Document:New Jersey Email 15 March 2020 New Jersey LP Convention Update

Dear NJ Libertarian:

Our Annual Convention is going virtual! It will NOT be held at either Rutgers or Tavern on the Lake. Refunds to those who registered is in progress.

Your participation is needed. We will be having our business meeting at the same scheduled time - this Saturday at 9 AM. Please read this entire message as there is important preparation work you need to do in order to join us.

We will be meeting using Zoom and voting using a custom website. The easiest way to join the meeting is to visit XXXXXXXX from a computer.

Eligible delegates (NJLP members on or before Feb 1, 2020) must create an account on the voting website prior to the meeting. On this website we will be posting votes to be decided upon by the delegates. See Please complete your registration prior to Saturday if you intend on participating. Once your account is created I will check the membership records and approve your account.

Use of a headset is recommended, but other microphone options will work. You can participate from your computer or from your phone. Use of a webcam is not required, but will be useful. If you are unable to join with your computer you can also join via a telephone. Information on dial in numbers is below. Our proposed meeting agenda is posted here.

Some additional notes for during the meeting:

Due to the potential number of participants we may mute everyone except the delegate that has the floor. If you want the floor there is a feature for raising your hand from the interface. Raise your hand if you want the floor. There is also a chat feature in zoom. Using this you can send messages to all attendees or to individuals. We shall try to follow Robert's Rules of Order, our Bylaws, and proper meeting decorum, however virtual meetings are new to most of us. We shall do our best. For items needing immediate recognition (Points of Order, Points of Information, Objections) you may need to both raise your hand and post in the chat.

On Friday evening at 7:30 PM we will first open the conference software at the same link as above so that you can test out your setup prior to the meeting (optional but recommended if you don't feel comfortable).

Please do attempt to join us. It would be really great if we had even better turnout at this virtual meeting than we have at our convention. I've included my phone number in case anyone has any questions or concerns. Please don't hesitate to call me for support.

Jay Edgar

VP Membership


See a guide on how to participate in a Zoom meeting at

Topic: NJLP Convention Business Meetings

Time: Mar 21, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting at XXXXXXX


One tap mobile

+13126266799,,481492424# US (Chicago)

+16465588656,,481492424# US (New York)

Dial by your location

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

+1 253 215 8782 US

+1 301 715 8592 US

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 481 492 424

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