In re: Suspension of LNC Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos

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This page (In re: Suspension of LNC Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos) may contain disputed or controversial material because there are strong and differing opinions on some aspect of this topic. LPedia is an archive and takes no sides. The main article on a topic should focus on undisputed facts. Material that represents subjective opinions should be presented as such by one of the following methods: reference to another document that has a clearly identified author or source, a footnote that identifies the source along with the opinion, a brief summary in the main text of the nature of the dispute and the positions of each side. Authors should refrain from language that shows bias, e.g., praise of one side or slurs against another. Extended presentations of a particular viewpoint are best provided as separate documents or articles labeled as such; this allows readers to make their own judgments and arrive at their own conclusions. Thank you for respecting the purpose of LPedia. For more information see LPedia:Disputed or Controversial Material.

Informal: Harlos vs. LNC

Title of appeal petition as filed:

In re: Suspension of LNC Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos


On August 25th, 2024, the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) voted 8-6 to create an investigatory committee to “investigate allegations of misconduct against Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos, which if true cast doubt on her fitness to continue in office, and report resolutions if allegations are well founded.”

On October 6, 2024, the investigatory committee returned a 31 page report (info) to members of the Libertarian National Committee, but not to members or the public. (Note: This report was apparently treated as confidential at the time, but has subsequently been made publicly available by various people.) Minutes of that meeting are not yet available, but according to the Phillies Petition in In re: Judicial Committee Appeal to Void LNC Decisions of October 6, 2024 (Phillies vs. LNC), "At its October 6, 2024 meeting, the Libertarian National Committee acted on motions on the specifications, charges, and further motions. Motions adopting Specification 2 of Charge 1, Charge 1 itself, the three Specifications of Charge 2, Charge 2 itself, and the two consequent motions all clearly passed."

On Nov. 9, 2024, the LNC voted to suspend (remove) Harlos. Harlos has appealed.


  • In accordance with Judicial Committee Rule 7.1, the Judicial Committee held a hearing on Saturday, December 14, 2024, at 2pm EST.

Representing the Appellant

  • Chuck Moulton main presentation; Harlos is available

Representing the LNC

  • McCardle, Johnathan McGee, Jonathan Jacobs, and for IC questions: Malagon

Documents Submitted

Filings of Petitioner


Filings of Appellee Libertarian National Committee

Filings of Amicus Curiae and Related Document

Filings Submitted Late

Note: Per Judicial Committee Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.1, the following materials were submitted after the hearing (Dec. 14, 2024) and are therefore not considered to be part of the case.


  • TBD