2016 Libertarian Party of Miami-Dade County Convention

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The 2016 Libertarian Party of Miami-Dade County Convention was the annual Organizational Meeting of the Libertarian Party of Miami-Dade County, held on 12 April 2016, during which a new affiliate leadership was elected. The convention was notable for hosting a debate between presidential candidates Austin Petersen and Shawna Sterling, who were both seeking the Libertarian nomination at the time.


The Libertarian Party of Miami-Dade County holds its annual Organizational Meeting every April. The purpose of each Organizational Meeting is to give all voters registered with the Libertarian Party of Florida in Miami-Dade County the opportunity to elect a new Executive Committee that will select a new set of governing documents and a new platform each year.

The Organizational Meeting is organized by the Convention Committee, which was chaired by Secretary Joshua Curtis and Executive Director Pierre-Alexandre Crevaux. Together, they selected the convention site to be held in Coral Gables, Florida.

Precinct Caucuses

Presidential Debate and Caucus

By-Laws and Constitutional Amendments

Platform Amendment

Officer Elections

Committee Appointments