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Template:Being deleted

Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)

Template:Documentation subpage Template:Tl may be used to create up to 2 (two) columns across a page.



Values for col1 and col2, i.e. the contents of the first and second columns, are expected.

| background =   <!-- Background (default is none) -->
| style =        <!-- Use to add extra overall CSS styling -->
| colwidth =     <!-- Width of each column (default 15.0em) -->
| gapbetween =   <!-- Gap (gutter) between each column (default 1.25em) -->
| col1width =    <!-- Use to set a custom width for col1 -->
| col1 =         <!-- (REQUIRED) First column's contents -->
| col2width =    <!-- Use to set a custom width for col2 (and so on) -->
| col2 =         <!-- (REQUIRED) Second column's contents -->

The parameters  colstyle  and  col1style  to  col2style  may also be used to tailor all and/or individual columns' CSS styling.


| col1 = This is a simple application of the columns template, demonstrating the default column widths
| col2 = and gaps between columns. See the next example for a more customized use of the template.

{{Columns |background=beige |colwidth=8.5em |gap<!--between-->=3.25em

| col1 =
* These
* columns
* are
* more
* complex

| col2 =
The<br />background<br />is<br />beige

See also

Template:Column-generating template families

Template:Sandbox other

Visit Template:Columns/doc to edit this text! (How does this work?)