Document:LPNY Minutes 13 April 2002

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Minutes from the State Committee meeting held Saturday, April 13, 2002 in Rochester, NY
Submitted by LPNY Secretary, Bonnie Scott


Steve Becker
Jim Harris 
James Eisert 
Jak Karako 
Jim Lesczynski
Audrey Pappaeliou
Bill McMillan
Vince O'Neill
Travis Pahl
Bonnie Scott
Lloyd Wright
John Clifton
Rich Cooper
Steve Healey

Al Dedicke, current chair of the LPNY
Blay Tarnoff, former LPNY Vice-Chair

Discussion and Votes:

* The meeting schedule approved last year was discussed. The dates were kept. The locations and dates will be the fourth Saturday in June in Albany (exact location TBA); at the LPNY Barbeque on Long Island in August; on the fourth Saturday in January as a teleconference; and April 2003 at next year's convention, (which will most likely be downstate somewhere, though that was not discussed).

* Steve volunteered to check out "gaps" in local activity to develop a new list of chapters on which to base the quorum requirements. Inactive chapters need to be decertified to keep the quorum managable for the State Committee's email decisions as well as traditional meetings.

* Bonnie will make an updated list of the voting committee members (including a phone list that will be sent privately to state committee members). The need for better phone communication among State Committee members was discussed.

* Discussion of the need for advance planning and budgeting. Bill McMillan offered to come up with an initial draft for a budget for the next year, to serve as a starting point for email dissussion prior to our next scheduled committee meeting. 

* Scott Jeffrey discussed his petitioning plan, and requested $5,000 to get it started. He hopes that that will be the only money needed for paid signatures, though the committee also discussed possible assistance with printing the petitioning forms. The committee voted to earmark the money for the statewide petitioning effort, explicitly stating that they weren't yet specifying when or to whom the money would be paid. The motion was made by Jim Harris, seconded by Vince O'Neill, and it passed with thirteen ayes, one nay.  There will be further discussions between the campaign team and the LPNY State Committee about the split of labor for managing the petition drive and doing the filing. Lloyd then made a motion to cap the LPNY's spending on the statewide campaigns to $5,000; Jim L. seconded it, but the motion failed after discussion with 5 ayes, 6 nayes, and 1 abstention.

* There was discussion about UMP revenues, which have decreased about 17% in the last year, and which will continue to decrease if our membership does.

* There was a unanimous vote to accept the previous minutes, as well as one to to continue reimbursing Lloyd for the EIS press release distribution service (which has gone up to $120/year for membership).

* Discussion about transfer of check-signing privileges and the need to get those signatures for the credit card acceptance mechanism. It will be handled by the appropriate people (John Clifton, outgoing LPNY Treasurer, James Eisert, incoming LPNY Treasurer, et al.)

* Blay Tarnoff is nominated the Party Telecommunications Officer and will continue to keep the 516-7 GO LPNY number at his house.

* Bill M. moved and Vince seconded a motion to endorse Lee Monnet for the 118th State Assembly district, his new home district, which is unrepresented by any local LPNY chapter. It passed with a unanimous voice vote.

* Meeting adjourned.