Document:National Party Email 22 February 2020 We need you to vote!!

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Libertarian-Header-Large CLEAR.png

Dear Libertarian:

We need you to vote!!

In the election of course, but also in the Affiliate Support Committee contest! There’s $1000 on the line!

The Affiliate Support Committee has narrowed down the submissions from LP Affiliates around the country, and now is asking members of the Libertarian Party to vote to pick the winner. Click through to review the affiliate’s description of the activism and their photos and decide who you think is most deserving of the grand prize. Voting is restricted to active members of the National Party only!

When you vote you MUST enter your email and member id. That’s how we valdiate you can vote in this contest. Don’t know what your member id is? It’s on your membership card! Don’t have your membership card? Put “HELP” in the member id field and we’ll email it to you, or email us now] and we'll send it to you.

