Libertarian Party of Virginia Alleged Dissolution Controversy 2022
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This article summarized the attempted sabotage by seven members of the Libertarian Party of Virginia (LPVA) State Central Committee (SCC) which occurred during the September 11, 2022 SCC meeting, as well as its aftermath. As this is an ongoing situation this article may not be up to date, updates will be made as the situation unfolds.
- August 30, 2022 - Chair Holly Ward returns from an unexplained one month absence and calls a meeting of the LPVA SCC for September 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM
- September 11, 2022 - Meeting opens. During Secretary Celeste Garrett's report, she halts the report to put forward this motion (info)
. The motion is voted on, the vote result is 7-5-1. The Zoom call is turned off over strenuous objections. Draft meeting minutes are available here (info) .
- September 11, 2022 - The LPVA Facebook page and Twitter page are deleted and the website is taken down by the saboteurs.
- September 13, 2022 - Former Chair Holly Ward files Articles of Dissolution (info)
indicating that the nonstock corporation Libertarian Party of Virginia Inc. was dissolved by a vote of the members despite no such vote occurring. The original Articles of Incorporation (info) are added here for reference.
- September 13, 2022 - September 21, 2022 - Former Chair Holly Ward provides multiple interviews to media outlets.
- September 23, 2022 - The LPVA website is brought back online. The following statement is provided:
Many people are confused as to recent events concerning the Libertarian Party of Virginia (LPVA). While a full accounting of events will have to wait, those members currently taking action want to communicate to the membership and the broader public.
On the evening of September 11, 2022, a small group, including several members of the LPVA State Central Committee (SCC), acted to damage the party. Without notification to the other members of the board or the general membership, they put forth a motion to dissolve the party. Seven members voted in favor of this action. Without going into detail as to why, those of us members still working within LPVA believe that this vote was null and void.
As such, the Libertarian Party of Virginia remains intact and affiliated with the National Libertarian Party. The remainder of the leadership of the LPVA, along with Congressional District Committees, regional affiliates, and dedicated volunteers among the party membership, have resolved to continue operating and have received confirmation of our ongoing affiliate status from the Libertarian National Committee. We face some logistical challenges, as the conspirators took action immediately after their charade to destroy or deactivate party assets. Fortunately, our hard-working membership have already made great progress in recovering or replacing what was lost. In the coming weeks, news will be released detailing a convention of the membership.
If you find yourself in doubt of this account, you are encouraged to review the publicly-available documentation regarding the matter. Unlike the conspirators, who have refused to release the recording of the meeting, we encourage you to seek the truth.
In due course, we will release a more in-depth description of what occurred, remedying actions, and future plans. We intend to hold those responsible to account, and we will need your help for that. In the meantime, rest assured that we will not treat you with disrespect, and will work to strengthen the Party and the Libertarian movement in the Commonwealth. Just remember that doing things right takes time, so please be patient with us.
Above all, remember that Libertarians seek to build, not burn.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your local affiliate or CD members or join in the fun on the new LPofVA Facebook page.