Document:LNC Policy Manual 3 July 2000

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Libertarian National Committee
July 2000


I. General Policy

1. Meetings
2. Mail Ballots
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Literature
5. Involving Government Regulatory Agencies in Disputes

II. Membership

1. Membership Statement
2. Dues
3. Life Membership
4. Non-member contributors
5. Benefits
6. Premium memberships
7. Unified Membership

III. Officers

1. Position Description of National Chair
2. Position Description of National Secretary
3. Position Description of National Treasurer

IV. Headquarters

1. LP Headquarters Responsibilities
2. Position Description of National Director
3. Employment Policies

V. Finances

1. Financial Procedures
2. Budget
3. Personal Liability of LNC Members
4. Expense Reimbursements
5. Funds in Excess of Projections

VI. Organizational Structure

1. Executive Committee
2. Terms of Office
3. Administration
A. Internal Auditor
B. General Counsel
C. Advertising & Publication Review Committee
D. Convention Oversight Committee
E. Program Committee

VII. LP News

1. LP News Editorial Policy
2. Recommended Study

VIII. Campaigns

1. Qualifications for Party Support
2. Limitations on Party Support
3. Limitation on LNC Liability
4. Campaign Law Suits
5. Equal Time Rule
6. Fair Election Laws

IX. Projects

1. Requirements for the Establishment of a Special Project or Task Force
2. July 4 Adopted


Section 1: MEETINGS:

A. AGENDA AND REPORTS: The agenda for each LNC meeting shall be the responsibility of the Chair. Any report that is to be presented at an LNC meeting should be submitted at least 18 days prior to the meeting, preferably in computer readable form. The agenda and all reports shall be distributed to the LNC at least 14 days prior to the meeting.

B. OPEN MEETINGS: Except as expressly provided below, LNC meetings are open to Party members. However, participation is not permitted except by majority vote of the committee.

C. RECORDING OF MEETINGS: The Director shall be responsible for recording all LNC meetings on audio or video tape, providing a copy to the Secretary, retaining the tapes for one year at the national headquarters, and making copies available to any other member upon request at cost.

D. ALTERNATES' PARTICIPATION: Free substitution of Alternates for Regional Representatives at LNC meetings is permitted.

E. AGENDA: Changes in the placement of items on the agenda may be made by majority vote; this includes those items placed on the agenda by two-thirds approval.

F. PROCEDURE FOR ROLL CALL VOTES: A request of three members shall be enough to require a roll call vote.

G. REPORT OF GENERAL COUNSEL: At the request of the General Counsel and approval of a majority of the LNC, any portion of an LNC meeting in which he or she delivers a report on pending legal matters that he or she deems subject to an attorney-client or attorney work product privilege shall be closed to all persons other than LNC members, alternates, invited employees, and special counsel. All persons present at a closed session shall keep the information discussed at the closed session strictly confidential, except as otherwise permitted by a majority vote of the LNC.

Section 2. MAIL BALLOTS:

A. Mail ballots shall not include accompanying argument for or against passage of the motion.

B. Notification of a mail ballot shall be made by the Secretary by mail or by email (if the recipient has provided the Secretary with an email address).

C. An LNC member may change his or her vote on a mail ballot, provided that the change is signed, dated, and received by the Secretary by the deadline for return of ballots.


A. It shall be the affirmative responsibility of each Libertarian National Committee (hereafter LNC) member, and each Libertarian Party (hereafter Party) officer or employee, to disclose to the LNC in connection with the performance of their respective duties: (a) if such person's own economic or other interests might conflict with the interests of the Party in the discharge of such duties; or (b) if such person's duty to others might conflict with the interests of the Party in the discharge of such duties. Any such disclosure shall be made at the earliest opportune moment, prior to the discharge of such duties and clearly set forth the details of the conflict of interest;

B. No LNC member, Party officer or employee shall: (a) transact business with the Party unless the transaction is fair and equitable to the Party; or (b) use information gained in the discharge of Party duties to the disadvantage of the Party.

C. Members of the LNC shall not be registered to vote in another political party or be a member of any political party other than the Libertarian Party.

Section 4. LITERATURE:

A. All reprints of Party literature shall be required to show credit to the author if such credit is given on the original.

B. All wording on material produced by the Party shall be regarded as integral to the piece, and no wording shall be added to materials after approval of their form and content by the LNC or the Advertising/Publications Review Committee. It is understood that this resolution shall not apply to copyrights, addresses, etc.

C. STATUE OF LIBERTY: the LNC adopts the Statue of Liberty as the appropriate graphic symbol to be used on Party materials.

D. PARTY IDENTIFICATION: All materials for public distribution will carry the designation Libertarian Party.


In accordance with the Platform of the Party which calls for the abolition of all government regulatory agencies engaged in initiation of coercive force, including the Federal Election Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Drug Enforcement Administration, it shall be the policy of the Party to consider any attempts to involve such agencies in disputes between individuals or organizations to constitute force as is used in the certification given by members of this Party. This policy resolution does not pertain to use of government police and courts in defense against force or fraud.



Membership forms produced by the LNC shall include a membership statement that meets the requirements of Article 7, Section 1 of the Party ByLaws. Any new wording for the membership statement shall be subject to the same review process as all other Party Literature. A list of wordings which have been approved for use in Party literature shall be maintained at the National office.

Section 2. DUES:

For the purposes of determining delegate apportionment and eligibility to hold Party office under Article 7, Section 3 of the Party ByLaws, a member's dues shall be considered current if:

1. he or she has contributed Membership Dues of $25 to the National Party during the preceding 12 months; or

2. an affiliate party has collected $10 from the member on behalf of the Party and forwarded it to the National office during the preceding 12 months; or

3. he or she is a life member of the Party.


A member who contributes $1000 during any twelve month period shall be granted life membership in the Party. Also, honorary life membership may be granted by a two-thirds vote of the LNC.


Non-member contributors shall be provided all benefits provided to members, except for those rights specifically granted only to members by the Party ByLaws or this Policy Manual.

Section 5. BENEFITS:

Current members and contributors shall receive the Party's newsletter (currently LP NEWS ). Members shall receive a membership packet and a membership card within one month after joining the Party.


The Executive Committee shall establish premium membership levels, including the contributions required for each level and the benefits received.


A. Affiliate parties which join the Unified Membership Plan shall receive monthly payments in the amount of 1$ per member or contributor having national dues- paying status, including life members, or higher amounts according to the following schedule: Members or contributors who have contributed $100 or more to the national party in the last 12 months, $2/month; $250 or more, $3/month; $500 or more, $4/month; $1000 or more, $5/month.

B. The Executive Committee shall establish transition policies for affiliates joining this program, covering such matters as phase-in of payments and treatment of existing state members.

C. Affiliates leaving this program shall receive 12 phase-out payments, starting with the amount they would have received for the month that they leave and decreasing by 1/12 of that amount each month.



A. The Chair serves as the presiding officer of the LNC and of all National Conventions and, in that capacity:

1. guides the deliberations and activities of the LNC according to Party ByLaws, may convene an LNC meeting according to the Party ByLaws, serves as a full voting member of the LNC and serves as a nonvoting member of all committees appointed by the LNC;

2. guides the deliberations and activities of National Conventions according to the Party ByLaws and adopted Convention Rules.

B. The Chair serves as chief executive officer of the Party, reporting to the LNC, and in that capacity:

1. is responsible, along with the LNC, for ensuring the direction and management of activities, affairs, properties, and funds of the Party, consistent with the Party ByLaws and LNC policies;

2. is responsible for recommending Policies, Plans, Programs and Projects to the LNC and, once approved, for their direction and accomplishment;

3. ensures the development of proposed operating income and expenditure budgets and approves all contracts of over $1000 prior to any commitment of the Party to the contracts;

4. makes appointments, subject to Party ByLaws and LNC policies.

C. The Chair represents and serves as the chief spokesman of the Party as appropriate, including:

1. representing the Party to the public, including the business community, media, other political and educational organizations, government agencies, and elected officials;

2. planning and directing all investigations and negotiations pertaining to cooperative efforts of the Party with non-libertarian political organizations and the acquisition or sale of major assets;

3. maintaining systems of internal and external communication, including providing a monthly chair's report to all LNC members.

D. The Chair supervises the National Director and the National Headquarters, including:

1. prescribing specific limitations on the authority of the National Headquarters management;

2. appointing and employing the National Director with the advice and consent of the LNC, subject to the right of the LNC to discharge the Director at any time by majority vote;

3. providing advice and consent to the National Director on the appointment, employment, and termination of all National Headquarters personnel;

4. ensures the adequacy of the services provided by the National Headquarters to the LNC and its subcommittees, the Party, its affiliates and their campaign committees.


A. The Secretary shall take minutes of all LNC meetings. Draft minutes shall be mailed or emailed to all LNC members not more than 30 days after each meeting.

B. The Secretary shall prepare the official record of convention business, including adopted changes to the Platform and ByLaws, committee reports, resolutions, and the records of voting for offices, for approval by the LNC.

C. The Secretary shall maintain a concise and complete copy of the LNC's policy manual.

D. The Secretary shall assure that LNC members, alternates, and state chairs shall receive copies of the ByLaws and Platform after each convention.

E. The Secretary shall assure that LNC agendas, minutes, mail ballots, resolution updates, and other supporting material shall be sent without charge to all LNC members, alternates, and committee chairs, as well as to any state chair that requests them. Any Party member may obtain these materials at his or her own cost. A list of such material shall be available from National Headquarters on request and may be periodically sent to state chairs and/or advertised in the LP News.


A. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY: The Treasurer shall have responsibility and authority to perform the following functions.

1. To prepare and file Federal Election Commission reports and income tax returns as required by law.

2. To supervise and review the preparation of all accounts and disbursements of the Party.

3. To render appropriate management reports to the Chair as requested.

4. To collect and receive assets and funds to which the Party may be entitled, including membership dues, contributions and other revenues.

5. To assist the National Director to develop cost and management controls to account for investments in such projects as are authorized by the Chair and/or the LNC.

6. To supervise the bookkeeper currently retained by the Party.

7. To develop and maintain appropriate banking relationships.

8. To make an annual financial report to the LNC on or before April 1st of the following year.

B. CHECKING ACCOUNTS: The Treasurer is authorized to set up checking accounts, with the approval of the Chair, in order to carry out the business of the LNC. Approval will be sought from the LNC at the request of the banking institution. Persons permitted to sign will include only the officers, the National Director, and those headquarters staff members to be agreed upon by the joint decision of the Chair and the Treasurer.

C. REPORTS: The Treasurer shall provide to the LNC a balance sheet, a statement of revenues and expenditures, and a statement of overdue accounts payable and debt outstanding other than LNC-authorized mortgages or leases if any on a monthly basis, no later than the end of the month following the month to which these statements pertain. If the Party has overdue accounts payable or has debt outstanding other than LNC-authorized mortgages or leases, then the Treasurer shall specifically comment on debt reduction efforts in monthly financial reports. The revenue and expenditure statement shall contain monthly, monthly percent-of-budget, year-to-date, and year-to-date percent-of-budget figures for each account.



The purpose of the National Headquarters (LPHQ) is to provide full-time, professional support for the on- going political activities of the Party. The activities of the headquarters include:


1. membership/contributor database
2. accounting
3. FEC reports
4. archives


1. filling orders and requests
2. answering questions
3. handling complaints
4. acknowledging and reviewing correspondence


1. inquiry response
2. direct mail prospecting
3. regular membership/subscription renewals
4. process liberty pledge payments
5. direct mail fundraising
6. telemarketing support
7. membership packets/cards
8. premium fulfillment
9. long-term renewals
10. large donor program
11. wills and bequests
12. donor thanks and recognition


1. reports to state affiliates, LNC, and Executive Committee
2. activist newsletter (Libertarian Volunteer)
3. activist directory
4. state and national contact lists
5. lists of Libertarian office holders
6. mailing the updated ByLaws and Platform to all LNC members, alternates, and state chairs
7. state, local, and campus organizing
8. activist training and support


1. development and sale of literature and other outreach materials
2. news releases
3. response to media inquiries/requests
4. development and maintenance of media contacts and lists
5. public testimony
6. participation in outside conferences


1. ballot access
2. campus support
3. candidate recruitrnent and training


A. The Director serves as the chief operating officer of the National Headquarters (LPHQ), and in that capacity:

1. directs, administers, and coordinates the activities of the LPHQ, in accordance with the policies of the LNC;

2. directs the development and preparation of short-term and long-term plans and budgets for the LPHQ;

3. ensures the general and daily management of the LPHQ;

4. develops and maintains the organizational structure of LPHQ;

5. ensures that LPHQ procedures are fully documented;

6. appraises and evaluates the performance of LPHQ and Party operations, personnel, and activities;

7. initiates, reviews, and approves the appointment, employment, and termination of all LPHQ personnel, with the advice and consent of the Chair;

8. develops adequate and equitable personnel policies, including those dealing with employee compensation, and ensures that the interests of employees and volunteers as individuals are preserved and protected;

9. ensures that all LPHQ activities and operations are carried out in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations and laws governing business operations and political activities;

10. participates in the acquisition and sale of major assets, and in the investigations, evaluations, and negotiations of cooperative efforts with non-libertarian political organizations;

11. maintains control over the Party's computer data base and develops distribution and pricing policies for mailing and telephone lists, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.

B. The Director is directly responsible to the Chair, and reports to the LNC, and in that capacity:

1. maintains adequate and necessary communications with the Chair, and ensures that the Chair is kept fully informed of all pertinent LPHQ and Party activities;

2. submits all contracts of over $1000 to the Chair for approval prior to any commitment of the Party to the contracts;

3. submits periodic written reports to the Executive Committee and LNC .

C. The Director, along with the Chair and the Executive Committee, is actively involved in the development of policies, plans, programs, and projects that cover Party operations, financial performance, growth, communication, and political action.

D. If the Director discovers that a policy of the LNC - whether contained in this Policy Manual or otherwise - has been violated, the Director shall promptly inform the LNC of the violation.


A. Employees are bound by the ByLaws and the policies adopted by the LNC. A statement to this effect shall be included in all employment agreements and contracts between the Party and its employees.

B. No employee of the Party shall be a member or alternate of the LNC. Any person employed by the Party shall be terminated immediately upon his or her election to the LNC.

C. No employee shall serve as a delegate to any National Party convention.

D. Except as otherwise noted in the Policy Manual, no employee of the Party shall:

1. endorse, support, or contribute any money,
2. use his or her title or position, or
3. work as a volunteer, employee, or contractor to aid (1) any candidate for public office prior to nomination, or (2) any candidate for Party office.

However, this shall not preclude any Party employee from being a candidate for public office.



This Committee endorses sound financial practices and controls in the operations of its affairs. From time to time it is appropriate to add or modify such controls in order to strengthen the fiduciary duty of the Party to its contributors. The following policies are established:

A. All fund raising letters are to be approved by the Chair.

B. Special Projects and task forces may not be used to raise money unless and until the requirements in Article IX, Section 1 have been fulfilled.

C. Independent contractors doing business with the LNC are required to sign formal contracts which clearly set forth the parties' intention that they be treated as independent contractors.

Section 2. BUDGET:


The Executive Committee, in consultation with the National Director and area managers, shall develop an annual operating budget and present it to the LNC for approval prior to the start of each fiscal year. This budget shall include a statement of anticipated revenue and expenditures in sufficient detail to adequately outline specific activities and plans, including those for raising funds, and to outline the major categories of expense required to implement each activity or plan.


1. The budget may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the LNC.

2. Expense items within one budget area may be amended by the area manager, with the consent of the Executive Committee, as long as the total expense for that area is not increased.

3. A line for a previously unbudgeted item, total expense not exceeding $1000, may be added to the budget by the Chair, with the consent of the Executive Committee.

4. An existing budget line may be increased by the Chair, with the consent of the Executive Committee, during the period between LNC meetings, provided that there is a corresponding reduction from the contingency fund.


1. Funds shall not be disbursed for any expense which is not in the budget. Funds shall not be disbursed for any budget line which exceed the total budgeted expense amount by 10% or $100, whichever is more.

2. The Director may not disburse any funds in excess of these limits until a budget amendment is approved. Failure to follow this policy may be cause for dismissal.

3. Any officer who authorizes an expenditure or approves a disbursement in excess of these limits shall be personally liable to reimburse the Party for the excess amount. Each officer shall sign a statement acknowledging that he or she is aware of this policy and agrees to be bound by it.

4. The Treasurer is required to report any violations of this policy to the LNC.


A. The officers, employees, agents, and members of the LNC of the Party shall not be personally liable for any debt, liability, or obligation of the Party.

B. All persons, corporations, or other entities extending credit to, contracting with, or having any claim against, the Party may look only to the funds and property of the Party for the payment of any such contract or claim, or for other payment of any debt, damages, judgement, or decree, or any money that may otherwise become due or payable to them from the Party.


A. The Party Chair or Treasurer shall be required to approve and evidence by signing or initialing all expenses and expense account reimbursements made to the National Director or other officers prior to payment. No officer shall approve his or her own expenses. To avoid possible hardship due to delays in such approvals, the Chair or the Treasurer may at his or her discretion authorize a permanent expense advance of up to $200 for any LNC officer or the Director which shall be considered a draw against any reimbursable expenses incurred but not yet reimbursed. Any such advances so made shall be fully reflected on the Party financial statements and shall be repayable in full by the individual immediately upon termination of employment or ceasing to hold LNC office for any reason. Any exception to this policy must be approved in writing by the Party Chair.

B. Travel by officers at Party expense must be for the explicit purpose of conducting Party business. Such business travel must be deemed necessary and approved by the Chair, in writing, or by the LNC. All travel expense reports are to be audited by the Treasurer, and approved by the Treasurer and the Chair. Travel expense incurred by the LNC members for the purpose of attending LNC meetings are excluded from this policy.


Any money exceeding projections should be placed in an interest bearing account until that account totals at least $10,000.



The Executive Committee consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and any number of other members selected by the LNC. The Executive Committee shall meet between LNC meetings and shall exercise all powers of the LNC except for the addition, deletion, or amendment of the LNC policy manual or amendment of the budget beyond the limits defined in Article V, Section 2. The Chair shall serve as chair of the Executive Committee. Minutes shall be kept of Executive Committee meetings, shall be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee, and shall be distributed to all LNC members (including alternates) and area managers within one week of such approval. Other members of the LNC may attend or audit business meetings of the Executive Committee at their own expense.


The terms of office for all area managers, project managers, committee chairs, and committee members shall be from the date of their appointment until the second LNC meeting following a regular Party convention. They shall hold their appointments until that time unless they resign, or are removed or replaced in accordance with ordinary procedures.


A. Internal Auditor:

The LNC shall appoint a qualified internal Auditor. The Auditor shall review LNC financial procedures and records at least twice each year. After each review, the Auditor shall report in writing to the Executive Committee, which will have 30 days to prepare a written response. Both will then be forwarded to the entire LNC. The Auditor may also request the LNC to authorize an independent financial audit, if the Auditor believes that such an audit is warranted.

B. General Counsel:

The LNC shall appoint an attorney to serve as the Party's General Counsel. All contracts or modifications thereto are to be reduced to writing. All contracts of more than one year in duration or for more than $5000 shall be reviewed and approved by General Counsel prior to signing by the Chair.

C. Advertising & Publication Review Committee:

1. The LNC shall appoint a three person Advertising & Publication Review Committee (APRC). The Committee shall review the contents of advertising, publications, and other materials produced or distributed by the Party, to ensure that they are consistent with the Statement of Principles and the Party Platform.

2. Copies of periodicals published by the Party (including LP News, Liberty Pledge News, and the Libertarian Volunteer), in-house fundraising letters, renewal letters, prospecting letters, and news releases shall be provided to the committee for review immediately upon publication and/or distribution. The committee chair shall report to the relevant manager or editor, and to the Chair, any items which, in the opinion of the committee, were inappropriate.

3. The committee shall review advertising material, literature, inquiry response packets, membership packets, renewal letters, and any similar material to be distributed to members or the public (other than those listed above) after approval by the Chair and prior to printing, distribution, or use. The national headquarters shall provide copies of proposed material to all members of the committee. All material must be approved by two-thirds of the committee before printing, distribution, or use.

4. The chair of the committee shall report the committee's decision to the national headquarters, and to the Chair, as quickly as possible. If the material is not approved, the chair of the committee shall specify which items are considered inconsistent with the Statement of Principles and/or Platform, and is encouraged to suggest acceptable alternatives. Failure of the committee to object within 10 days of receipt shall be considered approval.

5. The committee shall also review materials authorized for use in Party educational programs, or which are otherwise to be promoted by the Party. The committee may authorize such use or promotion, subject to those appropriate conditions or disclaimers needed to maintain consistency with the Statement of Principles and the Party Platform.

D. Convention Planning Committee:

The Convention Planning Committee shall assist the staff in planning the National Convention.

E. Program Committee:

The Program Committee shall prepare and submit draft planks for the Party Program to the LNC, in accordance with Article 6 of the Party ByLaws




1. The Libertarian Party News (hereinafter LP News) is the name of the Party's newsletter and as such is the principal regularly issued publication of the Party. It is the major communications medium of the party. It conveys the Party's message and self-image to all who receive it. It serves as the one unifying publication for the political views within the Party.

2. Final responsibility for the production of LP News must rest with one person: the Editor. It is the responsibility of the Editor to produce the best possible publication within the guidelines of these policies.


1. The LP News is distributed to three major groups: Party members and contributors, media representatives, and prospective members. The LP News shall address itself primarily to Party members and its role shall be complementary to other publications within the libertarian movement.

2. The LP News shall focus on three types of articles: (a) those providing a libertarian perspective on current issues along with how and why this perspective differs from that of other political parties; (b) those providing information on libertarian, libertarian oriented and Party activities around the U.S. and the world; and those discussing the tactics and strategy of Party political activities.

3. This leaves to other publications the areas of scholarly articles, in-depth analysis of current issues, regular coverage of the arts (book and film reviews), analysis of libertarian movement (as opposed to Party) tactics and strategy, in-depth debate of questions on which there is no libertarian consensus, critique of individuals within the libertarian movement, and reporting of routine state and local activities and personalities.

4. The proper tone for all articles is factual and even-handed. "Mainstream" political rhetoric shall be used to present "radical" libertarian ideas. "Buzz words" and "libertarian jargon" shall be avoided in order to make the LP News appealing to the broadest possible readership. Personal attacks on persons and institutions within the libertarian movement are to be avoided.

5. The articles in LP News shall, on the whole, represent the core ideas of agreement in the Party. No articles shall be published which contradict the Party Platform. Articles which address areas where the Platform is silent may be published provided that they are noted as representing the opinions of the author only and not those of the Party.

6. A directory of state and Party contacts shall be included at least once every three months.


1. The LP News shall be published in a tabloid format. The frequency of publication shall be at least bimonthly unless the Chair decides that frequency is inconsistent with the approved budget or the Party's current financial condition. The number of pages per issue and the circulation per issue shall be the responsibility of the Chair consistent with the approved budget and the Party's current financial condition.

2. The selection of articles, their layout and the graphics for LP News, the relative amount of space assigned to articles, advertisements, Party announcements, and regular features shall be the responsibility of the Chair except as detailed in this Policy Statement.


1. The exact levels of financial support provided by the Party for LP News shall be established annually in the approved budget for the Party or in other LNC resolutions.

2. No classified advertising shall be accepted. All advertisements will be clearly labeled as such. See the Reviews and Reporting section of this policy for reporting requirements for rejected advertisements.


The Chair shall select the Editor with the advice and consent of the LNC. Due consideration should be given to the professional as well as libertarian background of the individual selected.


At each LNC meeting, the Editor shall report the following regarding the LP News: (a) circulation per issue; (b) number of pages per issue; (c) cost per issue, including cost per category of expenditure, i.e., printing, art work, postage, etc.; (d) ad revenue per issue and equivalent dollar value of "exchange" ads; (e) advertisements rejected and why; and (f) items found unsatisfactory by the APRC and action to be taken on them. Any contract between the LNC and any Editor shall include a provision obligating the Editor to provide the above information.


Recommendations appearing in the LP News for the study of Internal Education material not produced by the Party shall be accompanied by a disclaimer to the effect that they may contain material inconsistent with the Party Platform. The only authoritative statement of Party positions is contained in its platform.



The Party may financially support the candidacies of persons who meet the following requirements: (a) that they are running as candidates of the Party unless the laws in their state make it necessary or desirable for ballot access purposes that they run as independents; (b) that they are certified as libertarian candidates by the governing board of the Party in their state; and (c) that they refrain from supporting any Presidential ticket other than the Party candidates.


Party resources shall not be used to provide information or services to: (a) any candidates for public office prior to nomination or Party office, or (b) any candidates for Party office, unless such information or service has been approved by the LNC and are available on an equal basis to all Libertarians who have declared they are seeking that nomination, or are generally available to all Party members.


The LNC will not be responsible for the debts incurred by future presidential campaigns or any other campaign. However, the LNC may vote to make monetary and non-monetary contributions to such campaigns under the limits prescribed by law. If such contributions are made, they shall be made only after such candidate or campaign has agreed to meet the reasonable financial and budgetary controls set by the LNC. No candidate or staff member of a campaign is permitted to place orders, make purchases, or sign contracts in any manner that would lead a person to assume that the LNC is liable for the debt. The Director is responsible for publicizing this policy to all candidates for the Presidential nomination and other candidates who seek aid from the LNC or the national office.


The campaign committee of any Party candidate for president or vice president shall inform the LNC of any suits filed by or against the Committee within one week of such filing.


The Party, its elected and appointed officials acting in its behalf, and candidates nominated by it, shall refrain from invoking or threatening to invoke "the equal time" rule, "reasonable access rule", or any other Federal Communication Commission rule or any coercive instrument to obtain broadcast air time for any party candidate or spokesman on any privately owned and financed (i.e. non- government) broadcast facility.


The Party shall maintain membership in the Coalition for Free and Open Elections (COFOE)



A. PROPOSAL: A detailed proposal specifying the purpose, means, personnel, and objectives proposed for the project or task force must be prepared in writing and approved by the National Chair and by all area managers that will be involved in the project.

B. PROJECT DIRECTOR: The Chair shall appoint a project director who will be responsible for the final development and execution of the project or task force.

C. BUDGET: A budget for the project or task force must be approved by the Chair and by any area manager whose budget funds will finance the project. If previously unbudgeted funds in excess of the Chair's discretionary funds are needed, the approval of the LNC is required.

Section 2: JULY 4 ADOPTED:

It was passed that the 4th of July be adopted as the holiday most exemplifying the principles of Libertarians. All Libertarians would be encouraged to make a special effort to present programs, events, public advertising, and any other means available of bringing the Libertarian message to the public celebrating Libertarian principles and philosophy and strengthening intra-Libertarian ties.