif’;g
| |
| committees against individuals or firms. We hail the abo‘lition~of‘â€the:.l-Io;tlse*';Ilttt§1?§t‘{ffll‘i",'i=§‘A
| |
| Security Committee and call for the destruction of its files on pr.iV8l,E.indi’vidUill9'"?!17d3
| |
| | |
| groups We also call for- the abolition of the Senate Subcommittee oenllxintiter-ll)!-?,;1fil,e%pi:‘
| |
| | |
| : g I J‘
| |
| |
| | |
| Maintaining our belief in the inviolability of the right to ‘keep and bear—'a’rn1ys.~i
| |
| we oppose all laws at any level of government restricting the oW.niei‘sh=i'p=.‘g.%
| |
| manufacture transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition We oppose; aylli‘l_tWs'i ’
| |
| requiring registration of firearms or ammunition We also oppose any gover-,n.menalt
| |
| efforts to ban or restrict the use of tear gas "mace " or other self —protection ndevices
| |
| We further oppose all attempts to ban weapons or ammunition on the ~grou"nds that
| |
| they are risky or unsafe
| |
| | |
| We support repeal of the National Firearms Act of 1935 and the ‘Federal Gun S
| |
| Control Act of 1968 and we demand the immediate abolition of the Bureau of AiTCO’]'N'll.
| |
| Tobacco and Firearms
| |
| | |
| We favor the repeal of laws banning the concealment of weapons or
| |
| | |
| prohibiting pticltel weapons We also Oppose the banning of inexpensive hatndguns
| |
| l"Saturday night specials")
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Recognizing that registration is the first step toward full conscription we
| |
| oppose all attempts at compulsory registration of any person and all schemes for
| |
| automatic registration through govern ment invasions of the privacy of school motor
| |
| vehicle. or other records We call for the abolition of the still-functioning elements
| |
| of the Selective Service System believing that impressment of individuals into the
| |
| armed forces is involuntary servitude We call for the destruction of all files in
| |
| com puter- readable or hard—copy form compiled by the Selective Service System We
| |
| also oppose any form of national service such as a compulsory youth labor program
| |
| | |
| We oppose adding women to the pool of those eligible for and subiect to the
| |
| draft not because we think that as a rule women are unfit for combat but because we
| |
| | |
| believe that this step enlarges the number of people subiected to government
| |
| tyranny
| |
| | |
| We support the immediate and unconditional exoneration of all who have been
| |
| accused or convicted of dratt evasion desertion from the military. and other acts of
| |
| resistance to such transgressions as imperialistic wars and aggressive acts of the
| |
| military Members of the military should have the same right to quit their jobs as
| |
| other persons
| |
| | |
| We call for the end of the Defense Department practice of discharging armed
| |
| forces personnel for homosexual conduct We further call for rotractionof all ten-
| |
| | |
| than-honorable discharges previously assigned for such reasons anddeletion of Such,
| |
| information from military personnel files
| |
| | |
| (8)
| |
| | |
| we supp.ort'= the right olifree _1persons to rV.0luntan1lya¢$E8bl1Sh. <r¥StS£.t,<3»l§1l.e; :’tt)..frar;
| |
| | |
| I rin‘0tasso¢iat¢iir.in.. labor. ‘unions, i‘An.r:emp’l0¥er 5h0U1.dihjaN*ei.th¢ .vN7Brl1.|il3i1.oé. in¢is.aT8§11i!IZ¢i W .' 4
| |
| | |
| »employ,'ees.
| |
| | |
| —'.re use ttq‘recog_n,ize;.a union as the‘co‘.llectivei bargaintingg agenjtrofisogmieg.gor:.all%;},offits,
| |
| | |
| We
| |
| | |
| _ ._ ' L . 4.. 3 by ‘ ‘y .'.; '.»".;: pjh," I.‘
| |
| oppose government--interlierentce in h,agr»gatn~inosg..soc~hr iarcompulsorys A
| |
| | |
| ..arhitration orfthe in1‘posi,tio,n«of an ob.l~igati.on to «b,ar.giain* .7l7h'feï¬â‚¬f0Hi¢$‘W9.;’U%E8€rif1’£lJ¢3Ii
| |
| | |
| of -the.‘rN'ationaliI Lab or. Relations Act. an.d.all 2 state iRi=giht-'.to-Work ;La§rsio. rw»l1iic?h;».prorhibii‘t
| |
| | |
| employersfrominalting volttntary contractsw«ith.tun'io.ns We 9J1J70$§?‘«'i£:II;SDV¢!=nin£nt
| |
| bacl;-to-wor;k»orders as'theimp<vsit‘ion ofiafonmof7for:cedrla'b.or=g7.' - T I
| |
| | |
| I Workers and cmrloye rs shot! It!‘ haw: the *nishsf=19><9nsao=iZ¢irr¢se¢9H.436? ‘P9-Y-‘9i¥5
| |
| | |
| if they so choose. Nevertheless. boycotts or st~r;iIlte,s[d_o.-into}iU§t1iIyj>,thge'_rinï¬tiation?pl"
| |
| violence against other w.ork.ers; employers. pst‘r*i.lc,e.-;ur;e2t=lter«s~i. ’l."gi;:ti‘l11__r;)‘t3,gp‘_t b_
| |
| | |
| bystanders b up by .,b V I '=_‘,=_’e': V
| |
| . - ‘ ,_‘ . . ‘J-fig’: ‘mt; "
| |
| 13 IMMIGRATION g, P . A . V ;. ., :
| |
| | |
| We hold that human rights should not be denied or ..abridgge.d“;,on;\'th“e»-i*hasis»iof I
| |
| nationality We condemn massive rou11_dups of Hispanic .Amer.icga‘n.'s :'a=ndi‘T:odhepsy.lbyaftéhiees ., ,
| |
| federal government in its hunt for individuals not possessin.g‘rreg.ujrired‘.pi~gove?nhh);;h{e,,gg. ,
| |
| documents We strongly oppose all measures that ’ . punishreImpgljbye‘rsri;=‘wI)‘D‘Il1'ifr§§Ti¥«pt:"r.~i
| |
| undocumented workers Such measures repress free enterprise. harass ?wojljl;:§::r§;a;i31'n;l$
| |
| systematically discourage employers from hiringflispanics ° .
| |
| | |
| I Undocumented non—citizens should not he denied the fundamentalfreedorn to
| |
| labor and to move about unmolested Furthermore immigration must not ‘be
| |
| restricted for reasons of race religion, political creed age or sexual preference.
| |
| | |
| We therefore call for the elimination of all restrictions on immigration. the
| |
| abolition of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Border Patrol and a
| |
| declaration of full amnesty for all people who have entered the country illegally We
| |
| oppose government welfare payments to non-citizens just as we oppose government
| |
| welfare payments to all other persons
| |
| | |
| Because we support the right of workers to cross borders without harassment
| |
| we oppose all govcrnmenwnandated "temporary worker" plans Specifically. we
| |
| condemn attempts to revive the Bracero Program as government imposition of
| |
| second-class status on Mexican~horn workers
| |
| | |
| We welcome all refugees to our shores and condemn the efforts of U S officials
| |
| to create a new "Berlin Wall" which would keep them captive We condemn the U S
| |
| governments policy of barring those refugees from our shores and preventing
| |
| | |
| Americans from assisting their passage to help them escape tyranny or improve
| |
| their economic prospects
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| A A Individual rights should not be denied. abridged or enhanced at the expense‘ I
| |
| of other peoples rights. on the basis of sex. wealth. race. color. creed. age. national
| |
| _0:f.lfl1ll. ersonal habits. political preference. or sexual orientation by the laws In
| |
| level o a government Protective labor laws. Selective Service laws. and othors.‘Ii,tt\_‘1_Igngi_.;j..,_*§;:
| |
| {that violate rights selectively should be repealed entirely rather than beingiextendqd§g.,é§9:r~.*}iE
| |
| | |
| (9)
| |
| | |
| | |
| . Discrimination imposed by the government has br.o.ught‘tdlpsrlljll;l0,gii"!I§§°P£}f...,....,, t
| |
| relationships of people. set neighbor against neighbor, created .grass,a"aIjtt1_y5l,tCes.l: f;l.s’;‘s4,l,f.a*;‘
| |
| | |
| diminished human potential. Anti-discrimination enforced bythe:vgovern?ment’§‘iï¬t§3*i}tog:-:5
| |
| ""325
| |
| | |
| reverse side of ti): coin. and will for the same reasons create 11.19, _
| |
| oppose any government attempts to regulate’ '%,:pnt9lIfl,l,6¥-“;,~
| |
| | |
| discrimination. including discrimination in employment. housing, and; .privateIy«j~g,
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| .3
| |
| I
| |
| I
| |
| | |
| owned so-called public accommodations. The right to trade includes the‘=right.not ,,:.,
| |
| | |
| trade -- for any reasons whatsoever.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| We hold that individual rights should not be denied or abridged on thebasis of
| |
| sex. We call for repeal of all laws discriminating against women, such as protective
| |
| labor laws and marriage or divorce laws which deny the full rights of men and
| |
| women. We oppose all laws likely to impose restrictions on free choi.ce and -private
| |
| property or to widen tyranny through reverse discrimination. V
| |
| | |
| Recognizing that each person must be the sole and absolute owner of his or
| |
| her own body, we support the right of women to make a personal choice regarding
| |
| the termination of pregnancy. We oppose the undermining of right via laws
| |
| requiring consent of the pregnant woman‘s parents. consent of the prospective
| |
| father. waiting periods, or compulsory provision of indoctrination on medical risks
| |
| or fetal development. However, we also oppose all tax funding for abortions. It is
| |
| particularly harsh to ‘force someone who believes that abortion is murder to pay for
| |
| another's abortion. We also condemn state-mandated abortions
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Children are human beings and, as such, have all the rights of human beings.
| |
| We oppose all laws that empower government officials to seize children and
| |
| make them "wards of the state" or, by means of child labor laws and compulsory
| |
| education. to infringe on their freedom to work or learn as they choose. We oppose
| |
| all legally created or sanctioned discrimination against (or in favor of) children. just
| |
| as we oppose government discrimination directed at any other artificially defined
| |
| | |
| sub-category of human beings. Specifically we oppose ordinances that outlaw adults-
| |
| only apartment housing.
| |
| | |
| We also support the repeal of all laws establishing any category of crimes
| |
| applicable to children for which adults would not be similarly vulnerable. such as
| |
| curfew, smoking, and alcoholic beverage laws, and other status offenses. Similarly.
| |
| we favor the repeal of “stubborn child" laws and laws establishing the category of
| |
| "persons in need of supervision." We call for an end to the practice in many states of
| |
| iailing children not accused of any crime. We seek the repeal of all "children's codes“
| |
| or statutes which abridge due process protections for young people. We further favor
| |
| the abolition of the juvenile court system. so that juveniles will be held fully
| |
| responsible for their crimes.
| |
| | |
| Whenever parents or other guardians are unable or unwilling to care for
| |
| their children. those guardians have the right tlo seek other persons who are willing
| |
| to assume guardianship. and children have the right to seek other guardians who
| |
| place a higher value on their lives. Accordingly, we oppose all laws that impede
| |
| these processes. notably those restricting private adoption services or those forcing
| |
| children to remain in the custody of their parents against their will.
| |
| | |
| Children should always have the right to establish their maturity by assuming
| |
| administration and protection of their own rights. ending dependency upon their
| |
| | |
| parents or other guardians and assuming all the responsibilities of adulthood.
| |
| | |
| (10)
| |
| | |
| |
| if I I . H t -.‘:'
| |
| | |
| The 51310!‘ T 8'-‘W3 undenlyma U16 Unconscionabla plight of America’s?l,hdia’n‘si. '
| |
| 333)’ 5° §“mmBl'1Z°d 8S_ follows: (I). the unresolved complexity of dual national» I
| |
| ¢1Ul°P§h1P: (2) the_attrition of reservation lands andabridgement of Indian rights to
| |
| “°“1_"11m8 PFODBFUBS: (.'i) the subjugation of individual Indians to the Bureau of
| |
| Indian Affairs and _tribal governmental authority; and (4) various federal
| |
| commitmuents to provide the tribes with health, education, and welfare benefits
| |
| | |
| forever in exchange for expropriated lands.
| |
| | |
| We favor the following remedies. respectively: (1) individual Indians should
| |
| | |
| be free to select their citizenship, if any. and tribes should be allowed to choose their
| |
| level of autonomy, up to absolute sovereignty: (2) Indians should have their just
| |
| property rights restored, including rights of easement, access, hunting and fishing:
| |
| (3) the Bureau of Indian Affairs should be abolished and tribal members allowed to
| |
| decide the extent and nature of their government. if any; and (4) negotiations should
| |
| be undertaken to exchange various otherwise unclaimed and unowned federal
| |
| properties for any and all remaining governmental obligations to the tribes.
| |
| | |
| We further advocate holding fully liable those responsible for any and all
| |
| damages which have resulted from authorization of . or engagement in. resource
| |
| development on reservation lands. including damages done by careless disposal of
| |
| uranium tailin gs and other mineral wastes.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Because each person has the right to offer goods and services to others on the
| |
| free market, and because government interference can only harm such free activity.
| |
| we oppose all intervention by government into the area of economics. The only
| |
| proper role of existing governments in the economic realm is to protect property
| |
| rights. adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal f ramework in which voluntary trade is
| |
| protected.
| |
| | |
| Efforts to forcibly redistribute wealth or forcibly manage trade are
| |
| intolerable. Government manipulation of the economy creates an entrenched
| |
| privileged class -- those with access to tax money -- and an exploited class -- those
| |
| | |
| who are net taxpayers.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Government intervention in the economy imperils both the personal freedom
| |
| | |
| and the material prosperity of every American. We therefore support the following
| |
| specific immediate reforms:
| |
| | |
| a. drastic reduction of both taxes and government spending;
| |
| b. an end to deficit budgets;
| |
| | |
| c. a halt to inflationary monetary policies;
| |
| | |
| d. the removal of all governmental impediments to free trade; and
| |
| | |
| e. the repeal of all controls on wages. prices. rents. profits. production.
| |
| and interest rates.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Since we believe that all persons are entitled to keep the fruits of thlit‘
| |
| we oppose all government activity that consists of the forcible collection of mnnï¬lttlim
| |
| | |
| goods from individuals in violation of their individual rights. Specifically. veg.
| |
| | |
| it
| |
| | |
| | |
| ---------------
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| | |
| [Excerpts printed in the "Vol 1 No 2" 1986 "Special Issue" of LP News]
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| | |
| | |
| Military Policy
| |
| | |
| We recognize the necessity for maintaining a sufficient military force to defend the United States against aggression. We should reduce the overall cost and size of our total government defense establishment.
| |
| | |
| We call for the withdrawal of all American troops from bases abroad. In particular, we call for the removal of the U.S. Air Force as well as ground troops from the Korean peninsula.
| |
| | |
| We call for withdrawal from mulitalteral and bilateral commitments to military intervention (such as NATO and to South Korea) and for abandonment of interventionist doctrines (such as the Monroe Doctrine).
| |
| | |
| We view the mass-destruction potential of modern warfare as the greatest threat to the lives and liberties o f the American people and all the people of the globe. We favor international negotiations toward general and complete disarmament down to the police levels, provided every necessary precaution is taken to effectively protect the lives and the rights of the American people. Particularly important is the mutual disarmament of nuclear weapons and missiles, and other instruments of indiscriminate mass destruction of civilians.
| |
| Foreign Aid
| |
| ["cartels" <=> "circles", otherwise identical to 1990 plank]
| |
| We support the elimination of tax-supported military, economic,
| |
| technical, and scientific aid to foreign governments or other
| |
| organizations. We support the abolition of government underwriting of
| |
| arms sales. We further support abolition of federal agencies that
| |
| make American taxpayers guarantors of export-related loans, such as
| |
| the Export-Import Bank and the Commodity Credit Corporation. We also
| |
| oppose the participation of the U.S. government in international
| |
| commodity cartels which restrict production, limit technological
| |
| innovation, and raise prices.
| |
| |
| We call for the repeal of all prohibitions on individuals or firms
| |
| contributing or selling goods and services to any foreign country or
| |
| organization.
| |
| | |
| -->
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| [[Category:Platform]] | |