Golok Z L F Buday

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The My Ego Times
An Intoduction

Mr. Buday is a off and on Candidate seeking the job of Mayor for Vancouver, BC and runs a rather Central Libertarian position based campaign independently, he writes for and publishes the My Ego Times, has managed a single political campaign aside from his own, and is a Philotician and E-Pamphleteer (much of the time on usenet) (His Bio).


Voting Member of the Federal Libertarian Party of Canada and Independent Elsewhere.
Planning an Independent Run for Mayor in 2008 and is the Vancouver-East Contact for the LPC.


Philotician/Philotical (Philitical/Philitician): A Person or Refering To A Candidate Running On Philosophical Positions and Principle Regardless Of Outcome. Swagtervism: Activism Swag and Appearal.



"There may not be an 'I' in team, but there is an 'I' in Libertarian (in fact 2)" -- Golok Buday, April of 2002
"Small Government's A Start" -- Golok Z. L. F. Buday.