Christian Liberty Caucus of the Libertarian Party

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The Christian Liberty Caucus of the Libertarian Party (CLCLP) was founded by Helen Gilson of the Libertarian Party of Ohio and Victor Hinojosa of the Libertarian Party of Texas following the 2018 Libertarian National Convention in New Orleans, LA.

Christian Liberty Caucus
CLC-Horizontal-Logog 2021.jpg
General Information
Chartered: 2019
Chair: Ken Armstrong
Website: Website
Social Media
Facebook: Facebook
Twitter: Twitter


"To see the Libertarian Party through the eyes of Jesus and helping the Libertarian Party see Christ in Christians.




The CLCLP began having their first meetings on the third Saturday of each month beginning on January 19, 2019, and then elected its first officers on March 16, 2019 which was also the day the CLCLP endorsed their official belief statement.

May 30, 2020 - Ken Armstrong accepted the mantle of leadership as Chairman.

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External Links