Libertarian National Committee (1975-1977)

The Libertarian National Committee controls and manages the affairs, properties, and funds of the national Libertarian Party. During the current term it consists of the four party officers, five at-large members, and nine regional representatives (along with alternates).


Position Name
Chair Ed Crane
Vice-Chair Andrea Millen Rich
Secretary Gregory J. Clark and Sylvia Sanders
Treasurer Francine Youngstein

At-Large Representatives

Position Name
At-Large James U. Blanchard III
At-Large Edward E. Clark
At-Large John C. Hathaway
At-Large Richard Kenney
At-Large Philip R. Manger
At-Large David F. Nolan
At-Large William V. Susel

Regional Representatives

Region # Regional Representative Regional Alternate(s) States/Areas
Region 1 Carol Cunningham
Williamson Evers
Tonie Nathan
Region 2
Region 3 John Aynesworth
William J. Howell
John Vernon
Region 4 Dale Hemming
Region 5 Martin D. Jahn
Bill Krebaum
Region 6 Brian Donerly
Region 7 Kathleen McAdam
Region 8 David E. Long
Leland Schubert
Region 9
Region 10
Region 11
Region 12
Region 13
Region 14
Region 15
Region 16
Region 17
Region 18


Date Location Minutes
June 16, 1974 (post-convention) Irving, TX
November 30, 1974 Rosslyn, VA
May 24, 1975 Chicago, IL
August 27, 1975 (pre-convention) New York, NY
