Document:California Press Release 17 March 2021 The Libertarian Party of California Announces the Appointment of Tim Ferreira as Executive Director
Strong Growth in Membership and Planned Expansions Necessitates the New Management Role
SACRAMENTO, CA (MARCH 17, 2021) – In the last year, the Libertarian Party of California (LPC) has grown its membership by over 12 percent, and the number of registered Libertarians in the state has increased by over 14 percent, making it the fastest growing political party in the state. In order to accommodate the needs of their growing organization and to expand its presence in the political arena, the LPC Executive Committee appointed longtime California Libertarian Tim Ferreira as Executive Director at its quarterly meeting last weekend.
“I’m excited to have accepted the newly formed position that will have a direct effect on the success of the Libertarian Party of California,” said Ferreira. “I think my skill set and experience are well-suited to address the improvements needed and to put new systems in place to foster success.”
In his first actions as Executive Director, Ferreira will implement more modern information technology, focus on growing the Party’s membership and donations, and increase the fielding of viable candidates for the 2022 elections. Ferreira added, “In the next 18 months, I would like to see the Party dramatically expand the number of elected Libertarians in the state.”
Ferreira’s background in software and political consulting makes him duly qualified for this role. During his time working in the California energy market from 1998 to present, he helped design a free market system for electrical energy and helped companies participate in this market. “Truly competitive markets are a cornerstone of libertarianism. Much of my career has been about creating open markets to improve the public’s quality of life,” commented Ferreira.
“Since being elected State Chairperson in 2018 the Libertarian Party of California has grown by leaps and bounds,” said Mimi Robson, State Chair of the Party. “Although this growth has happened because of the great volunteers that have been willing to do this work, now it’s time for us to take the next step and hire staff to ensure the day-to-day operations of the party are taken care of in a more professional manner. TJ has been an integral part of our growth and I’m excited to work with him going forward to realize the vision he has for taking us to the next level.”
In 2018, Ferreira ran for Lieutenant Governor of California on the Libertarian ticket and he currently holds the position of Region 4 Alternate Representative with the Libertarian National Committee.
CONTACT: Pete Moulds
Communications and Marketing Committee Chair
(916) 446-1776;