Document:LPNY Minutes 25 January 2003

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Summery of Minutes of NYLP State Comm meeting of Jan 25, 2003
Attending all or Part of the meeting were:Don Silberger,Bill 
McMillen,Steve Healey,Jim Lesczynski,Werner Hetzner,John 
Clifton,VinceO'Neil, Thomas Rucks,and Steve Becker. Quarom was eight 
and we had 8 votes on line for each vote.
Motion#1: Autherizes $1,000.00 to pay down payment for Hotel for 
annual convention. Moved by Werner, 2nd by Bill M. Passed 5-yes,0-no, 
3-abstain.   Motion#2:to decertify the southern tier Chapter moved by 
Steve h., 2nd by Don S. passed 6-0-2.
Motion#3:to decertify Central NY chapter, moved by Steve H. 2nd by ?
Don S.? passed 6-0-2
Motion#4: To add a 5th State Comm Meeting the 3rd Saturday of 
Novemberto esp. discuss the next annual convention, moved by John 
Clifton, 2nd by ? passed 7-0-1.
motion#5: Moved that the Comm. request a proposal from Gary Tristman 
within two weeks re. editing and collecting paid adds of the NYLP 
newsleter with a % for the editor. moved by Jim l. 2nd Doon S. passed 
7-0-1.    Motion#6: moved to allow up to $ 3,000.00 of spending on 
the annual conventionby Werner including the $1,000.00approved by 
motion #1. moved by Bill M. 2ndby Don S.  passed 5-3-0.
OTHER business: The $500.00 to local chapters was didcussed, the mood 
seemed to be that future spending should be on specific programs or 
Bill M. reported a checking balence of $22,371. and said the last UMP 
payment was for 1/2 of Oct. and was for $581.
Werner discussed plans for the convention, the room + lunch will be 
$80. per head and he is thinking maybe $20. per for speakers.  Ed 
Thompson from Wisc. might be willing to speak but needs his exp. paid
There was talk of using the the 1st meeting after the convention for 
organiazing ie assigning titles and responsibities. An alternative 
was suggested that the at-large seats be tiedto specific sub-committe 
e functions ie membership, fund-raising etc.  Jim L. volunteered to 
work on a by-laws amendment to enact this idea.
It was brought to the attn of the committee that the "citizens 
Alternative Voice" was looking for a Libertarian speaker for an anti-
war meeting in Delaware County.  Donald Silberger volenterred to 
contact them.
I apologize for any and all misspelled names, and hope I haven't left 
out anything important. WE adjourned about 8:40 pm.   
             at your service,    Steve Becker